(April 16, 2018 at 8:31 pm)Jörmungandr Wrote: (April 16, 2018 at 6:00 am)Little Rik Wrote:
Since when you............have given specific logical reasons for rejecting my arguments?
That is a load o'crap yog.
I just did, in the very post you quoted, you lying sack of shit!
Jesus Christ! Could you be any more obvious with your lying?!?
Show me one post where I responded to your arguments without providing logical reasons -- just one, motherfucker![/size]
(April 16, 2018 at 6:00 am)Little Rik Wrote: All you keep on doing is...........asking to give evidence about something that nobody bother to find any evidence on the ground that doesn't make any sense such as thinking that a body (dead body) is able to create a new life within that parameter of consciousness.
Yeah, I can't parse your English here. Try restating it using shorter sentences. I can't make heads or tails of this.
(April 16, 2018 at 6:00 am)Little Rik Wrote: Of course a dead person is still full of energy that will never get lost but a body void of consciousness can only give energy to worms and that form of energy carry the consciousness that match worms consciousness.
Unless I've misunderstood you, there is no such thing as a body devoid of consciousness, as a body is made up of matter whose vibrations are themselves conscious. Perhaps you simply haven't explained yourself well enough, but under your view that "vibrations are alive" and that “Everything in Life is Vibration” (Einstein), apparently everything, including so-called "dead matter" is conscious. If I've misunderstood you then clarify your position. If there indeed is matter/vibrations that aren't conscious, then how do you tell which matter is conscious and which isn't?
(April 16, 2018 at 6:00 am)Little Rik Wrote: Your knowledge about consciousness is next to zero.
Seeing as your last two posts have been filled with lies about me, I'm not inclined to grant you any credibility here.
(April 16, 2018 at 6:00 am)Little Rik Wrote: High consciousness can not possibly enter low form of life and low consciousness is unable to enter high form of life such as human life.
Everything goes and fit in the proper puzzle.
Since energy-consciousness is abstract in nature it will live so to speak in a vibration form until a proper medium is found in which this energy-consciousness will live.
Are you trying to say that some things are alive and some things are not? From what I recall, you have said that all things are made of vibrations and all vibrations are alive? I don't see how there can be dead things if those two things are true. If you haven't claimed that, then please clarify what in nature is or isn't a conscious/alive vibration. I'll hold off on counter-arguments until you clarify what you mean.
(April 16, 2018 at 6:00 am)Little Rik Wrote: Einstein and other scientists already established that all life in the universe is made of vibrations as I already showed to you in a previous link.
I found very very hypocritical to see that atheists in general say all the time that they believe in science but when this very science contradict them they start playing dirty and refuse to accept the verdict.
You are the perfect example of such hypocritical mentality.
Shame on you. 
More lies! Show me one post where I contradicted science or shove it. Your claim of hypocrisy is just another lie.
But while we're on the subject of hypocrisy, I haven't done things like post a google search instead of answering arguments, or claimed that something is as "obvious" as water is wet, or dismissed my arguments out of hand by claiming that I was just being dismissive or that I had not provided logical reasons in my counter-arguments. That's you who did all those things. So, in addition to being a lying cunt, you're being a total hypocrite.
1) By arguing that there is no evidence that the vibrations are alive you fall in the same stupid dogma that any fool fall by asking for evidence that the water is wet.
As we do not need for any peer-review that the water is wet we also do not need any scientific evidence that the vibration are alive considering that to create life it is needed life.
Even a 13 years old teen knows that mum and dad are required to bring to life a baby.
Are you more intelligent than Einstein?
Your little brain is saturated with dogmas of all kind.
2) Consciousness is everywhere as the sun is all over.
There is a problem however.
In some places you can not see the sun.
Maybe is night, maybe is cloudy.
In other places however you can see the full sun.
Consciousness is also everywhere but in order to have a proper awareness of it you need a lot of personal evolution.
While matter is in a slumber or latent stage of evolution plants are slightly more aware.
Animals even more aware, human being a lot more aware and God if you believe in Him is 100% aware.
A dead body (we call it dead as the consciousness that lived in that body is gone or separated from it) in a way is not really dead as matter
is also energy-consciousness but matter is not aware so she can only live as matter for the time being.
Atheism has no knowledge of whatsoever how consciousness works yet
idiots like you pop up all the time arguing about important topics such as this carrying with them their demented beliefs in order to discredit anyone who understand how the system works.
Your knowledge about life is like that of a small child that believe that storks are carrying babies and you have shown this time and time again especially now that you argue about vibrations being alive.
When you will ever wake up and grow up yog?