Hi ! I'm an Agnostic Christian and I hesitate between Atheism and Christianity.
To explain why. I will quote a post from the thread about my presentation.
But I would like to know if God does not exist why ?
1.Since my 4 years old I always had the feeling that I will take part to the last battle (Armageddon).
That is maybe because I heared a lot of things about God during this time or this feeling is not an illusion like this is the reality.
2.The first time where I can listened by accident (funfair) an Eurodance music (No limit by Knut) I had the sensation to be connected with the universe.
This is probably an illusion or that is possible.
3.Why I have all time (since my 4 years old) this weird sensation in my Thorax , a sensation to be like a empty memory card.
I have a spiritual problem or this is biologic other possibility this is neurologic or this is only a psychological sensation.
4.If God does not exist how the chaos created this world ?
5.If the soul does not exist how I can exist ? there are probably something before the human life and after.
6.How the Evolution Theory can be the truth (I'm not creationist) ?
7.If God does exist really why does he exist ?
8.How was the world before the Big Bang (this universe is maybe a part of the multiverse some physical theories speak about that) ?
9.How contact God without pray and without speak therefore how feeling God ?
10.Believe in God is maybe irrational but why the chaos is rational ?
To explain why. I will quote a post from the thread about my presentation.
Quote:I can define myself like Agnostic Christian because I see that in fact the bible have a lot of contradictions and errors and I think that there are maybe an explication to confirm the Christianity but I'm not sure.
Too I saw that a lot of myths in the bible came from older myths (Sumerian , Egyptian , Greek etc...).
For this fact I have two explications the authors of pagans myths was inspired by Satan or an other demon.
The other possibility is these stories was only write by some humans because the demoniac forces doesn't not exist.
Therefore I hesitate with Atheism and Christianity , like for me if the old testament is false the Judaism is not the real religion and Christianity too. For me the Islam is not the true religion like there are a lot of error in the scientific domain in this book named quran , koran , al-koran etc... in English language.
But I would like to know if God does not exist why ?
1.Since my 4 years old I always had the feeling that I will take part to the last battle (Armageddon).
That is maybe because I heared a lot of things about God during this time or this feeling is not an illusion like this is the reality.
2.The first time where I can listened by accident (funfair) an Eurodance music (No limit by Knut) I had the sensation to be connected with the universe.
This is probably an illusion or that is possible.
3.Why I have all time (since my 4 years old) this weird sensation in my Thorax , a sensation to be like a empty memory card.
I have a spiritual problem or this is biologic other possibility this is neurologic or this is only a psychological sensation.
4.If God does not exist how the chaos created this world ?
5.If the soul does not exist how I can exist ? there are probably something before the human life and after.
6.How the Evolution Theory can be the truth (I'm not creationist) ?
7.If God does exist really why does he exist ?
8.How was the world before the Big Bang (this universe is maybe a part of the multiverse some physical theories speak about that) ?
9.How contact God without pray and without speak therefore how feeling God ?
10.Believe in God is maybe irrational but why the chaos is rational ?