You asked and I answered. Without further ado, here are the questions you asked and the answers I gave.
1-Since you're a writer, what are your favorite genres to read.
The classics, for one. Dickens, Alcott, Austen, Dostoevsky, etc. I like slightly twisted fiction like Christopher Moore and Tim Dorsey. For non-fiction I like animal facts, history (history is my favorite) and biographies.
2-What are some of your favorite books?
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, Lamb by Christopher Moore, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott and A History of the American Revolution by John R. Allen.
Little Women is one of my favorites because it mirrors my life, in a way. I have three sisters, two older, one younger. My oldest sister is the nursing family type. The one right after her is the one we all look out for and the sister who is younger than myself is a spoiled (but, wonderful) girly-girl. I just so happen to be the writer of the bunch and the second to youngest. I also grew up in Massachusetts and I am a tomboy. If you have read the book, you will know why I love it. The only difference is that I have a younger brother (youngest of the bunch, poor thing).
3-What size shoes do you wear?
Size 8. In defense of my huge feet, I am 6 feet tall.
4-What's your favorite way to pamper yourself?
Heating blanket and a book.
5-If you could change how society handles one thing, what would it be, why and how?
Depends on what society we're talking about. If we're talking about the U.S., I would have to say gay marriage. It's such a waste of time even to discuss. Let them marry and be done with it. It really pisses me off that people get paid to yea or nay that shit to death. If I knew how to change it, I would have done it already.
6-What's your favorite appetizer?
Stuffed boursin mushrooms.
7-What is the status with your current romantic relationship(s)?
Sad, to say the least. I'm married (separated) and I have a stepson. I have chosen to remain a daily part of my stepson's life because I have raised him with my husband since he was four-years-old. We love each other. His mother is MIA, unless it suits her. So, I'm not about to abandon him. Therefore, the relationship front is complicated. I have tried, but my situation makes romance rather difficult. Oh, well. I stay where I am needed most.
8-Why is it that when you're down the town and you need a wee you can wander around for ages and hold it in but as soon as you get home the pressure seems to multiply exponentially as soon as you are in sight of the bathroom and you find yourself saying to your bladder, "oh, for God's sake, you've been holding on to it for over an hour without any problems, can't you manage just another 20 seconds??". Or is that just me?
For the same reason that you get hungrier when you see and smell food. That is to say, I have no idea.
9-If I was an employer and you were at an interview and I asked you to "tell me all about yourself", what would you say?
I would say, "This is exactly why I am self-employed."
10-I have a bad memory. What's yours like?
Great, if someone does something shitty to me.
9-What's it like being 28? (I forget..)
It's like starting to realize you really are falling apart and it's getting worse every year.
10-My son wants to be a writer, how does he get into the business and what advise would you give him? He's 12.
I would say, never listen to people who say things like "Only write what you know." Write whatever you feel like writing and do it because you like it. If you find an audience, great. If not, you're a good writer. Also, write whenever the mood strikes you. Carry a pen and paper everywhere so you can do this. More great book ideas are forgotten before you reach a pen than ever make it on the page. Don't be that guy. Oh, and editors are assholes. They steal every word you love, but if you want money, you need one or need to learn to be one.
11-Would you rather live on a low gravity planet with a high density atmosphere or a high gravity planet with a low density atmosphere and why?
I would love to live on a low gravity planet, but this question leaves a lot of questions. How dense are we talking? Is it livable? Is the gravity low enough that I can float around a bit without flying away? Not to be uncomfortably sexual, but I've always thought it would be really cool to have sex in an atmosphere where you can float, but you don't float away and you can breathe without any assistance.
12-Can you imagine any extra physical dimensions?
Sure. I can imagine just about anything.
13-Do you play games? e.g. PS3, XBox etc.
Yes. I play XBox. I like Elder Scrolls games. I'm currently wanting to try out Fable 3, but I haven't had the time and I play a shitload of Guitar Hero with my stepson, who kicks my ass.
14-On the T.V. An evening of comedy shows or documentaries?
Documentaries, hands down. I like comedy movies, but shows tend to be quirky. I don't do quirky.
15-How are you enjoying being a mod?
It's cool. I'm not as available as I would like to be, but it's cool, nonetheless.
16-Where are you from?
The South Shore in Massachusetts. I could basically throw a rock at Boston.
17-I have a bad memory. What's yours like?
Still good.
18-Would you rather have a partner in their 40's who looked and behaved as if they were in their 20's or vice-versa?
Vice-versa. Partner signifies a relationship, so I have to go with the more mature individual. They would have to be 28 or 29, though. I have a thing about not dating younger people.
19-What's the most important thing in your life right now?
My stepson.
