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Women should not travel more than 48 miles without a male escort – Muslim group
RE: Women should not travel more than 48 miles without a male escort – Muslim group
First things first: they should ground Allah, for allowing "Mary" the mother of Jesus, for taking that long walk by herself:

Sura 19
( 16 )   And mention, [O Muhammad], in the Book [the story of] Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place toward the east.
( 17 )   And she took, in seclusion from them, a screen. Then We sent to her Our Angel, and he represented himself to her as a well-proportioned man.
( 18 )   She said, "Indeed, I seek refuge in the Most Merciful from you, [so leave me], if you should be fearing of Allah."
( 19 )   He said, "I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you [news of] a pure boy."
( 20 )   She said, "How can I have a boy while no man has touched me and I have not been unchaste?"
( 21 )   He said, "Thus [it will be]; your
 Lord says, 'It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.' "
( 22 )   So she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a remote place.
( 23 )   And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She said, "Oh, I wish I had died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten."
( 24 )   But he called her from below her, "Do not grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream.
( 25 )   And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates.

Dear Mary..peace be on you, mother of Christ.
Mmmmm IDK, did Mary cross the 48 miles or was the place to the east is smaller than or equals to 48 ??

As for violence against women in Arabic culture, women were:

1-Burried as children for being female (male sons were preferred more)

Sadly, and as usual, the interesting information is non-existent in English, it only exists in Arabic in this wikipidia article:


Quote:تاريخه عند العرب[عدل]

وأد الموؤودة في لغة العرب يعني دفنها صغيرة في القبر وهي حية.[3] واشتقاق ذلك من قولهم " قد آدَهَا بالتراب " أي أثْقَلَها به. وذكر الهيثم بن عدي أن الوأد كان مستعملا في قبائل العرب قاطبة وكان يستعمله واحد ويترك عشرة فجاء الإسلام وقد قلَّ ذلك فيها إلا من بني تميم فإنه تزايد فيهم ذلك قبل الإسلام.[4]

في الجاهلية درج سلوك وأد البنات، وهو سلوك متعارف عليه ينحدر من فكرة أن البنت هي سبب من أسباب جلب العار، وعندما أتى الإسلام كافح تلك الفكرة ونهى عن إتباع مثل ذلك السلوك، واعتبره جزءا من الجاهلية التي تحمل الخطأ والحرام في كثير من سلوكياتها، وفي المقابل أمر باحترام المرأة كأم وزوجة وابنة وأخت، واعتبر أنها أساس كبير في بناء المجتمع، بل اعتمد عليها كثيرا في تربية الأبناء ورعايتهم.

قال قتادة: "كان مضر وخزاعة يدفنون البنات أحياء، وأشدّهم في هذا تميم. زعموا خوف القهر عليهم، وطمع غير الأكفاء فيهن".[5]

ويرى كثيرون أن أول من وأد البنات من العرب هو قيس بن عاصم المنقري التميمي، لأنه خشي أن يخلف على بناته من هو غير كف لهن. وكان قد وأد ثماني بنات.[6]

قال القلقشندي: "إن العرب كانت تئد البنات خشية العار وممن فعل ذلك قيس بن عاصم المنقري وكان من وجوه قومه، ومن ذوي المال. وسبب قتله لبناته أن النعمان بن المنذر غزا بني تميم بجيش فقام الجيش فسبوا ذراريهم. فأنابه القوم وسألوه أن يحرر أسراهم فخيَّرَ النعمان النساء الأسيرات فمنهن من اختارت أبوها فردَّها لأبيها ومن اختارت زوجها ردَّها لزوجها فاخترن آباءهن وأزواجهن. إلا امرأة قيس بن عاصم فاختارت الذي أسرها فأقسم قيس بن عاصم أنه لا يولد له ابنة إلا قتلها فكان يقتلهن".[7]

وجاء قيس بن عاصم إلى النبي محمد فقال: " يا رسول الله إني قد وأدت بنات لي في الجاهلية" فقال له: « أعتق عن كل واحدة منهن رقبة»، فقال: " يا رسول الله إني صاحب إبل" قال: « فانحر عن كل واحدة منهن بدنة».[8][9]
وفيها نزلت آية في القرآن هي: [Image: 12px-Ra_bracket.png] وَإِذَا الْمَوْءُودَةُ سُئِلَتْ [Image: 20px-Aya-8.png] بِأَيِّ ذَنْبٍ قُتِلَتْ [Image: 20px-Aya-9.png] [Image: 12px-La_bracket.png][10]

Since my kin are so busy masturbating to the Kardashians and Nancy Ajram, or rigging themselves with explosives in Syria and Iraq.

