Hello, my name is Michael, the archangel. I'm 15. I'm from an Asian country that I bet 43% of you can't find on the map cause its too small and insignificant in geolpolitics.
I'm here on a mission to convert y'all, start a mutiny and overthrow the admins and make this place a Christian Theocracy (if you don't mind).
Other than that. How are you? Good to meet you. Would love to debate sometime about different stuff (without the heat and hurtful insults theists and atheists like to throw at each other at times).
Would you like a cookie with bible verse on it?
I'm here on a mission to convert y'all, start a mutiny and overthrow the admins and make this place a Christian Theocracy (if you don't mind).
Other than that. How are you? Good to meet you. Would love to debate sometime about different stuff (without the heat and hurtful insults theists and atheists like to throw at each other at times).
Would you like a cookie with bible verse on it?