The name of God the Merciful
Hello you
First introduce myself
I d. Diana from Egypt and holds a Bachlrios medicine herbs from Hungary
After my secondary education in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
I found your forum by chance and I hope to take advantage of each
Thank you in advance for hosting
Excuse me that the language was somewhat weak, and thank you
Wonderful to watch the debate, which had been held in 2000 between Dr. / William Campbell and for the wonderful Indian Muslim Dr. / Zakir Naik about the scientific miracles in the divine books and then study a lengthy article based on the studies of Dr. William full Inimitability in the Holy Quran and published in the website (www. found that the information contained in each of the corresponding article is built on the published book by Dr. William Campbell on the same subject. And there were a number of the charges that have been raised about the scientific miracles in the embryology .. Though some of them are not only aware of embryos, but extends to the whole areas of scientific miracles in the Holy Quran and Sunnah cleared .. But the overall message of Islam. It is clear that this comes within the scope of the war to resist the penetration of Islam into the homes of the West, which seemed to be a repetition of what happened in the attack on the Tatar Muslim lands where they were victorious militarily but spiritually, including the penetration of Islam is a religion in Vastzlmwa one impressed by the events of history and in the application is contrary to the historical base of the traded followed the defeated victor.
Can be summarized by the suspicions about embryology in the following points:
1 - must understand the Koran and the words of the year only the language of Quraish, as the understanding of the Arabs at a time Olvazaa message.
2 - The Miracle in the areas of embryology in the Koran and the Sunna is the information obtained from Abu Tariq and Aristotle and Galen.
3 - The Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him received placements of embryology and Caldp Harith bin Harith bin Nadr.
4 - that the meaning of Alalqp frozen blood, which is so wrong I may not explicitly use the meanings that go to Muslim scholars, such as the parasite Alalq or thing which relates to another. (Leach like-something to cling)
5 - meaning that the embryo is a piece of meat is so wrong I can not be likened to an explicit piece of the small size of the chew, which may highlight the impact of signs similar to the teeth, which resemble the physical objects in the fetus (somites).
6 - the fact that the bones before the meat and then create a taxi is grossly wrong and that it is both scientifically composed together at the same time.
7 - One of the noble hadith has established the duration of sperm Alalqp Forty days and forty days and forty-day embryo. This means that the bone is composed after 120 days after the fourth month, a scientific error obscene.
8 - that there is any decent show that the origin of the creation of human bones, which is so similar to the concept of an earlier Greek wrong.
9 - that the Muslim scholars who were themselves the link between what the Koran and the Sunna of the embryology and the words of Galen.
The Grace of God, we respond to these suspicions as unfounded and also cite the violation of by the Islamic religious or scientific approach .. they had to speak, from the error .. Or as an intentional lie. It is with regret the closest in this regard.
Compromised the first:
Must understand the Koran and the words of the year only the language of Quraish, as the understanding of the Arabs at a time Olvazaa message.
This calls for the compromised apparent deception in the guise of a shiny strip of the Koran from one of the most important characteristics, namely, its universality and validity of all time and place. Unlike the previous messages that were send to them by the prophets, prayers and peace to his people in particular.
The Almighty said: (We sent thee but a mercy to the worlds). "(Holy Prophets / 107) which define the scope of any decent letter of the Prophet may Allah bless him and the spatial and temporal.
The Almighty said: (for each report will be stable, you know) (Surat cattle / 67) .. Which means that some reports in the Holy Quran will not understand its meaning only in the past God knows.
The Almighty said: (but not including lied take knowledge and be construed as Iothm). (Surat Yunus / 39). This means that the understanding of some verses is clear not only in God knows when.
The disinfectant in the year .. By Jabir may Allah be pleased with him said that the Prophet had not been given five Iatthn one of the prophets before me lay the horror of the march and made me land a mosque and Thora Voima man of my prayer Vlaisal understood me and has not been resolved, the spoils of a given intercession before me and the Prophet is to his people in particular and has written to the general public, said Mr. Day of Resurrection, I said I'm not Mr. Adam was born of pride and I am the first to bolt in the grave I am the first kid and Mcf. Narrated by Muslim Women
This approach, if applied steadily, there would be no meaning to the discretion of mufassireen over the course of history in understanding the Koran according to the rules of the Arabic language in the framework says: (We have revealed to the Arab villages that you understand) (Surat Yusuf / 2). Mufassireen of the competition was over the better understanding of Islamic history and Quranic text, mainly in the light of the Arabic language. This was the approach throughout the Islamic history of pride for the Muslims did not raise such a lie. It is in a consensus over the Islamic history, both prior to the talk about the aspects of the scientific miracles in the Quran or beyond. Indeed, the Koran is the Muslim scholars who, after understanding the text of the Koran to the extraction of the text. Almighty says (if the order came to them of security or fear, even though reported their Rdoh to the Prophet and it was given to them to learn who Istnbtonh were it not for God's favor upon you and His mercy Atbatm the little devil) (AL-women / 83) Valastenbat approach Qarani Rabbani, but is for the use of the human mind is to understand the Koran in the light of legal controls.
Thus, the recognition of this false premise, in fact, negate the advantage of the conclusion and the methodology of the Koran and the effort of thousands of scientists throughout the Islamic history. And explicit contravention of the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet is true, which Shurayfah us are following them as we are forbidden to follow the whims of those who do not know the truth. The Almighty said: The judge, including God's revelation does not follow their wishes, and I warn that Evtnok some of what Allah has sent down to you if they turn away, but wanted فاعلم God that they have some sins, and a lot of people are evil
Second compromised:
Miracles in the areas of embryology in the Koran and the Sunna of the information obtained from Abu Tariq and Aristotle and Galen.
Dr. Campbell to take the words themselves and through which he claimed that the information learned in the Koran embryos derived from these former scientists:
First: Abu Tariq
Word of the d. Campbell
Growth stages of prenatal development, according to Abu Tariq
Phase I: the sperm
Phase II: the blood of the mother descended on the membrane
Phase 3. Meat, feeds through the umbilical
4 stage. Bone
It is clear that this is evidence that 1000 years before the Koran was the growth of the embryo is divided into stages
STAGE 1. sperm
STAGE 2. mother's blood descends around the membrane
STAGE 3. flesh, fed through umbilicus
STAGE 4. bones
Clearly this shows that 1000 years before the Qur'an the development of the embryo was divided into stages.