So I will translate:

"Wa'ad Al Maw'ooda in the language of the Arabs means burring her alive in the grave while alive. And from that, the sentence is narrated "qad wa'adha bel torabb", meaning:made her heavy with sand. Al Haitham Ibn Audai mentioned, that "The Wa'ad/burring of little girls" was practiced by all Arabic tribes, one out of ten would practice it, then Islam came, and it became lesser, except in the tribe of "Tameem" as it was increased in them before Islam. 

In the Jaheliya -pre Islamic era- the behavior of burring little girls was customary, because of the idea that females mean shame (and bring shame)..."

I'm tired from translating..but you get the picture

the Quran mentioned this disgusting cultural habit and forbade it:

Sura 16
( 58 )   And when one of them is informed of [the birth of] a female, his face becomes dark, and he suppresses grief.
( 59 )   He hides himself from the people because of the ill of which he has been informed. Should he keep it in humiliation or bury it in the ground? Unquestionably, evil is what they decide.
( 60 )   For those who do not believe in the Hereafter is the description of evil; and for Allah is the highest attribute. And He is Exalted in Might, the Wise.

And then people wonder why everybody followed Mohammed..

2- Women were porhibited from inheritence before Islam in Arabia, but God gave them the right for that.

3-The black cage -Niqab- that women wear, is -to your surprise- a pre-Islamic outfits that whores used to wear:


Harlots used to wear it. Something about male domination and all, what is more lovely than a female puppet, sitting under your feet, just for you, and nobody else sees her, I mean you paid money for them boobs !

Some though, who wear it, are indeed modest..
but islam didn't bring this..

RE: Women should not travel more than 48 miles without a male escort – Muslim group
We have assholes - even female assholes - who are no better than these muslim fucks.


Quote:Jan Brewer calls for fewer female candidates: ‘This woman thing has gotten way out of control’

And as governor, she sucked balls.
RE: Women should not travel more than 48 miles without a male escort – Muslim group
You don't need to be muslim to be a misogynist asshole. You don't even have to be religious to deserve that title. As I said before, the largest part of the world still fits the bill. And who are we to ride the high horse, given our own, very recent past, and given the assholes still being vocal within our own society. We should speak out against it, but we certainly shouldn't assume to be any better.
[Image: Bumper+Sticker+-+Asheville+-+Praise+Dog3.JPG]
RE: Women should not travel more than 48 miles without a male escort – Muslim group
Quote:"3-The black cage -Niqab- that women wear, is -to your surprise- a pre-Islamic outfits that whores used to wear:"

Dr. Taj Hargay isn't afraid to point that out and al-Saud henchmen hate him for that. They say he is encouraging "ilsamophobia" for pointing out the facts. This the sort of crap they use to try and say the good doctor is a idiot.

e.g. the writer says:
Quote:Another groundless assertion that Dr Hargey makes in ‘support’ of his campaign against the ‘burka’ is that the veil does not have a place in Islam and is that it is completely against Islamic thought and tradition
I'm sure you have a lot to say on that - like you did with there not being Ijma on alcohol. Pretty sure only Wahaabi-Salafi scholars (on the Sunni side) encourage women to dress in bin bags. Shias have the Chador. How do women even cope dressed all in black like that if they are in the middle of desert (especially during Ramadan when you can't even drink water for the entire day)?

