RE: Odds of intelligent life occuring?
September 20, 2017 at 5:43 pm
Something I L O V E reading about is the
Fermi Paradox. Basically it says that the math supports there being intelligent life in the universe other than ours, yet we have no evidence of any. The article seeks to answer why. Here are the cliffnotes:
Explanation Group 1: There are no signs of higher (Type II and III) civilizations because there are no higher civilizations in existence.
-The Great Filter theory says that at some point from pre-life to Type III intelligence, there’s a wall that all or nearly all attempts at life hit. There’s some stage in that long evolutionary process that is extremely unlikely or impossible for life to get beyond. That stage is The Great Filter. When it comes to the Great Filter, there are 3 possibilities:
1) We’re Rare (The Great Filter is Behind Us)
-One possibility: The Great Filter could be at the very beginning—it might be incredibly unusual for life to begin at all.
-Another possibility: The Great Filter could be the jump from the simple prokaryote cell to the complex eukaryote cell.
-Most leaps do not qualify as Great Filter candidates. Any possible Great Filter must be one-in-a-billion type thing where one or more total freak occurrences need to happen to provide a crazy exception—for that reason, something like the jump from single-cell to multi-cellular life is ruled out, because it has occurred as many as 46 times, in isolated incidents, just on this planet alone. For the same reason, if we were to find a fossilized eukaryote cell on Mars, it would rule the above “simple-to-complex cell” leap out as a possible Great Filter (as well as anything before that point on the evolutionary chain)—because if it happened on both Earth and Mars, it’s almost definitely not a one-in-a-billion freak occurrence.
2) We’re the First to Reach It
-For Group 1 Thinkers, if the Great Filter is not behind us, the one hope we have is that conditions in the universe are just recently, for the first time since the Big Bang, reaching a place that would allow intelligent life to develop. In that case, we and many other species may be on our way to super-intelligence, and it simply hasn’t happened yet. We happen to be here at the right time to become one of the first super-intelligent civilizations.
-One example of a phenomenon that could make this realistic is the prevalence of gamma-ray bursts, insanely huge explosions that we’ve observed in distant galaxies. In the same way that it took the early Earth a few hundred million years before the asteroids and volcanoes died down and life became possible, it could be that the first chunk of the universe’s existence was full of cataclysmic events like gamma-ray bursts that would incinerate everything nearby from time to time and prevent any life from developing past a certain stage. Now, perhaps, we’re in the midst of an astrobiological phase transition and this is the first time any life has been able to evolve for this long, uninterrupted.
3) We're Fucked (The Great Filter is Ahead of Us)
-If we’re neither rare nor early, Group 1 thinkers conclude that The Great Filter must be in our future. This would suggest that life regularly evolves to where we are, but that something prevents life from going much further and reaching high intelligence in almost all cases—and we’re unlikely to be an exception.
-One possible future Great Filter is a regularly-occurring cataclysmic natural event, like the above-mentioned gamma-ray bursts, except they’re unfortunately not done yet and it’s just a matter of time before all life on Earth is suddenly wiped out by one. Another candidate is the possible inevitability that nearly all intelligent civilizations end up destroying themselves once a certain level of technology is reached.
Explanation Group 2: Type II and III intelligent civilizations are out there—and there are logical reasons why we might not have heard from them. Here are the ones outlined:
-Super-intelligent life could very well have already visited Earth, but before we were here.
-The galaxy has been colonized, but we just live in some desolate rural area of the galaxy
-The entire concept of physical colonization is a hilariously backward concept to a more advanced species
-There are scary predator civilizations out there, and most intelligent life knows better than to broadcast any outgoing signals and advertise their location
-There’s only one instance of higher-intelligent life—a “superpredator” civilization (like humans are here on Earth)—that is far more advanced than everyone else and keeps it that way by exterminating any intelligent civilization once they get past a certain level
-There’s plenty of activity and noise out there, but our technology is too primitive and we’re listening for the wrong things
-We are receiving contact from other intelligent life, but the government is hiding it (pretty dumb in my opinion as well as the author's)
-Higher civilizations are aware of us and observing us (AKA the “Zoo Hypothesis”)
-Higher civilizations are here, all around us. But we’re too primitive to perceive them. (MY PERSONAL FAVORITE THEORY)
-We’re completely wrong about our own reality