20-If you could get rid of one of the worlds major religions just by pressing a button, which one would you get rid of and why?
Christianity. It is the one that effects me personally the most. I don't think I would do that, though. People need to figure it out on their own. I wish there was a button that would get them to stop talking to me about it when I don't fucking give the "I'll talk about god with you." signal.
21-Which do you like to read more: Fiction or Non-fiction?
That's tough. I guess it really depends. I think I read both equally, but if I had to choose between a Nicholas Sparks novel and a 500-page book about the mechanics behind drying paint, I would go with the drying paint.
22- If you could be an animal (apart from human) which would you be?
I can't say that I am sure. I would like to fly, so to be a peregrine falcon would be cool. I would also like to be really agile, so a cheetah would be sweet too. Their diets kind of suck, though.
23- What did you want to be when you were 5 years old?
A writer, a race car driver or a pilot.
24- What do you want to be now?
Exactly what I am-a writer.
25- What is your worldview (what do you identify as)?
You might find this strange, but I wouldn't say I have one. I don't really identify as anything. I develop opinions and observe things on a case-by-case basis. In other words, I'm only a philosopher on a minute scale. I don't try to fathom the unfathomable (the world).
26- What do you think about morality?
Ha, I think it's an excuse for people to tell other people how to live. Some people think it is immoral to have oral sex. Others think it is immoral to tell someone they can't have oral sex. It's a topic that is convoluted by the people who have morality with an agenda. I really just don't think of morality a lot, for that reason.
Honestly, I think morality is so subjective that it doesn't even bear discussing, unless you are discussing a specific incident. For example, is it morally okay to kill a person? I say, it depends. My answer is the same for nearly every "moral" question.
27- What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
I don't know. In my adult life, I have found that I am not easily embarrassed, so you're about to get a lame childhood story.
When I was a kid, I was one of the dweebiest, most unpopular kids at school. I was athletic and got good grades, but I was awkward, tall and generally disliked. Anyway, my grade went on a trip to Washington, D.C. Me and my best friend were walking into a restaurant there and I was looking down at her (she was the shortest girl in my grade and I was the tallest). Out of nowhere there was a metal pole and I kicked it before I saw it. The thing is, I didn't walk into it, but it looked like I did and the fucking sound it made was horrible. It sounded like a loud ass church bell because of the acoustics of the courtyard we were in. Needless to say, every single kid in my grade saw this and laughed at me. That was as embarrassed as I have ever been.
1-Since you're a writer, what are your favorite genres to read.
The classics, for one. Dickens, Alcott, Austen, Dostoevsky, etc. I like slightly twisted fiction like Christopher Moore and Tim Dorsey. For non-fiction I like animal facts, history (history is my favorite) and biographies.
2-What are some of your favorite books?
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, Lamb by Christopher Moore, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott and A History of the American Revolution by John R. Allen.
Little Women is one of my favorites because it mirrors my life, in a way. I have three sisters, two older, one younger. My oldest sister is the nursing family type. The one right after her is the one we all look out for and the sister who is younger than myself is a spoiled (but, wonderful) girly-girl. I just so happen to be the writer of the bunch and the second to youngest. I also grew up in Massachusetts and I am a tomboy. If you have read the book, you will know why I love it. The only difference is that I have a younger brother (youngest of the bunch, poor thing).
3-What size shoes do you wear?
Size 8. In defense of my huge feet, I am 6 feet tall.
4-What's your favorite way to pamper yourself?
Heating blanket and a book.
5-If you could change how society handles one thing, what would it be, why and how?
Depends on what society we're talking about. If we're talking about the U.S., I would have to say gay marriage. It's such a waste of time even to discuss. Let them marry and be done with it. It really pisses me off that people get paid to yea or nay that shit to death. If I knew how to change it, I would have done it already.
6-What's your favorite appetizer?
Stuffed boursin mushrooms.
7-What is the status with your current romantic relationship(s)?
Sad, to say the least. I'm married (separated) and I have a stepson. I have chosen to remain a daily part of my stepson's life because I have raised him with my husband since he was four-years-old. We love each other. His mother is MIA, unless it suits her. So, I'm not about to abandon him. Therefore, the relationship front is complicated. I have tried, but my situation makes romance rather difficult. Oh, well. I stay where I am needed most.
8-Why is it that when you're down the town and you need a wee you can wander around for ages and hold it in but as soon as you get home the pressure seems to multiply exponentially as soon as you are in sight of the bathroom and you find yourself saying to your bladder, "oh, for God's sake, you've been holding on to it for over an hour without any problems, can't you manage just another 20 seconds??". Or is that just me?
For the same reason that you get hungrier when you see and smell food. That is to say, I have no idea.
9-If I was an employer and you were at an interview and I asked you to "tell me all about yourself", what would you say?