By the way, Dr. Hargay is also the man behind the homosexual friendly Mosque in South Africa, which, as you can imagine, he got a lot hate for:

Meet the British Muslim Who's Founded a Controversial Gay-Friendly Mosque

This is a man who values human life, in particular he wants to protect women from the nasty people spreading the cultural hegemony of al-Saud. He encourages sanity amoungst the Ummah and fights hate. Yet people are fighting against sane individuals like him because they want to create a totally homogeneous society based on the teachings of Abdual Wahaab. There's too much Saudi money and influence in the West. I'm sck of people who want nothing more than to subjugate me playing the victim card.

I wish I could give you more Kudos for your post. Every ten year old Wahaabi-Salafi thinks they know everything because they are brought up from birth to be arrogant people who think that they have all of the answers. They are not sincere.

RE: Women should not travel more than 48 miles without a male escort – Muslim group
(May 7, 2016 at 7:21 am)MrNoMorePropaganda Wrote: There are too many Imams receiving money from Qatar and Saudi. The West needs to stop foreign funding of Mosques. That'll go a long way in dealing with these Fascists.

This absolutely. It's opening the door for Islamism to come straight onto Western soil by softer, covert means. We allow wahhabi Saudi Arabia to fund mosques in Europe and then wonder why local Muslims are becoming radicalised.

Misogyny within a particular society or religion is a legitimate conversation, because misogyny mainfests itself differently and to different degrees in many cultures. I get tired of people derailing conversations about misogyny within Islam by saying "well there's misogyny in every culture!". Ok we understand that, it's not wrong, but it's a matter of degrees here. Western culture has legacies of misogyny but womens' rights have come on leaps and bounds within the last century, to the degree where it's now taboo to hold misogynist views here. That kind of development is only just starting to gain ground with many Islamic societies and there's still massive visceral backlash against it.

It's a matter of degrees. Yes we can show disapproval at Italy and other Southern European countries for frowning upon women for wearing skirts above the knee in churches. That doesn't suddenly mean we can't be appalled at Saudi Arabia and Iran's far more extreme policies of punishing unveiled women anywhere in public.
"Adulthood is like looking both ways before you cross the road, and then getting hit by an airplane"  - sarcasm_only

"Ironically like the nativist far-Right, which despises multiculturalism, but benefits from its ideas of difference to scapegoat the other and to promote its own white identity politics; these postmodernists, leftists, feminists and liberals also use multiculturalism, to side with the oppressor, by demanding respect and tolerance for oppression characterised as 'difference', no matter how intolerable."
- Maryam Namazie

RE: Women should not travel more than 48 miles without a male escort – Muslim group
Misogyny doesn't manifest itself any differently anywhere in the world. Cook my dinner, stay at home, and know your place. That's what it's all about everywhere in the world. Or the good old argument of women being of less worth than men.

The outside symptoms may manifest itself differently, but the mindset is always the same. Paternalistic. And for some reason it's always to the South. Be it southern Europe, the Middle East, India or the South of the US.
[Image: Bumper+Sticker+-+Asheville+-+Praise+Dog3.JPG]
RE: Women should not travel more than 48 miles without a male escort – Muslim group
It manifests to different degrees within different cultures. If you're talking about where is a relatively better place to be a woman in the 21st Century world, you can't compare Southern Europe and The Southern US to most Islamic countries (with a few exceptions). If you as a woman file for divorce or go out in a miniskirt in Italy, Malta or Spain, you might get called names and have some Hail Mary's said for you, but the shit's not illegal. I'm not defending that, it's wrong when it happens and as a Southern European, I'm here for conversations about misogyny within my own culture. I can hear that without having to derail it and say "but what about misogyny over there?!" which is what people are doing here when people want to talk about it exclusively within the context of Islam. Try wearing a miniskirt in Dubai though, I dare you.

But I see a conflict in ideas in what you're saying anyway. On one hand you look like you want to argue that Islam is no more exceptionally misogynist than any other culture and that misogyny exists everywhere, but then you single out regions where you say it's always more misogynist? I'm confused...
"Adulthood is like looking both ways before you cross the road, and then getting hit by an airplane"  - sarcasm_only

"Ironically like the nativist far-Right, which despises multiculturalism, but benefits from its ideas of difference to scapegoat the other and to promote its own white identity politics; these postmodernists, leftists, feminists and liberals also use multiculturalism, to side with the oppressor, by demanding respect and tolerance for oppression characterised as 'difference', no matter how intolerable."
- Maryam Namazie

RE: Women should not travel more than 48 miles without a male escort – Muslim group
(May 8, 2016 at 6:04 pm)Yeauxleaux Wrote: But I see a conflict in ideas in what you're saying anyway. On one hand you look like you want to argue that Islam is no more exceptionally misogynist than any other culture and that misogyny exists everywhere, but then you single out regions where you say it's always more misogynist? I'm confused...

