This is the intro page to the subject with dozens of urls to supporting data and all the ancient texts that are relevant to the discussion. I welcome physical evidence (that which can be given an exhibit number in a court of law) which is contrary to anything I have written here.
Archaeology is done with neither the bible nor Herzl as reference.
The Letter of Aristeas is a forgery therefore the Septuagint is the original
As we know for a fact that the Old Testament could not possibly have been written in bibleland by the people living in bibleland it is of interest to examine where it was created and by whom.
There is a fundamental difference between belief and knowledge. People believe the darnedest things. Belief is a matter of choice. Knowledge is based upon what is experienced through the senses.
Disagreements with this based upon sophistry are not of interest. Abstraction from immediate, primary experience does not change the source of knowledge.
Hundreds of millions of people believe many things about the Old Testament. But when it comes to knowledge the situation is much different.
No one knows why the books of the Old Testament were written.
No one knows who wrote them.
No one knows when they were written.
No one knows the original language in which they were written.
No one knows when the idea they were religious works started.
No one knows when they became a component of a religion.
No one knows why any particular selection of books was made.
I will endeavor to address these issues and more in what follows. However there is a short summary for the impatient.
The shortest form is, we know where the books could not have been written and we know the dates they could be no older than. These exclude bibleland and any date prior to the 3rd c. BC. Those two facts preclude all current religious beliefs about its origin.
Before you go further keep in mind what I say cannot possibly be true because it contradicts religious and political beliefs. For believers that means the most superficial and known false single data proves what I say is wrong. Further it justifies the most scurrilous personal attacks the filthiest believing minds can invent.
The religion of the priests was not the religion of the people
The Old Testament itself screams loudly that the Judeans were polytheists. The priests of the Yahweh cult are constantly railing against the polytheism of the people. If we had records of the other priests we would expect them to issuing the same condemnations of worshiping but would include the evil Yahweh. It is a strange conceit to assume the political position of the Yahweh priests seeking dominance was the only one. It is even stranger to think one cult was superior to the people without also believing in a divinely inspired religion. The people rule; the priests are servants.
Narrating the Origin of the Bible
Explanatory links used in the above
The Septuagint is the original Old Testament
Generic religion
Proselytizing the old-fashioned way
Ethnos to religion complications
Ancient v Modern History
Anachronisms are not permitted
Questions of the Rhetorical Kind
Many different realities
If the Bible Stories were True
What is not in the Bible
The Myth of the Golden Age
Why a Greek Tanakh?
Some definitions
Where do religious traditions come from?
Disagreements Among Frenemies
All Things Imaginary
The main points
The Galilean Father Paradigm
For the Jews reading this
Miscellaneous observations
Understanding the New Testament
Josephus the only Historian of Judea
The Evidence is against Biblical Israel
It's so easy to hate the Jews
The Maccabean proxy war
Serapis, the invented god
Inventing Yahweh
The Appearance of Jews in History
The Maccabean Revolt was really a Greek proxy war
The Origin of Monotheism
The Cohenim Gene Origin
The 10th Plague of Exodus
What if the Bible merely exaggerates Israel?
The invented history of bibleland
Why was the Septuagint created?
Argumentum ad Hollywoodum
Who was Strato and why did he have so many towers?
Belief and Knowledge
Oral History is a Myth
The Naked Septuagint
The Letter of Aristeas
How many Judeans were there in the Roman Empire?
The False Retreat of Believers
All things imaginary
How the bible stories were seen
Where do religious traditions come from?
Archaeological finds: Egypt and Israel compared
Bibleland, the most dug place in the world
The Myth of captivity in Babylon
Recognizable Judaism
We cannot think like the ancients
The Biblelanders were polytheists
Meet Yahweh
Introducing Ashara, the Goddess of Judea
Meet the Eve from east of Eden
What is Judaism?
What you see is what you want to see
The Considerata
The Newer New Covenant
Reference material
I am here trying to include all relevant material that is not readily accessible. I want no one to take my word for what I say. Read the material. Decide for yourself. It is the only freedom you truly have.
The complete text of Josephus, Wars of the Jews, Book I
Complete text of the Letter of Aristeas
Against Apion zipfile
Antiquities of the Jews zipfile
Wars of the Jews zipfile
A less organized, earlier and more error prone version of this web page in PDF form
Some texts on the Septuagint found on the web
Life of Flavius Josephus by Himself An Extract out of Josephus's Discourse to The Greeks Concerning Hades
Archaeology is done with neither the bible nor Herzl as reference.
