Apology tour comments
May 13, 2011 at 6:32 pm
(This post was last modified: May 13, 2011 at 6:37 pm by reverendjeremiah.)
So I went to this one video that was claiming Obama was going on an "apology tour". I cant remember exactly which video it was, but it was under this mans channel:
Anyways, I didnt see anywhere that Obama actually apologized, so I posted "How is this considered an apology tour?" It turns out that this man erases any comments that he doesnt like, and then fills your mail box slam full of crap.
Here is one of the mails he sent to my channel
Another one that gets his news from Rosie O'Donnell and other comedian clowns. And why don't you anonymous coward psychos ever show a picture. Are you on Soros' payroll? Let me guess, you've been indoctrinated into that liberal bullshit since birth or grade school because no human could be that fucking stupid with logic. You liberals believe that government health care will save lives. Just breast cancer alone, the survival in the U.K. is 79% compared to 90% in the U.S. Do the math on that and it comes to 24,000 extra deaths per year but that math is waaaay over a stupid liberal's logic.
You're a brainwashed, indoctrinated programmed fool and that's the mentality liberals feed on. You're an ideology zombie. People suffer because of your stupidity. People die because of your stupidity. See the movie "The Book of Eli". That's where liberalism is leading us. The liberal position on any issue is that which causes the most damage to America. That's a mental disorder. You jerks are going to make America a better place by making it like the countries everyone is trying to leave. You seem to worship jerks like Joy Behar and Rosie O'Donnell. You're the equivalent of the fools that were plugging for Hitler back in the 1930's. You can scream McCarthyism all you want but the stupid fucking liberals even distorted that according to a recent book by a historian. How many times does it have to quack before you can call it a duck? Liberals even supported Hitler until he invaded their beloved Russia.
Trusting people make better lie detectors - Science Daily, 8/13/10 - "People high in trust were more accurate at detecting the liars -- the more people showed trust in others, the more able they were to distinguish a lie from the truth. The more faith in their fellow humans they had, the more they wanted to hire the honest interviewees and to avoid the lying ones. Contrary to the stereotype, people who were low in trust were more willing to hire liars and they were also less likely to be aware that they were liars ... Although people seem to believe that low trusters are better lie detectors and less gullible than high trusters, these results suggest that the reverse is true ... Contrary to the stereotype, people who were low in trust were more willing to hire liars and they were also less likely to be aware that they were liars ... High trusters were better lie detectors than were low trusters; they also formed more appropriate impressions and hiring intentions" - Therein lies another problem, liars can't see through liars just like they can't see through people like Jon Stewart.
See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH8LkIqu1c8 . Supports what I've been saying all along, that being that the liberal position on any issue is that which does the most damage to America. The director's comment that they are either ignorant or they're evil is dead on.
"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein
80 million were killed because of jeaks like you who followed Mao. Hitler was six million because jerks like you followed him. I forget the numbers for Lenin and Stalin. When Vietnam fell it was three million. Most if not all used the class warfare bullshit that Obama and jerks like Michael Moore are selling. There's no U or inverted U curve from liberalism to socialism to Marxism. Socialists' countries have twice our unemployment and much worst healthcare.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their prince and president." -- Anonymous
"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have. The course of history shows us that as a government grows, liberty decreases." - Thomas Jefferson (Obama increased the size of government 25% in just one year)
Liberalism, socialism and Marxism never benefitted anyone. You're the same type of person that fell for Marx. Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler. History always repeats itself and they always use that class warfare trick and you're falling for it. You jerks cause everything you claim your trying to prevent.
