Who god really favor? Well, it's not us if we're here! My quick story (just so people know this is my 1st post) I was raised by 2 abusive narrcissit parents. My dad has issues from 50 years ago from his childhood that he always took out on ragdoll me, he claimed for years he was an atheist but now follows god? what a slave! my mom has issues from her childhood (although you can't believe what she says because she lies her personality disorder ass off about everything and freaks out over the littlest thing) Yet my mom is about the foul personality disorder god of abramham, that's why they probably get along so well, even though she hasn't even read a single word of his stupid book!
So who dose god favor? in his stupid book he (god has to be a man to think this way) is always mentioning slaves and servants. So if you're a slave to god and his evil ways you are in favor with him. He doeosn't want you to question him about anything! What has been written is what is to be done right? What a load of garbage! How can life on this planet sustain with a psychopath like him in charge? Well it can't! God is out to destroy the world but he's having a little fun with our pain and suffering first. god or Sadist as I will call him from here on out, probably gets aroused like one does during orgasm when he see's how far he can push our buttons! How much pain we can endure in our lives before we snap and lash out at him. I like to give him the middle finger and tell him to shove it up his ass, he would like that I'm sure of it! Because in my life (I was a man of sadist at one point) I used to pray everyday for him to end the mental anguish he the sadist puts myself and millions of others through! No answers never is, the christians will lash out and quote scripture on how if you are angry at sadist you will surely burn in hell. scare tactic by the stupid people who follow the sadist whom he favors! I watch these Jews, christians and muslims pray obnoxiously over this sadist! what fools! Look what god puts his so called people through, look how the christians spread the word of passive little boy sadist, do I even have to mention how foolish the muslims act over this sadist?
the world is run by these slaves of sadist and it needs to end! God the sadist has done nothing in the past thousands of years but favor those who promote evil on this planet with the promise of what from little boy sadist? More evil! (revelations) I for one have told god the sadist to disinigrate my ass because I refuse to be his slave and want no reward from him if doing what his slaves have done to this world!
sorry about the grammar mistakes, never been good at the school thing!
So who dose god favor? in his stupid book he (god has to be a man to think this way) is always mentioning slaves and servants. So if you're a slave to god and his evil ways you are in favor with him. He doeosn't want you to question him about anything! What has been written is what is to be done right? What a load of garbage! How can life on this planet sustain with a psychopath like him in charge? Well it can't! God is out to destroy the world but he's having a little fun with our pain and suffering first. god or Sadist as I will call him from here on out, probably gets aroused like one does during orgasm when he see's how far he can push our buttons! How much pain we can endure in our lives before we snap and lash out at him. I like to give him the middle finger and tell him to shove it up his ass, he would like that I'm sure of it! Because in my life (I was a man of sadist at one point) I used to pray everyday for him to end the mental anguish he the sadist puts myself and millions of others through! No answers never is, the christians will lash out and quote scripture on how if you are angry at sadist you will surely burn in hell. scare tactic by the stupid people who follow the sadist whom he favors! I watch these Jews, christians and muslims pray obnoxiously over this sadist! what fools! Look what god puts his so called people through, look how the christians spread the word of passive little boy sadist, do I even have to mention how foolish the muslims act over this sadist?
the world is run by these slaves of sadist and it needs to end! God the sadist has done nothing in the past thousands of years but favor those who promote evil on this planet with the promise of what from little boy sadist? More evil! (revelations) I for one have told god the sadist to disinigrate my ass because I refuse to be his slave and want no reward from him if doing what his slaves have done to this world!
sorry about the grammar mistakes, never been good at the school thing!