These days most people believe in evolution whether they are atheists, believer or anything in the middle.
The point however is to make sure that people know how evolution works otherwise is all futile.
There is no point in believing in something if we do not know how the system works.
That would be faith rather than real knowledge.
It would be like a child that believe in Santa.
It would be all good but in the dream land not in the reality.
Here some question that we should know before we can say that we know what survival is all about.
1) Is evolution based only in body changes or involve consciousness as well?
2) What is driving evolution?
Survival only or involve also the need to reach some goal in life?
3) Are individual who are not able to survive lost for ever or will pop up in a different environment most suitable to their capabilities to survive?
4) Did Darwin and other really studied other possibilities other than whether evolution is driven only by survival?
5) Can a plant evolve into an animal, an animal into a human or plant stay plant, animal stay animal and human stay human?
6) If evolution exist is because there is a goal to reach or is all about random chances?
7) Does evolution act like the gear of a vehicle that increase his speed as it change the gear?
The point however is to make sure that people know how evolution works otherwise is all futile.

There is no point in believing in something if we do not know how the system works.
That would be faith rather than real knowledge.
It would be like a child that believe in Santa.
It would be all good but in the dream land not in the reality.
Here some question that we should know before we can say that we know what survival is all about.
1) Is evolution based only in body changes or involve consciousness as well?
2) What is driving evolution?
Survival only or involve also the need to reach some goal in life?
3) Are individual who are not able to survive lost for ever or will pop up in a different environment most suitable to their capabilities to survive?
4) Did Darwin and other really studied other possibilities other than whether evolution is driven only by survival?
5) Can a plant evolve into an animal, an animal into a human or plant stay plant, animal stay animal and human stay human?
6) If evolution exist is because there is a goal to reach or is all about random chances?
7) Does evolution act like the gear of a vehicle that increase his speed as it change the gear?