I have finally reached the last semester of my education and i am feeling very happy about it .
I have been working and pursuing my distance education commerce degree for the past 3 years .
It was tough , Working and Studying .
But somehow i managed it to 6th semester which is the final semester .
This last Semester ends within 4 months and i will have a complete degree with me very soon
This semester i have a project to submit to the university .
The project can be a topic of my choice .
I am planning to do a report on a Bitcoin company i know of .
I have been working and pursuing my distance education commerce degree for the past 3 years .
It was tough , Working and Studying .
But somehow i managed it to 6th semester which is the final semester .
This last Semester ends within 4 months and i will have a complete degree with me very soon
This semester i have a project to submit to the university .
The project can be a topic of my choice .
I am planning to do a report on a Bitcoin company i know of .