Thaina: Socrates
Word of the d. Campbell
Stages of growth before birth, according to Aristotle
Phase 1. Sperm
Phase 2. catamenia - menstrual blood
Phase 3. Meat
4 stage. Bone
5 stage. On the fleshy parts of the bone growth
STAGE 1. sperm
STAGE 2. catamenia - menstrual blood
STAGE 3. flesh
STAGE 4. bones
STAGE 5. around the bones grow the fleshy parts
III: Galen
Word of the d. Campbell
Galen for the growth stages of prenatal
Phase 1. Mona Mon
Phase 1b. In addition to menstrual blood
Phase 2. Bethlehem, however, a distinct form
Phase 3. Bone
Phase 3 b. The growth of the meat on the bone
STAGE 1. The two semens
STAGE 1b. plus menstrual blood
STAGE 2. unshaped flesh
STAGE 3. bones
STAGE 3b. flesh grows on and around the bones
Fourth: The Koran
Word of the d. Campbell
Quran stages for the growth of the fetus prior to birth
Phase 1. nutfa - Muna
Phase 2. 'Alaqa - stroke
Phase 3. mudagha - a piece of meat
The .4: 'Adaam - bone
.5 Stage: bone muscle clothing
STAGE 1. nutfa - sperm
STAGE 2. 'Alaqa - clot
STAGE 3. mudagha - piece or lump of flesh
STAGE 4. 'Adaam - bones
STAGE 5. dressing the bones with muscles
We will accept a temporary stage for the debate hypothetical Dr. Campbell of the development of the fetus in the Holy Quran .. Although this can be resolved:
1. A Koran in Inimitability generally Bmzitin key .. First, all the states in which scientific information is true and secondly that there is no one piece of information by the wrong (Say, who knows the secret revealed in the heavens and the earth he was ever Forgiving, Most Merciful) (Al-Furqan / 6).
2 - not a violation of the holy Koran just for the other offense Almighty said in the story of Shu: (What I want to Okhalvkm couple properly to it, if only I was able to reform and compromise the trust only in God and the Onib) (Surat Hood / 88) It is not approach to discredit the Koran if they do other unbelievers Almighty said: (O ye who believe! Be Qwamin God and the martyrs of portion Egermenkm Shannan people not to Tadloa Adloa is closer to piety and fear Allah, that Allah is Aware of what you do). (Surat Al-Maida / 8). Our goal is not to deny or discredit the achievements of others, even like the decision of the Holy Quran. Was approved by the Holy Quran at the places where it was time the people and denied them the message that they are in other people.
3 - which tempted by the offer described in this compromised the development of the embryo at the stages of the scientists mentioned (Hippocratic - Aristotle - Galen) was recorded, and some observations on the evolution of Jenin chicken. There is no doubt that the scientific method at the time the credit of these early scientists.
4 - to introduce the writer to mention the other former scholars were spreading to other ideas such as my man does not participate in the formation of the embryo itself, but the embryo consists only the impact of the sperm on the blood of menstruation. It is so wearing that it was not art but the ideas of these three scientists.
5 - Try the writer to introduce the shortened description of these scientists are at me suggest strong between them and the description of the Koran, although the details of their shoulder to the irregularities in the Holy Quran. Voboaqrat make the origin of the fetus, the blood of menstruation and alone and Aristotle disagreed and made the blood of menstruation and my men and Galen Khalvhma and make the blood of menstruation and my men and my women. Any semi-between that and what is stated in the Holy Quran.
6 - to introduce the writer to clarify the positions of the obvious differences between the Koran and his predecessors, primarily the three afore-mentioned scientists agreed that the embryo arises from the blood of menstruation. While not in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet is a serious mistake. I wonder why not introduce the writer of this clarification. More than that, it had lied in claiming that the Koran did not contribute to correct past mistakes .. While the Muslims go straight to the understanding of this matter and denied the claims of the role of menstrual blood in the fetus on the basis of the Koran and the Sunna, as Ibn Hajar said forward Alasaglani (and many people claimed that the autopsy me man has no role in the formation of the embryo only in the place and that it consists .. the blood of menstruation and therefore nullify the talk section). We found that sentence to correct only the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet of the concepts of non-participation of the first wrong of me to be a man alone in the embryo and fetus from the second to be menstrual blood.
Compromised the third: that the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him received placements of embryology and Caldp Harith bin Harith bin Nadr.
Dr. Campbell has stretched the same over several pages to suggest that the situation prevailing in the form of scientific and a medical school in Yemen and the other in Alexandria with the passage of convoys passing through Mecca from Yemen, has made it possible for the Prophet peace be upon him (the science).
Quraish infidels have raised similar suspicions, took God's answer in the Holy Quran: Allah said (and I know they say, but people know of the tongue, which Elhdon to Oagami This indicated by Arabic) (AL-bee / 103)
We ask d / Campbell .. Which shows that he made a great effort in studying the history of the time prophecy as follows:
1. Did not learn from the study of the curriculum that Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him was known in his Balsadeg Secretary. Would it have been left lying on people and lying to God.
2. Did not know that the Prophet Mohammad was a prophet and wire illiterate does not read or write?
3. Did not they know if these had the science of Aristotle and Galen Abu Tariq really, they also had two Wrongs, such as their report that the fetus is composed of the menstrual blood of a mistake Tnagulwh all such as the principle, known as Abu Tariq at the four body fluids .. In the case of a healthy body are balanced and fluid imbalance occurs when the disease does not return the state of health of the patient, however, the return of the balance between these fluids. And Socrates talked about the five basic elements of the universe (water, fire and earth, air and ether) and the Department of organisms according to what he called "the peace of life .. and Galen distinguished between artery and vein and decided to emerge from the liver vein and artery arises from the heart .. And so very much to the scientists the information void amid other information Khaltha health. If they are a source of information for the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him .. And Hachah .. How marked the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace between the different ideas they had the right as he went on a rare and often leave a falsehood.
The Koran is not a book of science but the book states. But it wants the will of God that contains references from the scientific miracles. Was not originally in the download time of the Koran in any publication of the invitation was not for the existence at that time, no need or contribution in spreading Islam as we know. If it were not contained in the Koran could not have been any impact on the people to accept Islam at the time. Did not convey to us that one at a time of Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him had the effect of the surest signs that we are now calling emplacement of scientific miracles in the Holy Quran. All of the safest in the time the letter was due to what the doctrine of Islam Tawhid net that addresses the mushrooms clean sound and called it morality and ethics of virtuous (and Worship Allah and join none with Him and charity, and relegated to parents kinsfolk, orphans, the poor and giving to kinsfolk, and the neighbor side and the neighbor and the son of Saheb Paljnb way and then you believe in God does not love the proud stretching) (AL-women / 36)
Why resort of people who wants to believe the selection of the conflicting information and to provide information to people - unnecessarily - that may prove wrong in the mind on the near or far?
