I think I have mentioned ofter enought that I am currently visiting nightschool.
This is my final year in it and in the upcoming month of mai I will have my final exams and then hopefully will receive my university entrence diploma.
Amongst the exams I have to take there are 3 english exams.
1: Write a 1500 - 2000 words text concerning a specific issue in 4 hours.
2: Write your own report on a certain subject containing 3000 - 4000 words.
3: An Oral exam lasting 20 minutes in which I should debate a subject in english language.
Now, I have about 4 months left to prepare and intend to start writing the 3000 - 4000 words text next week.
In addition to that I will train my writing skills by writing severa 1500-2000 words texts in a limited amount of time.
It would be nice if some of you could be bothere to bring up the time to read some of the works and texts I have to write.
Thank you
This is my final year in it and in the upcoming month of mai I will have my final exams and then hopefully will receive my university entrence diploma.
Amongst the exams I have to take there are 3 english exams.
1: Write a 1500 - 2000 words text concerning a specific issue in 4 hours.
2: Write your own report on a certain subject containing 3000 - 4000 words.
3: An Oral exam lasting 20 minutes in which I should debate a subject in english language.
Now, I have about 4 months left to prepare and intend to start writing the 3000 - 4000 words text next week.
In addition to that I will train my writing skills by writing severa 1500-2000 words texts in a limited amount of time.
It would be nice if some of you could be bothere to bring up the time to read some of the works and texts I have to write.
Thank you