Liberals will never admit it but they indirectly support oppression such as the stoning of women to a slow painful death for alleged adultery. They talk about hate when they have the hate meter pegged. They fall for the Saul Alinsky demonization tactics like a ton of bricks. They criticize hate while they've got the hate meter pegged. There's one consolation for those young people who think that Marxist Michael Moore shit is cool, they're the ones that will suffer the consequences. The same for the Ron Paul freaks that think you can get world peace by ignoring evil. There have always been evil people throughout history and the nations that ignored them fell. If we followed that warped liberal there'd be an airline explosion every week, a nuke in our back yard within five years and it'd lead to the most devastating war in history. It's a logic that the epitome of evil. The anti-war people just encourage our enemies and get more of our people killed.
"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein
Liberalism is just a front for socialism and Marxism. Google "Norman Mattoon Thomas" who made the comment in 1944 "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name "liberalism", they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened ... I no longer need to run as Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform".
For the naysayers, I was a helicopter pilot in the army then when to college and retired as a jet pilot in the navy. When I joined the navy they were only taking 1 out of 27 applications because of reduction in forces after Vietnam. Two thirds of them didn't make it through flight school so I worked with some pretty sharp people. I've got faaar better track record of being right over the years than anyone I know or anyone I know knows including public figures. That's what's made me so bold about telling people off.
You've got the fucking gall to criticize Fox because they don't share the far left liberal views of people brainwashed by NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN and MSNBC. And where is the fucking logic that if you share the views of Thomas Jefferson you a fascist. There are fascist on the left and right and your fucking Obama buddy is a fascist on the left. Liberal politicians feed on the dumb, uninformed, easily indoctrinated and psychos that hate America for the sake of hating America. "Useful idiots" as Stalin and Lenin called them. They're kings of double talk that the IQ challenged can't see through. They claim they will make America a better place by making it like all the countries people are trying to leave. They've destroyed what used to be a great country. You jerks criticize Fox yet follow fascist like George Soros. And if you can't see how you encouraging our enemies and getting our troops killed than you probably have problems with first grade math. You've an indoctrinated programmed fool. You can't figure third grade math yet think you're Einstein with things much more complicated. You never even listened to conservative views but know that it's wrong because that's how you've been indoctrinated.
I'm convinced that liberals have a mental disorder where they consciously or subconsciously want to destroy America. Every single position they take on any issue shows it. The logic (or lack of) of their arguments are so warped it's like they are possessed by the devil. They all use the Saul Alinsky demonization tactic because there isn't any logic to their arguments.
Here's a cut and paste of the rest of it from two of my YouTube pages. I'm not rewriting it for every dick head liberals:
I've been hearing the 47 million uninsured breakdown from several sources. The numbers come from the U.S. Census Bureau. The bottom line; That 47 million is throughout the year. It is about 18 million at any one time. Out of that year, there are about 12 million Americans without affordable options. That's less than 4% of the population. Obama care would cover 94% of Americans. Is there a difference on the number covered? They're just feeding on the uninformed and using demonization again and dems are masters at it. The press conferences with spin doc props (they even passed out the white coats for them to put on) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJjr39OUe70 , prepackaging questions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaonY65vZ00 and lies http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424...18682.html are good examples. Here's the breakdown of the 47 million:
Illegal Immigrants 5.2 million - 11%;
Legal Immigrants 5 million - 11%;
Individuals Earning more than $75,000 9 million - 19%;
Eligible for Government Programs 9.7 million - 20%;
Eligible for Employer-Sponsored Insurance 6 million - 13%;
Americans without Affordable Options 12 million - 26%.
Plus somewhere in there are 20 to 25 year olds that can easily afford health insurance but think they are invincible and would rather have the money.
85% of Americans are satisfied with their current healthcare. Does anyone believe the government can improve that? Who would buy health insurance if you could just jump into the government plan if something serious comes up? That alone would force single payer which the dems admit is their goal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgmkb8X8c-w . Canada ranks 28 out of 28 countries in value for their healthcare dollar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2ki9jJUpLw and it's a disaster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXJgkvF19QA . There was healthcare reform in Massachusetts and healthcare costs increased 42%. They have the highest healthcare costs per person in the world according to the Boston Globe. How is that saving money? The comments on health care show that people just accept the company line at if it were gospel even if it doesn't meet third grade math. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMja8AdqfrU for problems with the Baucus version. Two constitution lawyers claim that the provision that would force people to get insurance to get around the jump in problem is unconstitutional and they explain the difference with car insurance. They claim that it would be immediately challenged.