We hope to sit down d / Campbell with the same colossal. May Allaah to guide, to the right. (Say Oazkm but one God, that you two, and then individual Taatvkroa Besahbkm of what he is but a harbinger of doom in the hands of you, very) (AL-women / 46).
Fourth charge: that the meaning of Alalqp blood is frozen and may not use the meanings that go to Muslim scholars, such as the parasite Alalq or thing which relates to another. (Leach like-something to cling)
This suspicion is based on the suspicion that I may not understand the words of the Koran, however, as I understand the time of landing the Holy Quran. The invalidity Vndnaha and explained. In response to the first suspicion.
The truth is that Alalqp in Arabic, like many of the Arabic language - has several meanings and this is the characteristics of this language is known as a single daily reality of Israeli practices may have several meanings on the one expressed by many of the terms. It is the meaning of Alalqp:
1. Frozen blood.
2. Alalq parasite.
3. Something to do with another.
(Figure .1) chart shows the similarities between the landscape side of the embryo at the stage of Alalqp (see above) and extends within the second and third weeks of fertilization) and the parasite Alalq below.
If we are clear in this day and age is not known in the past, the similarity in form between the stage of the development of the fetus and the description of the Koran and with the approved rules of the Arabic language, which was down by the Holy Quran. Do not we have the right to clarify that statement? The appellants and Osthfahm ask God if they are contrary to the Koran - the word is likely a sense other than what has been discovered in modern times - and crying to the moon - they are not to establish the minimum to do this? .. Osthfahm and God once again .. And be at least between them and themselves in the shadows of the truthful .. May God guide them to the right .. If the verse in the Old Testament or the new set up were also lower for her. What we as Muslims to object or grieve because we know that the Old and Modern currently the meaning of the Word of God also told us that God Almighty, as our Prophet told us that God's blessings and peace be upon him.
The presence of an interview that the discovery of the next stage of the sperm in the form of parasite gametes Alalq (Figure .1) and, in the womb of the mother by way of contact for feed on the blood of the mother, as do Alalq when the parasite feeds on the blood of the person in question is of no justification for turning a blind eye to it Ktmanh at the sound of mushrooms.
The description of the frozen blood Alalqp is not surprising in terms of outer appearance is also at this stage. Begin to be blood inside the blood vessels in the connective tissue surrounding embryonic bag and hinted that in the third week of pregnancy begins while the blood circulation in the fourth week and therefore Negare that can be likened to the appearance outside of the Jenin district human blood at this stage because of the freezing of blood with no rotation and with completing the picture of the meanings carried by other means Alalqp (Figure .2).
Indeed, we have the right to ask us .. Do you think that was one of the blood is made in the embryo at this early stage. And that in the first period of gestation remains constant in the blood vessels motionless in Jenin size less than one mm to be surrounded by Bogshep frozen blood .. Praise God from dub.
(A .2) Figure shows the appearance of the fetus outside the limits of today's 19 - and reflects the blood vessels formed in the connective tissue surrounding embryonic hinted bag.
Fifth suspicion: that the meaning of Alamadap is a piece of meat can not be likened to the small piece is chewed in the volume, highlighting the signs of the impact of similar teeth, which resemble the physical objects in the fetus (somites).
Compromised like this depends on the attempt to confine the meaning of the Koran in the context of a specific violation of the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet himself and the consensus of Muslim scholars throughout Islamic history.
The language of the embryo with multiple meanings, including:
1 - small things
2 - something the size of the chewed.
(Figure .3) a true picture of the human embryo in the fourth week
(Figure .4) a true picture of the human embryo in the fifth week
(Figure .5) illustrations of Jenin in the fourth week show the speed of change in form and appearance of physical objects.
(A .6): A chart of the human embryo in the fourth week, within the twenty-sixth day and in the impact of the lower teeth on a piece of clay by Professor Keith Moore, the statement of the similarities at this point.
The fact that the next stage of the phase Alalqp take a thing like Almamadog because of the large number Anavajadtha externalities caused by the emergence of the internal organs and especially the head and heart, liver and the parties (Form .3,4). The format change also changed the form of a quick thing Almamadog (Figure .5) and is consistent with the physical appearance of the pieces somites)) that appear as the impact on the dental thing Almamadog (form. 3-6). All of this which can not be overlooked in the wise.
Sixth compromised: the fact that the bones before the meat and then create a taxi is grossly wrong and that it is both scientifically composed together at the same time.
Dr. Campbell has been compromised in the course of this, he said:
There is no bone stage at which the limbs of the developing fetus are just bones around which muscles will later be placed.
Translation: (no stage then there are the parties to the fetus of a bone which will be covered later with meat.)
.7 A: marked by physical objects somites Sadler, 2000, pp: 94
The fact that this is not exactly true. The long bones in the fetus in three stages:
1 - a model of fetal connective tissue (mesenchme model).
2 - stage of the model disc. Cartilaginous model)).
3 - phase Ossification.
With bone and flatfish .. Kaljmjmp for example, only two stages:
1 - a model of fetal connective tissue (mesenchme model).
2 - stage of ossification.
The simple mention of the spine and the muscles around it.
All cells arise from the initial components of the bone (sclerotome) cells and primary components of the muscle (dermatome) of physical objects. (Somites)
But the primary components of the cells migrate to the bones of the cells before the initial components of the muscle, followed by migration to and covered by the form (7,8,9).
(Figure .8) stage shows (6) completion of the first phase of the model of fetal connective tissue and the beginning of the second stage the formation of disc model, while the initial start of the muscle cells to migrate to take yet. Gray's anatomy, 1989.))
(Figure .9) Figure to be a model of the left fetal connective tissue and the beginning of the disc, while the model did not start the initial muscle cell migration after. Figure III and IV to the left the migration of cells of primary components of the muscle to bone clothing initial model). (Larsen, 1993 , pp: 72
The previous example illustrates what happens during the rise of the spine and the muscles around it.
The lower and upper part of the transfer here is simply the decision of some of the best scientists embryology in 1975:
"Although it has been customary to describe a common osseomuscular condensation in the mesoderm of the limb, more recent studies on "cytochemical predifferentiation" predifferenciation cytochimiqe, Milaire, 1959, i.e., the histochemical detection and localization of certain substances prior to morphological differentiation) have indicated that, whereas the skeletal plastema appear (in the mouse) in the depth of the limb, the perichondrium, the muscles, and the tendons arise by centripetal migration from the superficial mesenchyme (Milaire, 1965)
"Although it has been used to intensify my bones joint muscle connective tissue layer in the party, but the recent studies conducted on the pre-cellular chemical excellence predifferenciation cytochimiqe,) Milier, 1959) sense cellular chemical detection and identification of the locations of certain materials before morphological differentiation indicated that While the Great Bdaipalheikl show (in the platoon experiences Ferrand small) deep in the party, the disc membrane and muscles, tendons and muscles arise as a result of immigration Trfmrkzip initial connective tissue surface. Milaire), 1965). "(Orly and Gardner, 1975)
The simple direct translation of the preceding paragraph is that the primary muscles clothe the bones in the initial parties.
