Hello there all, hope you are all having a good evening. I saw this posted on face book somewhat recently but after reading it it made me a little suspicious that something about that was not right like when god was added onto the American dollar in the 1950s. after reading it, sounds like that "endowed by their creator" part was inserted in and mabey some other ones since Aemrica was founded as a secular society seperateing church from state and not a christian nation like in the vatican plus the founding fathers were not religious or christian but it's been over a decade since I have studied US history so I could be wrong too or mabey I am a little off. In high school over 15 years ago I don't ever remember being taught in US history that it was a christian nation or a nation where the founding fathers balived in a god or 1 god basing the consituion and other important documents like the articals of confederation, emancipation proclamation, or bill of rights being from a god or designed by a creator of humans.
If I am right, what did the origional quote/s say or what was taken out?
I copy and pasted the quotes to here>>> "Today marks our great nation’s independence from tyranny. A day when we are reminded “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Abraham Lincoln once described the Declaration of Independence as “that immortal emblem of humanity.”
Ten years before the Emancipation Proclamation, Frederick Douglass also found courage and hope in that timeless document. In his brave and famous address, he stated:
“The principles contained in that instrument are saving principles. Stand by those principles, be true to them on all occasions, in all places, against all foes, and at whatever cost.”
Those immutable and universal principles are the very foundation of America. They serve us all regardless of creed, color, or religion.
Sadly, The Left now considers those principles antiquated. Even on this day, they will not set aside their differences and allow us to come together as a nation. They will vilify those of us who pledge allegiance to our unwavering flag and insist that July 4th is a time for unity and celebration.
But the aims of our Founding Fathers were not endless enmity and strife. Instead, we are reminded on Independence Day to carry forth and preserve those enduring principles that have come to define our nation so that the generations that come long after us may say we prevailed as that shining city on a hill.
And with your continued help and support, The Daily Wire is helping build that future. We have set out on a bold and intrepid course with our original documentaries, series, and films alongside so much more to come.
So let the Left remain mired in their misery. This glorious day reminds us that hope and freedom are on our side.
If I am right, what did the origional quote/s say or what was taken out?
I copy and pasted the quotes to here>>> "Today marks our great nation’s independence from tyranny. A day when we are reminded “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Abraham Lincoln once described the Declaration of Independence as “that immortal emblem of humanity.”
Ten years before the Emancipation Proclamation, Frederick Douglass also found courage and hope in that timeless document. In his brave and famous address, he stated:
“The principles contained in that instrument are saving principles. Stand by those principles, be true to them on all occasions, in all places, against all foes, and at whatever cost.”
Those immutable and universal principles are the very foundation of America. They serve us all regardless of creed, color, or religion.
Sadly, The Left now considers those principles antiquated. Even on this day, they will not set aside their differences and allow us to come together as a nation. They will vilify those of us who pledge allegiance to our unwavering flag and insist that July 4th is a time for unity and celebration.
But the aims of our Founding Fathers were not endless enmity and strife. Instead, we are reminded on Independence Day to carry forth and preserve those enduring principles that have come to define our nation so that the generations that come long after us may say we prevailed as that shining city on a hill.
And with your continued help and support, The Daily Wire is helping build that future. We have set out on a bold and intrepid course with our original documentaries, series, and films alongside so much more to come.
So let the Left remain mired in their misery. This glorious day reminds us that hope and freedom are on our side.