I see the Hollywood lefties arguing that Medicare only has a 3% administrative fee. That doesn't take into account fraud, government waste http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj7OdeOgEbU , agencies that don't come under their spreadsheet like lawyers under Dept of Justice, payments under the Treasury, collections under the IRS spreadsheet and the fact that Medicare is subsidized by everyone that pays insurance to make up for being short changed by the government (for example, insurance companies and hospitals have about a 3% profit margin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xelNfqphDSc ), the lack of incentive to innovate plus Medicare is bankrupt ($38 trillion in unfunded liabilities http://www.realclearpolitics.com/article...97617.html ). That's something like 20 times our annual revenue. At what point does that number sink in? The liberal argument that universal care will save on emergency room visits is a lie, in Massachusetts, it increased emergency room visits. Plus, 20% of Medicare and Medicaid is due to fraud because it's done by computer so add that to the so called 3% administrative fee. Again they're feeding on the uninformed and using demonization which the uniformed are prime targets.
I'm tired of people that condemn Fox because they feel that the media should have 100% bias to the left like Venezuela. They must think they're Hugo Chavez. That's typical liberal reverse logic, not knowing the facts, listening to nothing but liberal bias their entire lives and demonizing everyone that disagrees. Yeah, programmed robots like the robots that think they'll go to heaven by killing women and children of other religions. I guess constantly harassing the people you disagree with is the next step toward the type of government they want. In Russia where Putin controlled the media, he had an 80% approval rating. It makes you wonder if people can think for themselves. I listened to that liberal bias for 50 years and never did buy off on it. I've never groked the logic that America was so evil in Vietnam yet when the left got their way and three million were slaughtered and people took to the sea in make shift rafts with little chance of survival, the left didn't bat an eye. Or the logic that we are so evil for waterboarding three high level Al Qaeda (yeah, the creeps that killed women and children on 9/11) that three former CIA directors claimed saved American lives http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYKt9Nhy_zA yet they pal up with or support via their actions leaders with the worst human rights records on the planet. Or the logic that we can make America a better place by making it like the countries everyone's trying to leave. The logic that we need to overkill with political correctness unless it involves Christianity then it's the exact opposite. The logic that we are trigger happy because that's what Katie Couric says and she knows more than respected think tanks because she's a liberal. The logic that to win a war you constantly tell your enemy that you're on the verge of quitting and that doesn't drag things out and get more people killed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLErjrz2R-Y . The logic that would have a nuke in a major city within ten years and that would benefit the poor. The logic that on one hand they're so much for The Constitution but on the other hand they're really selling Marxism. The logic that TSA needs to spend 99% of their time frisking people like 85 year old grannies because we mustn't profile and it's better to get people killed. The logic that would allow dictators like Ahmadinejad and Gaddafi would benefit mankind. The logic the freedom of speech is only valid id it's the liberal view. The logic that changing our healthcare system to what they have in England or Canada will save lives. The logic that if interest on our dept got us into this mess than more interest on our dept will get us out. The logic that having attorneys in your pocket is more important than saving 40% on healthcare premiums with tort reform. The logic that you can compete with other car makers paying twice the labor costs with the union markup. The logic that the channel polled the most trusted news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgdkyrxGuQQ must be evil because you don't agree. The logic that universities should only allow liberal opinions because they'd be brainwashed if they heard both sides. They think we can just ignore our enemies but have no idea of the consequences and just make things worse by supporting them. Yeah, I said it, they cause what they claim they're trying to prevent. Most of those negative comments just reinforce how uninformed people are. Maybe it's what happens when most have only heard the liberal biased version their entire life plus dems are masters at deception that the uninformed can't see through. When you compare that they are saying to speeches by Vladimir Lenin they are eerily the same and people bought Lenin's logic also. I you view that page with Lenin's speech, it's rated 5 stars with great comments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAtOGCHf9-Y . They naively think that will benefit them or the poor. Some just think it's cool but it's being cool at a tremendous expense to others. If you're not knowledgeable or don't understand the problem maybe you shouldn't try to cram that ignorance and warped logic down the throats of others.
