Party sounds nice

Firstly, I'd start off the party on my Esquilaxs' lap and let everyone eat some awesome 'Merican food. For dessert,
I'd make a headless baby cake (cuz cutting into a babyhead aint right), then I'd toss every religious symbol possible on the wall so we all draw whatever we want on them in glow paint. Of course I'd fill the tub with ice and every drink imaginable, I'd set up a dj set and bring out the bong for Chtulhu. Then I'd turn out the lights and let Apoph hit the dj.
No question, I wanna meet Ivy. She's my life twin and she sounds like a blast, especially drunk.

Pineapplebunny, duh, cuz she's in the club! And because I want to pop her tresspassing cherry.
Kichi, so we can go sit on the roof and sunbathe together in hooker heels

Badger, so he can give me a ride on his motorcycle (safely!)
Violet, ohhhh Violet. Can't help it, I loves me some Violet. So many things.. I'd wanna start some anarchy firstly!
Rahul I want to see his strong country boy muscles
Summer, of course, should bring her adoreable dog and wear those sexy glasses while we drink!
Whateverist too! Bring those dogs and make me laugh
Savannah, Futilethewinds, and RebeccaRoxy for sure sound funs

Moonshine Cherry Jello Shots perhaps?
Chuck, just because I'd like to meet the great One
Tiberius so he can sit at the front of the room with a staff overseeing the rest of us heathens
Nora, so we can chill in a corner being cynical about everyone else with Dark Star while we talk Doctor Who
Deist Paladin because I am definitely going to have a debate circle and he rocks. Consilius too. Oh and Faith No More. I'd love to have a circle talk with you guys.
TeaEarl because, fuck you're funny and I quite imagine you being the streaker of the party for some reason.
Brian37 might go streaing too and he's welcome so long as he doesn't play Abba

CleanshavenJesus I wanna meet cuz he's awesome. And I want to see if he's cleanshaven
Apophenia I'd hit up to maybe fix my computer and play some bomb ass music
Kayenneh hAs to be there, she just has to be. First thing I'd do when I see her is throw a coconut at her
Germans needs to be there too, I want to hear all his crazy sex stories
Paul pablo (if he can keep his hans to himself) can hang around and look at the pretty ladies if he wants
Insanity X, Pocaracas, Rhythm and Cinjin, Psychronic, Waratah, Bladevalant, Fidel Castro, little monkey, and frankieJ (plus the new guy 5th element), and Tartarus sauce
have the potential to make the party insanely histerical so bring it
Stimbo would be the jester and Cato could do all the stuff to gross us out while Min drunk rants about Catholics
Rayaan I would like to meet because he seems like a cool person,
Creed of Heresy could be the bouncer makin sure Statler, Jstrudel, Aractus, and Ronedeerrr don't make a debut while Maelstrom explains to them quite logically why they're dicks. Then I want you two to come smoke some Purple Haze and tell me about your love lives

Fr0d0, I've come to like a lot and I'd like to meet him
Drich, so we can talk Star Wars and I can explain to him the movies as they play

Dragonetti because he's a spy and that's badass
Capn Awesome so I can hear his lovely accent
Magic Pudding, Max Greece, Texas Sailorrrrrrrrr (so I can do Sailor Moon Jokes around him), and zebo the fat would all be welcome, along with the rest of the forum members. Cuz I love all! Except those I excluded by listing them purposely cuz I'm a bitch and they're annoying.