The Letter of Aristeas is a forgery therefore the Septuagint is the original
As we know for a fact that the Old Testament could not possibly have been written in bibleland by the people living in bibleland it is of interest to examine where it was created and by whom.
There is a fundamental difference between belief and knowledge. People believe the darnedest things. Belief is a matter of choice. Knowledge is based upon what is experienced through the senses.
Disagreements with this based upon sophistry are not of interest. Abstraction from immediate, primary experience does not change the source of knowledge.
Hundreds of millions of people believe many things about the Old Testament. But when it comes to knowledge the situation is much different.
No one knows why the books of the Old Testament were written.
No one knows who wrote them.
No one knows when they were written.
No one knows the original language in which they were written.
No one knows when the idea they were religious works started.
No one knows when they became a component of a religion.
No one knows why any particular selection of books was made.
I will endeavor to address these issues and more in what follows. However there is a short summary for the impatient.
The shortest form is, we know where the books could not have been written and we know the dates they could be no older than. These exclude bibleland and any date prior to the 3rd c. BC. Those two facts preclude all current religious beliefs about its origin.
Before you go further keep in mind what I say cannot possibly be true because it contradicts religious and political beliefs. For believers that means the most superficial and known false single data proves what I say is wrong. Further it justifies the most scurrilous personal attacks the filthiest believing minds can invent.
The religion of the priests was not the religion of the people
The Old Testament itself screams loudly that the Judeans were polytheists. The priests of the Yahweh cult are constantly railing against the polytheism of the people. If we had records of the other priests we would expect them to issuing the same condemnations of worshiping but would include the evil Yahweh. It is a strange conceit to assume the political position of the Yahweh priests seeking dominance was the only one. It is even stranger to think one cult was superior to the people without also believing in a divinely inspired religion. The people rule; the priests are servants.
Narrating the Origin of the Bible
Explanatory links used in the above
The Septuagint is the original Old Testament
Generic religion
Proselytizing the old-fashioned way
Ethnos to religion complications
Ancient v Modern History
Anachronisms are not permitted
Questions of the Rhetorical Kind
Many different realities
If the Bible Stories were True
What is not in the Bible
The Myth of the Golden Age
Why a Greek Tanakh?
Some definitions
Where do religious traditions come from?
Disagreements Among Frenemies
All Things Imaginary
The main points
The Galilean Father Paradigm
For the Jews reading this
Miscellaneous observations
Understanding the New Testament
Josephus the only Historian of Judea
The Evidence is against Biblical Israel
It's so easy to hate the Jews
The Maccabean proxy war
Serapis, the invented god
Inventing Yahweh
The Appearance of Jews in History
The Maccabean Revolt was really a Greek proxy war
The Origin of Monotheism
The Cohenim Gene Origin
The 10th Plague of Exodus
What if the Bible merely exaggerates Israel?
The invented history of bibleland
Why was the Septuagint created?
Argumentum ad Hollywoodum
Who was Strato and why did he have so many towers?
Belief and Knowledge
Oral History is a Myth
The Naked Septuagint
The Letter of Aristeas
How many Judeans were there in the Roman Empire?
The False Retreat of Believers
All things imaginary
How the bible stories were seen
Where do religious traditions come from?
Archaeological finds: Egypt and Israel compared
Bibleland, the most dug place in the world
The Myth of captivity in Babylon
Recognizable Judaism
We cannot think like the ancients
The Biblelanders were polytheists
Meet Yahweh
Introducing Ashara, the Goddess of Judea
Meet the Eve from east of Eden
What is Judaism?
What you see is what you want to see
The Considerata
The Newer New Covenant
Reference material
I am here trying to include all relevant material that is not readily accessible. I want no one to take my word for what I say. Read the material. Decide for yourself. It is the only freedom you truly have.
The complete text of Josephus, Wars of the Jews, Book I
Complete text of the Letter of Aristeas
Against Apion zipfile
Antiquities of the Jews zipfile
Wars of the Jews zipfile
A less organized, earlier and more error prone version of this web page in PDF form
Some texts on the Septuagint found on the web
Life of Flavius Josephus by Himself An Extract out of Josephus's Discourse to The Greeks Concerning Hades