The thing that's most irritating is that they encourage our enemies which ultimately get more of our military killed. They'll never admit it though. It's like teaching differential equations to an ant. I don't think they even care. I can tell by the wise comments. The comments on health care show that people just accept the company line at if it were gospel even if it doesn't meet third grade math.
From the comments I realize that Bernie Goldberg was right in saying the average voter has no clue on current events http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6VCMuzSVL0 . When I get comments like why Obama should even care if Iran gets nukes it blows my mind. Duh, maybe because it could affect nearly every person on the planet or logic like ignoring Iran will save lives or the conspiracy loons that come up with things that are so farfetched that Jon Lovitz wouldn't even be able to use it in the "Yeah, that's the ticket" routine. See my comments on healthcare at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgmkb8X8c-w .
HOLY CRAP. I have never gotten such a long reply from ANYONE on youtube. Its hard for me to work my way past the first five paragraphs, much less the constant blaming me of empowering Hitler, Mao, and Stalin.
Besides, here is a pic of the dork who sent this crap to me:
![[Image: 1.jpg?v=76bc03]](https://images.weserv.nl/?url=i2.ytimg.com%2Fi%2FIjJx_p_PsMlBzMy1mQwIFA%2F1.jpg%3Fv%3D76bc03)
Could this be the face of Statler Waldorf?
BTW, the reason I dont have a personal pic on my youtube account is because I prefer to use my web site development business logo instead..I suppose that makes me a coward...and a liar, because everyone knows that liberals dont work and expect handouts from the right wingers.
Anyways, I didnt see anywhere that Obama actually apologized, so I posted "How is this considered an apology tour?" It turns out that this man erases any comments that he doesnt like, and then fills your mail box slam full of crap.
Here is one of the mails he sent to my channel
Another one that gets his news from Rosie O'Donnell and other comedian clowns. And why don't you anonymous coward psychos ever show a picture. Are you on Soros' payroll? Let me guess, you've been indoctrinated into that liberal bullshit since birth or grade school because no human could be that fucking stupid with logic. You liberals believe that government health care will save lives. Just breast cancer alone, the survival in the U.K. is 79% compared to 90% in the U.S. Do the math on that and it comes to 24,000 extra deaths per year but that math is waaaay over a stupid liberal's logic.
You're a brainwashed, indoctrinated programmed fool and that's the mentality liberals feed on. You're an ideology zombie. People suffer because of your stupidity. People die because of your stupidity. See the movie "The Book of Eli". That's where liberalism is leading us. The liberal position on any issue is that which causes the most damage to America. That's a mental disorder. You jerks are going to make America a better place by making it like the countries everyone is trying to leave. You seem to worship jerks like Joy Behar and Rosie O'Donnell. You're the equivalent of the fools that were plugging for Hitler back in the 1930's. You can scream McCarthyism all you want but the stupid fucking liberals even distorted that according to a recent book by a historian. How many times does it have to quack before you can call it a duck? Liberals even supported Hitler until he invaded their beloved Russia.
