I was sent this by a friend, who also sent this from the comments:
I was sent this by a friend, who also sent this from the comments:
Quote:Atheists and Jews suffer from the same delusion that keeps their hearts from seeing Christ. Both deny that Jesus is the Messiah because of pride. To the Jew it is saving face (pride) for what they did to Christ. The atheist has a pride in their knowledge which was the deception in the garden. Yes, the atheist fell for the most obvious trick and it was even spelled out for them before hand. This is why they will always hate the Bible and do everything in their power to undermine its teaching. The lure; “your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5), caught the atheist. To this day atheists believe their knowledge is greater than God.
Proof of Divine intervention whether the Jews or atheists liked it or not is in the center of Jerusalem. The Jews said to Jesus let your blood be on our heads and the heads of our children. They denied Jesus as the Christ and did everything in their power prove Christ was not their Messiah. Jesus was the blood sacrifice all Old Testament sacrifice pointed too. Jesus was the High Priest they read about. At the cross the curtain was torn opening access to the Holy of Holies of the Jewish faith. On this rock (Christ) the church was built.
Since that time for almost 2,000 years the Jews have not been able to rebuild the temple. Without that temple Jews cannot make sacrifice to God and have not. The Jews like the atheist claim it was just a coincidence that exactly what Jesus said would happen happened. The cross of Christ changed everything yet Jews and atheist continue to ignore what is before them. The powers of the Western world have not been able to move a stone and rebuild that temple. The entire world has aligned with a position on the rebuilding of that temple. That is the difference between Zeus and the living God. That glaring difference the atheist cannot see. The Jews and atheist cannot see the power of the living God yet they continue in the very shadow of the cross over the temple.
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