No, I'm arguing that it's culture, more than religion. Culture predates religion. We're talking about deeply paternalistic cultures that have been that way before montheism came along. And there's no big difference between certain districts in Jerusalem, where the spitting at girl childs not being moderate enough, the very South of Italy, certainly not the Northern region, Albania, Greece or the Middle East. It's all the same mindset. Older than the religion they use as a vehicle now.

Again, it's the largest part of the world, actually. Not only the usual suspects. We didn't cover Asia or Africa so far.
[Image: Bumper+Sticker+-+Asheville+-+Praise+Dog3.JPG]
RE: Women should not travel more than 48 miles without a male escort – Muslim group
(May 8, 2016 at 6:10 pm)abaris Wrote:
(May 8, 2016 at 6:04 pm)Yeauxleaux Wrote: But I see a conflict in ideas in what you're saying anyway. On one hand you look like you want to argue that Islam is no more exceptionally misogynist than any other culture and that misogyny exists everywhere, but then you single out regions where you say it's always more misogynist? I'm confused...

No, I'm arguing that it's culture, more than religion. Culture predates religion. We're talking about deeply paternalistic cultures that have been that way before montheism came along. And there's no big difference between certain districts in Jerusalem, where the spitting at girl childs not being moderate enough, the very South of Italy, certainly not the Northern region, Albania, Greece or the Middle East. It's all the same mindset. Older than the religion they use as a vehicle now.

Again, it's the largest part of the world, actually. Not only the usual suspects. We didn't cover Asia or Africa so far.

I don't think saying a problem could be caused by culture more than religion is accurate because I don't think they're different things. 
 It would be like saying animals cause more problems than mammals.  Religion is a part of people's culture.

I'd say overall the mistreatment of women in Islamic culture is worse than other cultures but not in every Islamic country or by every Muslim.  Things like female genital mutilation, stoning women, wife beating, they can be prevalent in any poor country but just seem to be worse in Islamic areas.

Are you ready for the fire? We are firemen. WE ARE FIREMEN! The heat doesn’t bother us. We live in the heat. We train in the heat. It tells us that we’re ready, we’re at home, we’re where we’re supposed to be. Flames don’t intimidate us. What do we do? We control the flame. We control them. We move the flames where we want to. And then we extinguish them.

Impersonation is treason.

RE: Women should not travel more than 48 miles without a male escort – Muslim group
It's definitely true to say that misogyny can be seen in any culture and predates modern religions, but then different cultures and religions have taken misogyny and institutionalised it to different degrees later on. While misogyny is a thing on it's own that can and does exist in every single culture, it's true, there are certain misogynistic practices that are culture-specific. Examples of this would be The Burka and female inheritance laws in certain Islamic schools, and also the sexual objectification of women in Western culture (which is the opposite extreme to the Burka, although somewhat linked).

But with religion, I think saying "misogyny was there before the religion so the religion didn't invent it" downplays how religion can co-opt misogynist elements from earlier cultures and continue to perpetuate and institutionalise them. All religions but especially the Abrahamic ones have done this, they are deeply misogynist in their attitudes to women, and societies which either have state religions or strong religious presence are often worse off for womens' rights. It does correlate. China and perhaps Russia are the only real examples that really go against that.
"Adulthood is like looking both ways before you cross the road, and then getting hit by an airplane"  - sarcasm_only

"Ironically like the nativist far-Right, which despises multiculturalism, but benefits from its ideas of difference to scapegoat the other and to promote its own white identity politics; these postmodernists, leftists, feminists and liberals also use multiculturalism, to side with the oppressor, by demanding respect and tolerance for oppression characterised as 'difference', no matter how intolerable."
- Maryam Namazie


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