We have probably fallen to the scientific climate are being shaped bones and muscles at the same time.
The fact that the fabric of the initial shape of the bones in the position of the bones first and then come the primary fabric of the muscles of the base is surrounded by a steady background explains the basis of the relationship between the bones and muscles since the beginning of its inception, and this resolved the issue of the relationship of the first round, both with respect to the spine bones and around the muscles or bones of the Parties and around the muscle.
It became clear that the meat and bones never ratified that God (Vksona bone meat).
Compromised VII: One of the noble hadith has set the duration of sperm Alalqp Forty days and forty days and forty-day embryo. This means that the bone is composed after 120 days after the fourth month, a scientific error obscene.
We need to talk above our consideration:
Abdullah said the Messenger of Allah to us by God and the blessings of peace and it is said that the sincere Almsdouk brings you created in the mother's womb for forty days and then be in such a vicious beating, then have the embryo of such a God, then the property is Viwmr four words I write and say and work for a living and happy, or both, and then promoting the spirit of the men to work until you are between him and Paradise Visbak arm only in writing the work of the people worked and worked until the fire is with fire and the only arm Visbak it works the work of the people of the book Paradise (Narrated by Muslim).
Conversation did not repeat the word for forty days .. But he said in Alalqp and embryo stages (such as that ..) and no effect at the time of any forty-day embryo, leech or incomplete growth strictly as sperm created in the same forty incomplete growth and full refinement.
I understand many of the modern Muslim commentators on talk that it already three Orbainat in terms of the probability of that effect. But not in the text indicates that understanding. While others, such as gold Elzimlcan son, who lived in the seventh century AH to what we have discussed. And Muslim scholars, who now that the description applies to the sperm is to bring the fetus in the first week and Alalqp in the second and third weeks and weeks, the embryo in the third, fourth and fifth. Does not understand the expense of some former scientists nominated as long as the text was not significant lump .. They hired God.
Those who supported this sense that we talk about the last true Hudhayfah Ben acid that the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said:
If Balntefp Over Forty-two of the night God sent to the property was photographed and the creation of her sight and hearing, skin and meat and bone meal and said, O Lord, recall or her wealth is the Lord God and King write, then say, O Lord, for he is thy Lord the King will write and say, O Lord, and then living up the the Lord God He writes of King, King and then come out the paper in his hand is not over lack modern figure: 797 in Jaami - Albanian
The talk here about the Chia did not mention Alalqp and embryo because they have been in earlier phases. The expression of the first phase Balntefp Overall repeatedly in the Koran and the Sunna as the creation of rights, as Allaah says (of the ability of sperm to create and then mortality was pleased the way Vocyprh) The Holy Quran is moving here from the beginning stages of training to the end of life, not to mention all the intermediate stages.
Compromised eighth: that there is any decent show that the origin of the creation of human bones, which is so similar to the concept of an earlier Greek wrong.
There is absolutely no such word in this verse, but the Almighty said: (see the creation of rights mm, creating a flush of water, out from between the loins and ribs)
And talk about the stage of creation .. It is the origin of the creation of human infancy, where the fabric will be in the composition of the human birth Omchaj still exists between the solid (backbone) and ribs (chest bone). Even when the testicles descend into the final place in the Scrotum it remains longevity Bmodaha I maintain liaison between the steel ribs in the form of nutritious artery and lymph vessels issued. (Available in 10, 11).
(A .10) shows a sketch Almhijip cells in the third week of the wall of bag has hinted in the vicinity of the (Allantois) and then migrating to Tsal in the sixth week to the region known as easements Sexual (Genital ridge), located between the spine and lower ribs.
Sketch shows the Almhijip cells in the third week of the wall of bag has hinted in the vicinity of the (Allantois) and then migrating to Tsal in the sixth week to the region known as easements Sexual (Genital ridge), located between the spine and lower ribs.
(Figure 11) to migrate the testicles and scrotum bag, but still retained longevity Booeitha the blood and the neural links and nodes Ooeitha in the first place from which they arise .. Between the steel ribs
Migrate to the testicles and scrotum bag, but still retained longevity Booeitha the blood and lymph in the first place from which they arise .. Between the steel ribs.
Ninth compromised: that Muslim scholars were linked between themselves as stated in the Koran and the Sunna of the embryology and the words of Galen.
First: that it rarely happened, even though the writer to suggest that steadily.
Secondly: that it was going to be a martyr and to clarify the meaning of the reality of their time in the available science.
Third: The Muslim scholars have been and continue to say Balisraiillat. Which accounts transmitted by us the Children of Israel. Did not understand one of the scientists nominated never correct that this means that these accounts .. But some scientists used to try to bring an understanding to be an indication of the sincerity of the .. The basic rule in Alasirailiat known by all Muslims are the words of Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him Atsedkoa to the People of the Book in Tkzbohem). Because we do not trust Aadalthm in the transportation and what inspired their books .. Which is distorted .. What is written and the hands.
Third: The Most Citations in matters that were agreed as true in the Koran and the Sunna. Muslim scholars are still working to the day with sometimes known as the scientific interpretation of the Holy Quran and Sunnah disinfectant. Which strives to clarify some of the world in scientific matters in the Qur'aan and Sunnah. In doing so, it applies the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (if the ruling hard hitting mortars and if he worked hard Vokto Vokto has paid one). Him or not he's right or it. The general advice was often repeated by top scientists to avoid the need link between the Koran and theories that have not yet proven.
Fourth: that the writer introduce - by design or ignorance - to mention the examples of Muslim scholars who responded to the knowledge that was prevalent in their time, but contrary to what is true in the Qur'aan and Sunnah, such as Ibn Hajar Mazkrna Alasaglani on to say: (and many people claimed that the autopsy of me the man has no role in the formation of the embryo only in the place and that it is composed of menstrual blood .. and talk invalidate this section).
Satisfied so easily, and perhaps the benefit of Muslims, which calls for the importance of the outstanding advantage of this opportunity which is looking at some of the East and West to learn the realities of Islam. Which is why they saw each other for this demand to try to interfere with these facts of each face. We say, as we decided earlier in this article:
1 - The first thing for people to accept Islam is the doctrine of Tawhid, which Bashastha contact the hearts of the sound-Fitr, which invites them Aftrtha all the time to search for the right one god who was not born guide and did not have a stop.