I would say, "This is exactly why I am self-employed."
10-I have a bad memory. What's yours like?
Great, if someone does something shitty to me.
9-What's it like being 28? (I forget..)
It's like starting to realize you really are falling apart and it's getting worse every year.
10-My son wants to be a writer, how does he get into the business and what advise would you give him? He's 12.
I would say, never listen to people who say things like "Only write what you know." Write whatever you feel like writing and do it because you like it. If you find an audience, great. If not, you're a good writer. Also, write whenever the mood strikes you. Carry a pen and paper everywhere so you can do this. More great book ideas are forgotten before you reach a pen than ever make it on the page. Don't be that guy. Oh, and editors are assholes. They steal every word you love, but if you want money, you need one or need to learn to be one.
11-Would you rather live on a low gravity planet with a high density atmosphere or a high gravity planet with a low density atmosphere and why?
I would love to live on a low gravity planet, but this question leaves a lot of questions. How dense are we talking? Is it livable? Is the gravity low enough that I can float around a bit without flying away? Not to be uncomfortably sexual, but I've always thought it would be really cool to have sex in an atmosphere where you can float, but you don't float away and you can breathe without any assistance.
12-Can you imagine any extra physical dimensions?
Sure. I can imagine just about anything.
13-Do you play games? e.g. PS3, XBox etc.
Yes. I play XBox. I like Elder Scrolls games. I'm currently wanting to try out Fable 3, but I haven't had the time and I play a shitload of Guitar Hero with my stepson, who kicks my ass.
14-On the T.V. An evening of comedy shows or documentaries?
Documentaries, hands down. I like comedy movies, but shows tend to be quirky. I don't do quirky.
15-How are you enjoying being a mod?
It's cool. I'm not as available as I would like to be, but it's cool, nonetheless.
16-Where are you from?
The South Shore in Massachusetts. I could basically throw a rock at Boston.
17-I have a bad memory. What's yours like?
Still good.
18-Would you rather have a partner in their 40's who looked and behaved as if they were in their 20's or vice-versa?
Vice-versa. Partner signifies a relationship, so I have to go with the more mature individual. They would have to be 28 or 29, though. I have a thing about not dating younger people.
19-What's the most important thing in your life right now?
My stepson.
20-If you could get rid of one of the worlds major religions just by pressing a button, which one would you get rid of and why?
Christianity. It is the one that effects me personally the most. I don't think I would do that, though. People need to figure it out on their own. I wish there was a button that would get them to stop talking to me about it when I don't fucking give the "I'll talk about god with you." signal.
21-Which do you like to read more: Fiction or Non-fiction?
That's tough. I guess it really depends. I think I read both equally, but if I had to choose between a Nicholas Sparks novel and a 500-page book about the mechanics behind drying paint, I would go with the drying paint.
22- If you could be an animal (apart from human) which would you be?
I can't say that I am sure. I would like to fly, so to be a peregrine falcon would be cool. I would also like to be really agile, so a cheetah would be sweet too. Their diets kind of suck, though.
23- What did you want to be when you were 5 years old?
A writer, a race car driver or a pilot.
24- What do you want to be now?
Exactly what I am-a writer.
25- What is your worldview (what do you identify as)?
You might find this strange, but I wouldn't say I have one. I don't really identify as anything. I develop opinions and observe things on a case-by-case basis. In other words, I'm only a philosopher on a minute scale. I don't try to fathom the unfathomable (the world).
26- What do you think about morality?
Ha, I think it's an excuse for people to tell other people how to live. Some people think it is immoral to have oral sex. Others think it is immoral to tell someone they can't have oral sex. It's a topic that is convoluted by the people who have morality with an agenda. I really just don't think of morality a lot, for that reason.
Honestly, I think morality is so subjective that it doesn't even bear discussing, unless you are discussing a specific incident. For example, is it morally okay to kill a person? I say, it depends. My answer is the same for nearly every "moral" question.
27- What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
I don't know. In my adult life, I have found that I am not easily embarrassed, so you're about to get a lame childhood story.
When I was a kid, I was one of the dweebiest, most unpopular kids at school. I was athletic and got good grades, but I was awkward, tall and generally disliked. Anyway, my grade went on a trip to Washington, D.C. Me and my best friend were walking into a restaurant there and I was looking down at her (she was the shortest girl in my grade and I was the tallest). Out of nowhere there was a metal pole and I kicked it before I saw it. The thing is, I didn't walk into it, but it looked like I did and the fucking sound it made was horrible. It sounded like a loud ass church bell because of the acoustics of the courtyard we were in. Needless to say, every single kid in my grade saw this and laughed at me. That was as embarrassed as I have ever been.