Does God really exist?
Why would anyone with a brain not question writings of over two thousand years ago which profess to be divine in origin, written and then translated from two ancient languages (Aramaic & Hebrew)? I mean Really, let’s look at it logically. Think about it. All the stories from the bible, The Garden of Eden, The parting of the Red Sea, Noah’s Ark, David and Goliath, Sodom and Gomorra, The Resurrection . . .They’re myths. Archetypal, Monumental, clever, resonant – but still myths. People believe in God because they need that comfort, that crutch, but it’s a primitive masquerade, A bunch of tales cobbled together a couple thousand years ago by some very savvy guys in order to turn a superstitious world into one they themselves could control.
At some point, The members of this ancient cult had the great Idea (which only naturally follows)” Hey guys, We can make some money at this”. That’s religion. It’s about control, and about money. Belief in the absurd is also a very dangerous thing. The people who flew the planes into the twin towers knew FOR A FACT that they would be instantly transported to heaven for what they had done. They weren't hoping; they believed it completely.
From The Bible:
Numbers 31:17-18
"Kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." One and a half thousand years later, people were still burning witches. Is this God’s will or mans?
It wasn’t until the 18th century that we began to wise up as science started to explain the previously unexplainable. But now? With everything we know? We’ve sent men to the moon, We’ve mapped the human genome, we’ve sent probes the furthest reaches of our solar system. We can now see to the very edge of the known universe some 15,000,000,000 light years distant. We have made discoveries that just a few decades ago were unfathomable. The Idea that some wondrous, unknowable, invisible, all knowing and all-powerful deity is in control of all things is laughable.
The only reason, the only need to believe in God is to explain where all of this came from right? Where WE came from. But it doesn’t work. If there was a creator, a designer of the universe, then there had to be a creator to create the creator and so on. It just doesn’t hold water. If you ask a pastor or preacher or Pope or whoever the simplest question, you’ll just get sound bites, , “You must have faith”, “I’ll prey about it”, “She’s with God now”, “He’s testing us”, “it’s God’s will” and all kinds of other platitudes that, frankly, sound like complete lunacy. I mean, get real, You can’t reconcile religion with modern life. Knowledge and science tell us so. We know that evolution is fact. That Darwin was right. The world was not created six days.
Which is the most likely scenario? That an all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God who refuses to make himself seen, created the universe and everything in it and Man in HIS image, or that Man, not able to explain what he could not yet understand, Created God to fill the void? With no proof whatsoever, people believe in God. That’s fact. They actually believe they can have a one way conversation with god and that he hears every word they say.
If we look at it psychologically, People in general are social by nature. In prehistoric times, it was a matter of survival. It’s in our very DNA. Therefore, it’s not a stretch to say, we created the Gods simply so we wouldn’t be alone in the universe. Organized religion is a business and has been from day one. Polytheism, then Monotheism. The promise of immortality being the reward for your belief, your labor, your money.
When will we wake up? If God does exist, Prove it. I, for one, can not.
Rob Hollar
Two videos that say a lot for me:
Niel deGrasse Tyson: the God of the Gaps
And a little known music video from the 80's: XTC - Dear God
Yes, I've become quite militant about my atheism.
Get a copy of the book, The God Delusion and you'll realize that religion isn't just silly, it's extremely dangerous.
Oh, did you hear about the atheist in Australia who was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping young boys?
Just kidding; it was a priest.
Why would anyone with a brain not question writings of over two thousand years ago which profess to be divine in origin, written and then translated from two ancient languages (Aramaic & Hebrew)? I mean Really, let’s look at it logically. Think about it. All the stories from the bible, The Garden of Eden, The parting of the Red Sea, Noah’s Ark, David and Goliath, Sodom and Gomorra, The Resurrection . . .They’re myths. Archetypal, Monumental, clever, resonant – but still myths. People believe in God because they need that comfort, that crutch, but it’s a primitive masquerade, A bunch of tales cobbled together a couple thousand years ago by some very savvy guys in order to turn a superstitious world into one they themselves could control.
At some point, The members of this ancient cult had the great Idea (which only naturally follows)” Hey guys, We can make some money at this”. That’s religion. It’s about control, and about money. Belief in the absurd is also a very dangerous thing. The people who flew the planes into the twin towers knew FOR A FACT that they would be instantly transported to heaven for what they had done. They weren't hoping; they believed it completely.
From The Bible:
Numbers 31:17-18
"Kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." One and a half thousand years later, people were still burning witches. Is this God’s will or mans?
It wasn’t until the 18th century that we began to wise up as science started to explain the previously unexplainable. But now? With everything we know? We’ve sent men to the moon, We’ve mapped the human genome, we’ve sent probes the furthest reaches of our solar system. We can now see to the very edge of the known universe some 15,000,000,000 light years distant. We have made discoveries that just a few decades ago were unfathomable. The Idea that some wondrous, unknowable, invisible, all knowing and all-powerful deity is in control of all things is laughable.
The only reason, the only need to believe in God is to explain where all of this came from right? Where WE came from. But it doesn’t work. If there was a creator, a designer of the universe, then there had to be a creator to create the creator and so on. It just doesn’t hold water. If you ask a pastor or preacher or Pope or whoever the simplest question, you’ll just get sound bites, , “You must have faith”, “I’ll prey about it”, “She’s with God now”, “He’s testing us”, “it’s God’s will” and all kinds of other platitudes that, frankly, sound like complete lunacy. I mean, get real, You can’t reconcile religion with modern life. Knowledge and science tell us so. We know that evolution is fact. That Darwin was right. The world was not created six days.
Which is the most likely scenario? That an all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God who refuses to make himself seen, created the universe and everything in it and Man in HIS image, or that Man, not able to explain what he could not yet understand, Created God to fill the void? With no proof whatsoever, people believe in God. That’s fact. They actually believe they can have a one way conversation with god and that he hears every word they say.
If we look at it psychologically, People in general are social by nature. In prehistoric times, it was a matter of survival. It’s in our very DNA. Therefore, it’s not a stretch to say, we created the Gods simply so we wouldn’t be alone in the universe. Organized religion is a business and has been from day one. Polytheism, then Monotheism. The promise of immortality being the reward for your belief, your labor, your money.
When will we wake up? If God does exist, Prove it. I, for one, can not.
Rob Hollar
Two videos that say a lot for me:
Niel deGrasse Tyson: the God of the Gaps
And a little known music video from the 80's: XTC - Dear God
Yes, I've become quite militant about my atheism.
Get a copy of the book, The God Delusion and you'll realize that religion isn't just silly, it's extremely dangerous.
Oh, did you hear about the atheist in Australia who was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping young boys?
Just kidding; it was a priest.