2 - The ethics of Islam to show the High Commissioner in the treatment of parents and close kin of a neighbor and the neighbor side and Paljnb Saheb and the son of the way .. And its relationship to animal, plants and inanimate objects and the universe, which is Bedazzles of the hearts and minds Ulloa.
3 - The blessings of God, which is publicly states Miracles in the Holy Quran. Than they were a cause of some who Junboa Islam and ruled the minds of their own liking. Which is a Balbgdhae to raise suspicions about the verses as Inimitability raised suspicions about the Holy Quran and the pure and the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him .. To distinguish (and still fight against you until they will turn you from your religion if they could) and the more aroused the suspicion of those people Vozalha the world more subject to a miracle and the brightest.
Our role is to provide the realities of Islam in all its aspects net clean (to die for the whole of the evidence from the shy and Yahya informed and your Lord is Hearing, Knowing)
The last prayer to God, Praise the Lord of the Worlds
Sorry no pictures, but I Look good article and you are behind us in God Almighty
Hello you
First introduce myself
I d. Diana from Egypt and holds a Bachlrios medicine herbs from Hungary
After my secondary education in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
I found your forum by chance and I hope to take advantage of each
Thank you in advance for hosting
Excuse me that the language was somewhat weak, and thank you
Wonderful to watch the debate, which had been held in 2000 between Dr. / William Campbell and for the wonderful Indian Muslim Dr. / Zakir Naik about the scientific miracles in the divine books and then study a lengthy article based on the studies of Dr. William full Inimitability in the Holy Quran and published in the website (www. found that the information contained in each of the corresponding article is built on the published book by Dr. William Campbell on the same subject. And there were a number of the charges that have been raised about the scientific miracles in the embryology .. Though some of them are not only aware of embryos, but extends to the whole areas of scientific miracles in the Holy Quran and Sunnah cleared .. But the overall message of Islam. It is clear that this comes within the scope of the war to resist the penetration of Islam into the homes of the West, which seemed to be a repetition of what happened in the attack on the Tatar Muslim lands where they were victorious militarily but spiritually, including the penetration of Islam is a religion in Vastzlmwa one impressed by the events of history and in the application is contrary to the historical base of the traded followed the defeated victor.
Can be summarized by the suspicions about embryology in the following points:
1 - must understand the Koran and the words of the year only the language of Quraish, as the understanding of the Arabs at a time Olvazaa message.
2 - The Miracle in the areas of embryology in the Koran and the Sunna is the information obtained from Abu Tariq and Aristotle and Galen.
3 - The Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him received placements of embryology and Caldp Harith bin Harith bin Nadr.
4 - that the meaning of Alalqp frozen blood, which is so wrong I may not explicitly use the meanings that go to Muslim scholars, such as the parasite Alalq or thing which relates to another. (Leach like-something to cling)
5 - meaning that the embryo is a piece of meat is so wrong I can not be likened to an explicit piece of the small size of the chew, which may highlight the impact of signs similar to the teeth, which resemble the physical objects in the fetus (somites).
6 - the fact that the bones before the meat and then create a taxi is grossly wrong and that it is both scientifically composed together at the same time.
7 - One of the noble hadith has established the duration of sperm Alalqp Forty days and forty days and forty-day embryo. This means that the bone is composed after 120 days after the fourth month, a scientific error obscene.
8 - that there is any decent show that the origin of the creation of human bones, which is so similar to the concept of an earlier Greek wrong.
9 - that the Muslim scholars who were themselves the link between what the Koran and the Sunna of the embryology and the words of Galen.
The Grace of God, we respond to these suspicions as unfounded and also cite the violation of by the Islamic religious or scientific approach .. they had to speak, from the error .. Or as an intentional lie. It is with regret the closest in this regard.
Compromised the first:
Must understand the Koran and the words of the year only the language of Quraish, as the understanding of the Arabs at a time Olvazaa message.
This calls for the compromised apparent deception in the guise of a shiny strip of the Koran from one of the most important characteristics, namely, its universality and validity of all time and place. Unlike the previous messages that were send to them by the prophets, prayers and peace to his people in particular.
The Almighty said: (We sent thee but a mercy to the worlds). "(Holy Prophets / 107) which define the scope of any decent letter of the Prophet may Allah bless him and the spatial and temporal.
The Almighty said: (for each report will be stable, you know) (Surat cattle / 67) .. Which means that some reports in the Holy Quran will not understand its meaning only in the past God knows.
The Almighty said: (but not including lied take knowledge and be construed as Iothm). (Surat Yunus / 39). This means that the understanding of some verses is clear not only in God knows when.
The disinfectant in the year .. By Jabir may Allah be pleased with him said that the Prophet had not been given five Iatthn one of the prophets before me lay the horror of the march and made me land a mosque and Thora Voima man of my prayer Vlaisal understood me and has not been resolved, the spoils of a given intercession before me and the Prophet is to his people in particular and has written to the general public, said Mr. Day of Resurrection, I said I'm not Mr. Adam was born of pride and I am the first to bolt in the grave I am the first kid and Mcf. Narrated by Muslim Women
This approach, if applied steadily, there would be no meaning to the discretion of mufassireen over the course of history in understanding the Koran according to the rules of the Arabic language in the framework says: (We have revealed to the Arab villages that you understand) (Surat Yusuf / 2). Mufassireen of the competition was over the better understanding of Islamic history and Quranic text, mainly in the light of the Arabic language. This was the approach throughout the Islamic history of pride for the Muslims did not raise such a lie. It is in a consensus over the Islamic history, both prior to the talk about the aspects of the scientific miracles in the Quran or beyond. Indeed, the Koran is the Muslim scholars who, after understanding the text of the Koran to the extraction of the text. Almighty says (if the order came to them of security or fear, even though reported their Rdoh to the Prophet and it was given to them to learn who Istnbtonh were it not for God's favor upon you and His mercy Atbatm the little devil) (AL-women / 83) Valastenbat approach Qarani Rabbani, but is for the use of the human mind is to understand the Koran in the light of legal controls.
Thus, the recognition of this false premise, in fact, negate the advantage of the conclusion and the methodology of the Koran and the effort of thousands of scientists throughout the Islamic history. And explicit contravention of the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet is true, which Shurayfah us are following them as we are forbidden to follow the whims of those who do not know the truth. The Almighty said: The judge, including God's revelation does not follow their wishes, and I warn that Evtnok some of what Allah has sent down to you if they turn away, but wanted فاعلم God that they have some sins, and a lot of people are evil
Second compromised:
Miracles in the areas of embryology in the Koran and the Sunna of the information obtained from Abu Tariq and Aristotle and Galen.
