Thanks for the welcome everyone! And I won't be stupid again I promise!

I was already missing my atheist life. Being christian was such a bore! You can't do this, you can't do that. You'll burn in hell if you do this, the eternal pits of fire will be waiting for you if you don't do that. They were always talking about someone else's life as if I cared!
I told them: "but I was a good person when I was an atheist" but they didn't believe it of course. They think it was almighty Lord's doing that I went back to christianity, I just told them I needed someone to pray to so I could get things (but not material things, I wanted health and peace of mind), even if that meant I had to be a perfect christian person. But that's not the way it works because:
for he makes his sun rise on evil and good, and sends rain on just and unjust.
I lost a year of my life in Christianity. Interestingly, 2017 has been the worst year of my life (when I turned to Christianity in late '16, things were good back then). I thought why 2017 was not the second worst year of my life, to say the least, or maybe just a regular year? I did not expect it to be the BEST YEAR EVAH of my life because NOW I'M A Christian. But it was the worst of the worst. Why??? And Christians would say "he's testing you!" Testing me? But I already believe! If testing means ruining your life, what kind of God is that?
I had to accept that there are no benefits in this life for being a christian, you have to suffer like buddhists or hinduists. So I wondered, what's the point??? Heaven? But I need help right now, not after I'm dead! And I started reading the Bible and it didn't make any sense at all. It was awful, my logical mind couldn't comprehend all that nonsense, so I opted out.
Then it dawned on me. It was all a farce. It was the worst year of my life because sht happens. There's no God and my prayers were a waste of time. I was an atheist before this, because I already knew there is no God. But I wanted a quick fix for my human troubles when I turned to christianity.
So now I'm back to being an atheist and maybe 2018 will be the best or worst year of my life, or a so-so year. Who knows...
Although I regret having turned to christianity. Maybe if I had stayed atheist my life would've been.... the same. Now I'm trying to recover from all the damage this idiology has inflinged upon my personal life. Luckily it's been easy, because I don't feel as if I had lost anything. I felt as if I had returned to my former self, so I didn't lose anything, really. And my human troubles are still there, I'll just have to put up with them like a man... without the help of imaginary friends.
Anyway... This is a christian testimony you won't read at a christian website. :/