The Case Against Compatabilism
May 17, 2017 at 7:00 am
(This post was last modified: May 17, 2017 at 7:02 am by Edwardo Piet.)
ANOTHER free will thread. But this time let's leave the two absurd extremes of Metaphysical Libertarianism on the one hand and Fatalism on the other out of the equation... and let's address Hard Incompatabilism versus Compatabilism.
When compatabilists like Dan Dennett says that hard incompatabilists such as Sam Harris are a "compatabilist in everything but name" that's, ironically, a clear knockdown argument against the compatabilist's own statement. It's basically admitting that all compatabilism is is a name. A term "free will" that's used despite having absolutely no difference ontologically from incompatabilism.
In case this isn't clear... look at this analogy:
When compatabilists respond to hard incompatabilists with "You're a compatabilist in everything but name!" that is exactly analogous to a naturalistic pantheist responding to an atheist with "You're a pantheist in everything but name!".
When compatabilists like Dan Dennett says that hard incompatabilists such as Sam Harris are a "compatabilist in everything but name" that's, ironically, a clear knockdown argument against the compatabilist's own statement. It's basically admitting that all compatabilism is is a name. A term "free will" that's used despite having absolutely no difference ontologically from incompatabilism.
In case this isn't clear... look at this analogy:
When compatabilists respond to hard incompatabilists with "You're a compatabilist in everything but name!" that is exactly analogous to a naturalistic pantheist responding to an atheist with "You're a pantheist in everything but name!".