Dr. Campbell to take the words themselves and through which he claimed that the information learned in the Koran embryos derived from these former scientists:
First: Abu Tariq
Word of the d. Campbell
Growth stages of prenatal development, according to Abu Tariq
Phase I: the sperm
Phase II: the blood of the mother descended on the membrane
Phase 3. Meat, feeds through the umbilical
4 stage. Bone
It is clear that this is evidence that 1000 years before the Koran was the growth of the embryo is divided into stages
STAGE 1. sperm
STAGE 2. mother's blood descends around the membrane
STAGE 3. flesh, fed through umbilicus
STAGE 4. bones
Clearly this shows that 1000 years before the Qur'an the development of the embryo was divided into stages.
Thaina: Socrates
Word of the d. Campbell
Stages of growth before birth, according to Aristotle
Phase 1. Sperm
Phase 2. catamenia - menstrual blood
Phase 3. Meat
4 stage. Bone
5 stage. On the fleshy parts of the bone growth
STAGE 1. sperm
STAGE 2. catamenia - menstrual blood
STAGE 3. flesh
STAGE 4. bones
STAGE 5. around the bones grow the fleshy parts
III: Galen
Word of the d. Campbell
Galen for the growth stages of prenatal
Phase 1. Mona Mon
Phase 1b. In addition to menstrual blood
Phase 2. Bethlehem, however, a distinct form
Phase 3. Bone
Phase 3 b. The growth of the meat on the bone
STAGE 1. The two semens
STAGE 1b. plus menstrual blood
STAGE 2. unshaped flesh
STAGE 3. bones
STAGE 3b. flesh grows on and around the bones
Fourth: The Koran
Word of the d. Campbell
Quran stages for the growth of the fetus prior to birth
Phase 1. nutfa - Muna
Phase 2. 'Alaqa - stroke
Phase 3. mudagha - a piece of meat
The .4: 'Adaam - bone
.5 Stage: bone muscle clothing
STAGE 1. nutfa - sperm
STAGE 2. 'Alaqa - clot
STAGE 3. mudagha - piece or lump of flesh
STAGE 4. 'Adaam - bones
STAGE 5. dressing the bones with muscles
We will accept a temporary stage for the debate hypothetical Dr. Campbell of the development of the fetus in the Holy Quran .. Although this can be resolved:
1. A Koran in Inimitability generally Bmzitin key .. First, all the states in which scientific information is true and secondly that there is no one piece of information by the wrong (Say, who knows the secret revealed in the heavens and the earth he was ever Forgiving, Most Merciful) (Al-Furqan / 6).
2 - not a violation of the holy Koran just for the other offense Almighty said in the story of Shu: (What I want to Okhalvkm couple properly to it, if only I was able to reform and compromise the trust only in God and the Onib) (Surat Hood / 88) It is not approach to discredit the Koran if they do other unbelievers Almighty said: (O ye who believe! Be Qwamin God and the martyrs of portion Egermenkm Shannan people not to Tadloa Adloa is closer to piety and fear Allah, that Allah is Aware of what you do). (Surat Al-Maida / 8). Our goal is not to deny or discredit the achievements of others, even like the decision of the Holy Quran. Was approved by the Holy Quran at the places where it was time the people and denied them the message that they are in other people.
3 - which tempted by the offer described in this compromised the development of the embryo at the stages of the scientists mentioned (Hippocratic - Aristotle - Galen) was recorded, and some observations on the evolution of Jenin chicken. There is no doubt that the scientific method at the time the credit of these early scientists.
4 - to introduce the writer to mention the other former scholars were spreading to other ideas such as my man does not participate in the formation of the embryo itself, but the embryo consists only the impact of the sperm on the blood of menstruation. It is so wearing that it was not art but the ideas of these three scientists.
5 - Try the writer to introduce the shortened description of these scientists are at me suggest strong between them and the description of the Koran, although the details of their shoulder to the irregularities in the Holy Quran. Voboaqrat make the origin of the fetus, the blood of menstruation and alone and Aristotle disagreed and made the blood of menstruation and my men and Galen Khalvhma and make the blood of menstruation and my men and my women. Any semi-between that and what is stated in the Holy Quran.
6 - to introduce the writer to clarify the positions of the obvious differences between the Koran and his predecessors, primarily the three afore-mentioned scientists agreed that the embryo arises from the blood of menstruation. While not in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet is a serious mistake. I wonder why not introduce the writer of this clarification. More than that, it had lied in claiming that the Koran did not contribute to correct past mistakes .. While the Muslims go straight to the understanding of this matter and denied the claims of the role of menstrual blood in the fetus on the basis of the Koran and the Sunna, as Ibn Hajar said forward Alasaglani (and many people claimed that the autopsy me man has no role in the formation of the embryo only in the place and that it consists .. the blood of menstruation and therefore nullify the talk section). We found that sentence to correct only the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet of the concepts of non-participation of the first wrong of me to be a man alone in the embryo and fetus from the second to be menstrual blood.
Compromised the third: that the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him received placements of embryology and Caldp Harith bin Harith bin Nadr.
Dr. Campbell has stretched the same over several pages to suggest that the situation prevailing in the form of scientific and a medical school in Yemen and the other in Alexandria with the passage of convoys passing through Mecca from Yemen, has made it possible for the Prophet peace be upon him (the science).
Quraish infidels have raised similar suspicions, took God's answer in the Holy Quran: Allah said (and I know they say, but people know of the tongue, which Elhdon to Oagami This indicated by Arabic) (AL-bee / 103)
We ask d / Campbell .. Which shows that he made a great effort in studying the history of the time prophecy as follows:
1. Did not learn from the study of the curriculum that Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him was known in his Balsadeg Secretary. Would it have been left lying on people and lying to God.
2. Did not know that the Prophet Mohammad was a prophet and wire illiterate does not read or write?
3. Did not they know if these had the science of Aristotle and Galen Abu Tariq really, they also had two Wrongs, such as their report that the fetus is composed of the menstrual blood of a mistake Tnagulwh all such as the principle, known as Abu Tariq at the four body fluids .. In the case of a healthy body are balanced and fluid imbalance occurs when the disease does not return the state of health of the patient, however, the return of the balance between these fluids. And Socrates talked about the five basic elements of the universe (water, fire and earth, air and ether) and the Department of organisms according to what he called "the peace of life .. and Galen distinguished between artery and vein and decided to emerge from the liver vein and artery arises from the heart .. And so very much to the scientists the information void amid other information Khaltha health. If they are a source of information for the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him .. And Hachah .. How marked the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace between the different ideas they had the right as he went on a rare and often leave a falsehood.