Trusting people make better lie detectors - Science Daily, 8/13/10 - "People high in trust were more accurate at detecting the liars -- the more people showed trust in others, the more able they were to distinguish a lie from the truth. The more faith in their fellow humans they had, the more they wanted to hire the honest interviewees and to avoid the lying ones. Contrary to the stereotype, people who were low in trust were more willing to hire liars and they were also less likely to be aware that they were liars ... Although people seem to believe that low trusters are better lie detectors and less gullible than high trusters, these results suggest that the reverse is true ... Contrary to the stereotype, people who were low in trust were more willing to hire liars and they were also less likely to be aware that they were liars ... High trusters were better lie detectors than were low trusters; they also formed more appropriate impressions and hiring intentions" - Therein lies another problem, liars can't see through liars just like they can't see through people like Jon Stewart.
See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH8LkIqu1c8 . Supports what I've been saying all along, that being that the liberal position on any issue is that which does the most damage to America. The director's comment that they are either ignorant or they're evil is dead on.
"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein
80 million were killed because of jeaks like you who followed Mao. Hitler was six million because jerks like you followed him. I forget the numbers for Lenin and Stalin. When Vietnam fell it was three million. Most if not all used the class warfare bullshit that Obama and jerks like Michael Moore are selling. There's no U or inverted U curve from liberalism to socialism to Marxism. Socialists' countries have twice our unemployment and much worst healthcare.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their prince and president." -- Anonymous
"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have. The course of history shows us that as a government grows, liberty decreases." - Thomas Jefferson (Obama increased the size of government 25% in just one year)
Liberalism, socialism and Marxism never benefitted anyone. You're the same type of person that fell for Marx. Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler. History always repeats itself and they always use that class warfare trick and you're falling for it. You jerks cause everything you claim your trying to prevent.
Liberals will never admit it but they indirectly support oppression such as the stoning of women to a slow painful death for alleged adultery. They talk about hate when they have the hate meter pegged. They fall for the Saul Alinsky demonization tactics like a ton of bricks. They criticize hate while they've got the hate meter pegged. There's one consolation for those young people who think that Marxist Michael Moore shit is cool, they're the ones that will suffer the consequences. The same for the Ron Paul freaks that think you can get world peace by ignoring evil. There have always been evil people throughout history and the nations that ignored them fell. If we followed that warped liberal there'd be an airline explosion every week, a nuke in our back yard within five years and it'd lead to the most devastating war in history. It's a logic that the epitome of evil. The anti-war people just encourage our enemies and get more of our people killed.
"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein
Liberalism is just a front for socialism and Marxism. Google "Norman Mattoon Thomas" who made the comment in 1944 "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name "liberalism", they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened ... I no longer need to run as Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform".
For the naysayers, I was a helicopter pilot in the army then when to college and retired as a jet pilot in the navy. When I joined the navy they were only taking 1 out of 27 applications because of reduction in forces after Vietnam. Two thirds of them didn't make it through flight school so I worked with some pretty sharp people. I've got faaar better track record of being right over the years than anyone I know or anyone I know knows including public figures. That's what's made me so bold about telling people off.
You've got the fucking gall to criticize Fox because they don't share the far left liberal views of people brainwashed by NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN and MSNBC. And where is the fucking logic that if you share the views of Thomas Jefferson you a fascist. There are fascist on the left and right and your fucking Obama buddy is a fascist on the left. Liberal politicians feed on the dumb, uninformed, easily indoctrinated and psychos that hate America for the sake of hating America. "Useful idiots" as Stalin and Lenin called them. They're kings of double talk that the IQ challenged can't see through. They claim they will make America a better place by making it like all the countries people are trying to leave. They've destroyed what used to be a great country. You jerks criticize Fox yet follow fascist like George Soros. And if you can't see how you encouraging our enemies and getting our troops killed than you probably have problems with first grade math. You've an indoctrinated programmed fool. You can't figure third grade math yet think you're Einstein with things much more complicated. You never even listened to conservative views but know that it's wrong because that's how you've been indoctrinated.
I'm convinced that liberals have a mental disorder where they consciously or subconsciously want to destroy America. Every single position they take on any issue shows it. The logic (or lack of) of their arguments are so warped it's like they are possessed by the devil. They all use the Saul Alinsky demonization tactic because there isn't any logic to their arguments.
