From another forum:
By Yeast, he may be on to something.
by Xamonas Chegwé
I have been thinking long and hard about things and I have come to an inevitable conclusion.
All this bible bollocks is about yeast. Jesus is nothing more than a metaphor for yeast.
Think about it:
Jesus' body = bread
Jesus' blood = wine
What do these two things have in common? Bread and wine are both made using yeast! And there's more.
Jesus turned water into wine - how? He fermented it! Yeast!
Jesus appeared to be dead - Yeast looks dead and lifeless until a suitable substrate and conditions then...
Jesus ROSE from the dead - what causes things to rise? Yeast!
And just think of the name jesus. Think how the spanish pronounce it - Yeesus - obviously what they meant to say was Yeastus! It just got lost in chinese whispers before being written down.
And think of the other words associated with jesus:
Christ = Crust - which forms on a loaf baked with Yeast!
Sacrament/sacrifice = Saccharomyces - the scientific name for Yeast!
Messiah = Mycelium - a part of a fungus - Yeast is a fungus!
Holy = Holey - Bread made with Yeast is filled with holes, unlike unleavened bread.
I could go on...
It all fits! I am off out to drink some beer tonight - as provided by the holy Yeast himself!!
By Yeast, he may be on to something.

Best regards,
Leo van Miert
Horsepower is how hard you hit the wall --Torque is how far you take the wall with you
Leo van Miert
Horsepower is how hard you hit the wall --Torque is how far you take the wall with you