The Koran is not a book of science but the book states. But it wants the will of God that contains references from the scientific miracles. Was not originally in the download time of the Koran in any publication of the invitation was not for the existence at that time, no need or contribution in spreading Islam as we know. If it were not contained in the Koran could not have been any impact on the people to accept Islam at the time. Did not convey to us that one at a time of Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him had the effect of the surest signs that we are now calling emplacement of scientific miracles in the Holy Quran. All of the safest in the time the letter was due to what the doctrine of Islam Tawhid net that addresses the mushrooms clean sound and called it morality and ethics of virtuous (and Worship Allah and join none with Him and charity, and relegated to parents kinsfolk, orphans, the poor and giving to kinsfolk, and the neighbor side and the neighbor and the son of Saheb Paljnb way and then you believe in God does not love the proud stretching) (AL-women / 36)
Why resort of people who wants to believe the selection of the conflicting information and to provide information to people - unnecessarily - that may prove wrong in the mind on the near or far?
We hope to sit down d / Campbell with the same colossal. May Allaah to guide, to the right. (Say Oazkm but one God, that you two, and then individual Taatvkroa Besahbkm of what he is but a harbinger of doom in the hands of you, very) (AL-women / 46).
Fourth charge: that the meaning of Alalqp blood is frozen and may not use the meanings that go to Muslim scholars, such as the parasite Alalq or thing which relates to another. (Leach like-something to cling)
This suspicion is based on the suspicion that I may not understand the words of the Koran, however, as I understand the time of landing the Holy Quran. The invalidity Vndnaha and explained. In response to the first suspicion.
The truth is that Alalqp in Arabic, like many of the Arabic language - has several meanings and this is the characteristics of this language is known as a single daily reality of Israeli practices may have several meanings on the one expressed by many of the terms. It is the meaning of Alalqp:
1. Frozen blood.
2. Alalq parasite.
3. Something to do with another.
(Figure .1) chart shows the similarities between the landscape side of the embryo at the stage of Alalqp (see above) and extends within the second and third weeks of fertilization) and the parasite Alalq below.
If we are clear in this day and age is not known in the past, the similarity in form between the stage of the development of the fetus and the description of the Koran and with the approved rules of the Arabic language, which was down by the Holy Quran. Do not we have the right to clarify that statement? The appellants and Osthfahm ask God if they are contrary to the Koran - the word is likely a sense other than what has been discovered in modern times - and crying to the moon - they are not to establish the minimum to do this? .. Osthfahm and God once again .. And be at least between them and themselves in the shadows of the truthful .. May God guide them to the right .. If the verse in the Old Testament or the new set up were also lower for her. What we as Muslims to object or grieve because we know that the Old and Modern currently the meaning of the Word of God also told us that God Almighty, as our Prophet told us that God's blessings and peace be upon him.
The presence of an interview that the discovery of the next stage of the sperm in the form of parasite gametes Alalq (Figure .1) and, in the womb of the mother by way of contact for feed on the blood of the mother, as do Alalq when the parasite feeds on the blood of the person in question is of no justification for turning a blind eye to it Ktmanh at the sound of mushrooms.
The description of the frozen blood Alalqp is not surprising in terms of outer appearance is also at this stage. Begin to be blood inside the blood vessels in the connective tissue surrounding embryonic bag and hinted that in the third week of pregnancy begins while the blood circulation in the fourth week and therefore Negare that can be likened to the appearance outside of the Jenin district human blood at this stage because of the freezing of blood with no rotation and with completing the picture of the meanings carried by other means Alalqp (Figure .2).
Indeed, we have the right to ask us .. Do you think that was one of the blood is made in the embryo at this early stage. And that in the first period of gestation remains constant in the blood vessels motionless in Jenin size less than one mm to be surrounded by Bogshep frozen blood .. Praise God from dub.
(A .2) Figure shows the appearance of the fetus outside the limits of today's 19 - and reflects the blood vessels formed in the connective tissue surrounding embryonic hinted bag.
Fifth suspicion: that the meaning of Alamadap is a piece of meat can not be likened to the small piece is chewed in the volume, highlighting the signs of the impact of similar teeth, which resemble the physical objects in the fetus (somites).
Compromised like this depends on the attempt to confine the meaning of the Koran in the context of a specific violation of the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet himself and the consensus of Muslim scholars throughout Islamic history.
The language of the embryo with multiple meanings, including:
1 - small things
2 - something the size of the chewed.
(Figure .3) a true picture of the human embryo in the fourth week
(Figure .4) a true picture of the human embryo in the fifth week
(Figure .5) illustrations of Jenin in the fourth week show the speed of change in form and appearance of physical objects.
(A .6): A chart of the human embryo in the fourth week, within the twenty-sixth day and in the impact of the lower teeth on a piece of clay by Professor Keith Moore, the statement of the similarities at this point.
The fact that the next stage of the phase Alalqp take a thing like Almamadog because of the large number Anavajadtha externalities caused by the emergence of the internal organs and especially the head and heart, liver and the parties (Form .3,4). The format change also changed the form of a quick thing Almamadog (Figure .5) and is consistent with the physical appearance of the pieces somites)) that appear as the impact on the dental thing Almamadog (form. 3-6). All of this which can not be overlooked in the wise.
Sixth compromised: the fact that the bones before the meat and then create a taxi is grossly wrong and that it is both scientifically composed together at the same time.
Dr. Campbell has been compromised in the course of this, he said:
There is no bone stage at which the limbs of the developing fetus are just bones around which muscles will later be placed.
Translation: (no stage then there are the parties to the fetus of a bone which will be covered later with meat.)
.7 A: marked by physical objects somites Sadler, 2000, pp: 94
The fact that this is not exactly true. The long bones in the fetus in three stages:
1 - a model of fetal connective tissue (mesenchme model).
2 - stage of the model disc. Cartilaginous model)).
3 - phase Ossification.
With bone and flatfish .. Kaljmjmp for example, only two stages:
1 - a model of fetal connective tissue (mesenchme model).
2 - stage of ossification.
The simple mention of the spine and the muscles around it.
All cells arise from the initial components of the bone (sclerotome) cells and primary components of the muscle (dermatome) of physical objects. (Somites)
But the primary components of the cells migrate to the bones of the cells before the initial components of the muscle, followed by migration to and covered by the form (7,8,9).
(Figure .8) stage shows (6) completion of the first phase of the model of fetal connective tissue and the beginning of the second stage the formation of disc model, while the initial start of the muscle cells to migrate to take yet. Gray's anatomy, 1989.))