Here's a cut and paste of the rest of it from two of my YouTube pages. I'm not rewriting it for every dick head liberals:
I've been hearing the 47 million uninsured breakdown from several sources. The numbers come from the U.S. Census Bureau. The bottom line; That 47 million is throughout the year. It is about 18 million at any one time. Out of that year, there are about 12 million Americans without affordable options. That's less than 4% of the population. Obama care would cover 94% of Americans. Is there a difference on the number covered? They're just feeding on the uninformed and using demonization again and dems are masters at it. The press conferences with spin doc props (they even passed out the white coats for them to put on) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJjr39OUe70 , prepackaging questions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaonY65vZ00 and lies http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424...18682.html are good examples. Here's the breakdown of the 47 million:
Illegal Immigrants 5.2 million - 11%;
Legal Immigrants 5 million - 11%;
Individuals Earning more than $75,000 9 million - 19%;
Eligible for Government Programs 9.7 million - 20%;
Eligible for Employer-Sponsored Insurance 6 million - 13%;
Americans without Affordable Options 12 million - 26%.
Plus somewhere in there are 20 to 25 year olds that can easily afford health insurance but think they are invincible and would rather have the money.
85% of Americans are satisfied with their current healthcare. Does anyone believe the government can improve that? Who would buy health insurance if you could just jump into the government plan if something serious comes up? That alone would force single payer which the dems admit is their goal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgmkb8X8c-w . Canada ranks 28 out of 28 countries in value for their healthcare dollar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2ki9jJUpLw and it's a disaster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXJgkvF19QA . There was healthcare reform in Massachusetts and healthcare costs increased 42%. They have the highest healthcare costs per person in the world according to the Boston Globe. How is that saving money? The comments on health care show that people just accept the company line at if it were gospel even if it doesn't meet third grade math. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMja8AdqfrU for problems with the Baucus version. Two constitution lawyers claim that the provision that would force people to get insurance to get around the jump in problem is unconstitutional and they explain the difference with car insurance. They claim that it would be immediately challenged.
I see the Hollywood lefties arguing that Medicare only has a 3% administrative fee. That doesn't take into account fraud, government waste http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj7OdeOgEbU , agencies that don't come under their spreadsheet like lawyers under Dept of Justice, payments under the Treasury, collections under the IRS spreadsheet and the fact that Medicare is subsidized by everyone that pays insurance to make up for being short changed by the government (for example, insurance companies and hospitals have about a 3% profit margin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xelNfqphDSc ), the lack of incentive to innovate plus Medicare is bankrupt ($38 trillion in unfunded liabilities http://www.realclearpolitics.com/article...97617.html ). That's something like 20 times our annual revenue. At what point does that number sink in? The liberal argument that universal care will save on emergency room visits is a lie, in Massachusetts, it increased emergency room visits. Plus, 20% of Medicare and Medicaid is due to fraud because it's done by computer so add that to the so called 3% administrative fee. Again they're feeding on the uninformed and using demonization which the uniformed are prime targets.
