He spoke out against any form of sex with a minor.
One must be completly inept and stupid to think that such a statement gives any kind of support to the molestation of a child.
+ nowhere did he speak out in defence on unconsencual sex or rape!
[b' Wrote: I am going to make one thing clear for you:[/b]
I have a problem with people being purposly annoying, like you are.
You refuse to bring counterarguments in debates and declare yourself the winner of every "debate" you participate in on your own behalf.
But I dont want these kind of people banned aslong as they can resist being incitefull and violent.
But if you accuse people of being pedophiles or supporting rape, out of the blue without any evidence to back such statements up.
You are crossing a line.
Actualy defamating a person by calling him a rapist is a crime where I live, and if you were a German member I would report you to the authorities if you accuse me of supporting childabuse or unconsensual sex - which is called rape - because that is what it is.
So I encourage you to stop posting that I am in support of childmolestation or unconsensual sex, simply because you have no civilised arguments to defend these very things as the occur in the quoran.
If you dont, and if you continue to accuse me of being in support of unconsensual sex or childmolestation again, I will report you to the mods, because I do not deserve this defamation.
Especialy after making perfectly clear where I stand on this subject.
Response: Someone must have given you the impression that someone actually cares for you or what you think. But they don't.
Nor does it change the fact that your ideology has already been exposed of condoning rape and molestation, since you condemn consensual sex in marriage at puberty with someone who is mature.
You can report whatever you like.