Let's see what Richard Carrier has to say:
Quote:Because the history of Christian fascism throughout the world had by then reached such a fevered pitch of pervasive, Naziesque horror that the Founding Fathers wanted to defang Christian power entirely, so Christians could never again use the power of the state to oppress, murder, or maim. The Constitution was written specifically to stop Christian sectarian war and Christian political oppression. To claim that Christianity was responsible for the Constitution is thus a perversion of the actual order of things. Nothing in the Constitution derives from the Bible or Christian religion. Christianity inspired the Constitution in only one terrible sense: by being so horrific something had to be done to stop it. Not by abolishing it, of course. But by taking away its power, and giving people the liberty to follow any sect or religion, or none, without fear or interference. For the first time in history, since its greedy acquisition of the fascist apparatus of the Roman state nearly fifteen hundred years before, Christendom had to compete on a level playing field, and could no longer threaten people with force to get its way or compel their allegiance.
This is the historical context in which the founding of the United States (and all subsequent democratic revolutions) must be understood.