I'm tired of people that condemn Fox because they feel that the media should have 100% bias to the left like Venezuela. They must think they're Hugo Chavez. That's typical liberal reverse logic, not knowing the facts, listening to nothing but liberal bias their entire lives and demonizing everyone that disagrees. Yeah, programmed robots like the robots that think they'll go to heaven by killing women and children of other religions. I guess constantly harassing the people you disagree with is the next step toward the type of government they want. In Russia where Putin controlled the media, he had an 80% approval rating. It makes you wonder if people can think for themselves. I listened to that liberal bias for 50 years and never did buy off on it. I've never groked the logic that America was so evil in Vietnam yet when the left got their way and three million were slaughtered and people took to the sea in make shift rafts with little chance of survival, the left didn't bat an eye. Or the logic that we are so evil for waterboarding three high level Al Qaeda (yeah, the creeps that killed women and children on 9/11) that three former CIA directors claimed saved American lives http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYKt9Nhy_zA yet they pal up with or support via their actions leaders with the worst human rights records on the planet. Or the logic that we can make America a better place by making it like the countries everyone's trying to leave. The logic that we need to overkill with political correctness unless it involves Christianity then it's the exact opposite. The logic that we are trigger happy because that's what Katie Couric says and she knows more than respected think tanks because she's a liberal. The logic that to win a war you constantly tell your enemy that you're on the verge of quitting and that doesn't drag things out and get more people killed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLErjrz2R-Y . The logic that would have a nuke in a major city within ten years and that would benefit the poor. The logic that on one hand they're so much for The Constitution but on the other hand they're really selling Marxism. The logic that TSA needs to spend 99% of their time frisking people like 85 year old grannies because we mustn't profile and it's better to get people killed. The logic that would allow dictators like Ahmadinejad and Gaddafi would benefit mankind. The logic the freedom of speech is only valid id it's the liberal view. The logic that changing our healthcare system to what they have in England or Canada will save lives. The logic that if interest on our dept got us into this mess than more interest on our dept will get us out. The logic that having attorneys in your pocket is more important than saving 40% on healthcare premiums with tort reform. The logic that you can compete with other car makers paying twice the labor costs with the union markup. The logic that the channel polled the most trusted news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgdkyrxGuQQ must be evil because you don't agree. The logic that universities should only allow liberal opinions because they'd be brainwashed if they heard both sides. They think we can just ignore our enemies but have no idea of the consequences and just make things worse by supporting them. Yeah, I said it, they cause what they claim they're trying to prevent. Most of those negative comments just reinforce how uninformed people are. Maybe it's what happens when most have only heard the liberal biased version their entire life plus dems are masters at deception that the uninformed can't see through. When you compare that they are saying to speeches by Vladimir Lenin they are eerily the same and people bought Lenin's logic also. I you view that page with Lenin's speech, it's rated 5 stars with great comments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAtOGCHf9-Y . They naively think that will benefit them or the poor. Some just think it's cool but it's being cool at a tremendous expense to others. If you're not knowledgeable or don't understand the problem maybe you shouldn't try to cram that ignorance and warped logic down the throats of others.
The thing that's most irritating is that they encourage our enemies which ultimately get more of our military killed. They'll never admit it though. It's like teaching differential equations to an ant. I don't think they even care. I can tell by the wise comments. The comments on health care show that people just accept the company line at if it were gospel even if it doesn't meet third grade math.
From the comments I realize that Bernie Goldberg was right in saying the average voter has no clue on current events http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6VCMuzSVL0 . When I get comments like why Obama should even care if Iran gets nukes it blows my mind. Duh, maybe because it could affect nearly every person on the planet or logic like ignoring Iran will save lives or the conspiracy loons that come up with things that are so farfetched that Jon Lovitz wouldn't even be able to use it in the "Yeah, that's the ticket" routine. See my comments on healthcare at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgmkb8X8c-w .
HOLY CRAP. I have never gotten such a long reply from ANYONE on youtube. Its hard for me to work my way past the first five paragraphs, much less the constant blaming me of empowering Hitler, Mao, and Stalin.
Besides, here is a pic of the dork who sent this crap to me:
![[Image: 1.jpg?v=76bc03]](https://images.weserv.nl/?url=i2.ytimg.com%2Fi%2FIjJx_p_PsMlBzMy1mQwIFA%2F1.jpg%3Fv%3D76bc03)
Could this be the face of Statler Waldorf?
BTW, the reason I dont have a personal pic on my youtube account is because I prefer to use my web site development business logo instead..I suppose that makes me a coward...and a liar, because everyone knows that liberals dont work and expect handouts from the right wingers.
![Dizzy Dizzy](https://atheistforums.org/images/smilies/dizzy.gif)