(Figure .9) Figure to be a model of the left fetal connective tissue and the beginning of the disc, while the model did not start the initial muscle cell migration after. Figure III and IV to the left the migration of cells of primary components of the muscle to bone clothing initial model). (Larsen, 1993 , pp: 72
The previous example illustrates what happens during the rise of the spine and the muscles around it.
The lower and upper part of the transfer here is simply the decision of some of the best scientists embryology in 1975:
"Although it has been customary to describe a common osseomuscular condensation in the mesoderm of the limb, more recent studies on "cytochemical predifferentiation" predifferenciation cytochimiqe, Milaire, 1959, i.e., the histochemical detection and localization of certain substances prior to morphological differentiation) have indicated that, whereas the skeletal plastema appear (in the mouse) in the depth of the limb, the perichondrium, the muscles, and the tendons arise by centripetal migration from the superficial mesenchyme (Milaire, 1965)
"Although it has been used to intensify my bones joint muscle connective tissue layer in the party, but the recent studies conducted on the pre-cellular chemical excellence predifferenciation cytochimiqe,) Milier, 1959) sense cellular chemical detection and identification of the locations of certain materials before morphological differentiation indicated that While the Great Bdaipalheikl show (in the platoon experiences Ferrand small) deep in the party, the disc membrane and muscles, tendons and muscles arise as a result of immigration Trfmrkzip initial connective tissue surface. Milaire), 1965). "(Orly and Gardner, 1975)
The simple direct translation of the preceding paragraph is that the primary muscles clothe the bones in the initial parties.
We have probably fallen to the scientific climate are being shaped bones and muscles at the same time.
The fact that the fabric of the initial shape of the bones in the position of the bones first and then come the primary fabric of the muscles of the base is surrounded by a steady background explains the basis of the relationship between the bones and muscles since the beginning of its inception, and this resolved the issue of the relationship of the first round, both with respect to the spine bones and around the muscles or bones of the Parties and around the muscle.
It became clear that the meat and bones never ratified that God (Vksona bone meat).
Compromised VII: One of the noble hadith has set the duration of sperm Alalqp Forty days and forty days and forty-day embryo. This means that the bone is composed after 120 days after the fourth month, a scientific error obscene.
We need to talk above our consideration:
Abdullah said the Messenger of Allah to us by God and the blessings of peace and it is said that the sincere Almsdouk brings you created in the mother's womb for forty days and then be in such a vicious beating, then have the embryo of such a God, then the property is Viwmr four words I write and say and work for a living and happy, or both, and then promoting the spirit of the men to work until you are between him and Paradise Visbak arm only in writing the work of the people worked and worked until the fire is with fire and the only arm Visbak it works the work of the people of the book Paradise (Narrated by Muslim).
Conversation did not repeat the word for forty days .. But he said in Alalqp and embryo stages (such as that ..) and no effect at the time of any forty-day embryo, leech or incomplete growth strictly as sperm created in the same forty incomplete growth and full refinement.
I understand many of the modern Muslim commentators on talk that it already three Orbainat in terms of the probability of that effect. But not in the text indicates that understanding. While others, such as gold Elzimlcan son, who lived in the seventh century AH to what we have discussed. And Muslim scholars, who now that the description applies to the sperm is to bring the fetus in the first week and Alalqp in the second and third weeks and weeks, the embryo in the third, fourth and fifth. Does not understand the expense of some former scientists nominated as long as the text was not significant lump .. They hired God.
Those who supported this sense that we talk about the last true Hudhayfah Ben acid that the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said:
If Balntefp Over Forty-two of the night God sent to the property was photographed and the creation of her sight and hearing, skin and meat and bone meal and said, O Lord, recall or her wealth is the Lord God and King write, then say, O Lord, for he is thy Lord the King will write and say, O Lord, and then living up the the Lord God He writes of King, King and then come out the paper in his hand is not over lack modern figure: 797 in Jaami - Albanian
The talk here about the Chia did not mention Alalqp and embryo because they have been in earlier phases. The expression of the first phase Balntefp Overall repeatedly in the Koran and the Sunna as the creation of rights, as Allaah says (of the ability of sperm to create and then mortality was pleased the way Vocyprh) The Holy Quran is moving here from the beginning stages of training to the end of life, not to mention all the intermediate stages.
Compromised eighth: that there is any decent show that the origin of the creation of human bones, which is so similar to the concept of an earlier Greek wrong.
There is absolutely no such word in this verse, but the Almighty said: (see the creation of rights mm, creating a flush of water, out from between the loins and ribs)
And talk about the stage of creation .. It is the origin of the creation of human infancy, where the fabric will be in the composition of the human birth Omchaj still exists between the solid (backbone) and ribs (chest bone). Even when the testicles descend into the final place in the Scrotum it remains longevity Bmodaha I maintain liaison between the steel ribs in the form of nutritious artery and lymph vessels issued. (Available in 10, 11).
(A .10) shows a sketch Almhijip cells in the third week of the wall of bag has hinted in the vicinity of the (Allantois) and then migrating to Tsal in the sixth week to the region known as easements Sexual (Genital ridge), located between the spine and lower ribs.
Sketch shows the Almhijip cells in the third week of the wall of bag has hinted in the vicinity of the (Allantois) and then migrating to Tsal in the sixth week to the region known as easements Sexual (Genital ridge), located between the spine and lower ribs.
(Figure 11) to migrate the testicles and scrotum bag, but still retained longevity Booeitha the blood and the neural links and nodes Ooeitha in the first place from which they arise .. Between the steel ribs
Migrate to the testicles and scrotum bag, but still retained longevity Booeitha the blood and lymph in the first place from which they arise .. Between the steel ribs.
Ninth compromised: that Muslim scholars were linked between themselves as stated in the Koran and the Sunna of the embryology and the words of Galen.
First: that it rarely happened, even though the writer to suggest that steadily.
Secondly: that it was going to be a martyr and to clarify the meaning of the reality of their time in the available science.
Third: The Muslim scholars have been and continue to say Balisraiillat. Which accounts transmitted by us the Children of Israel. Did not understand one of the scientists nominated never correct that this means that these accounts .. But some scientists used to try to bring an understanding to be an indication of the sincerity of the .. The basic rule in Alasirailiat known by all Muslims are the words of Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him Atsedkoa to the People of the Book in Tkzbohem). Because we do not trust Aadalthm in the transportation and what inspired their books .. Which is distorted .. What is written and the hands.
Third: The Most Citations in matters that were agreed as true in the Koran and the Sunna. Muslim scholars are still working to the day with sometimes known as the scientific interpretation of the Holy Quran and Sunnah disinfectant. Which strives to clarify some of the world in scientific matters in the Qur'aan and Sunnah. In doing so, it applies the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (if the ruling hard hitting mortars and if he worked hard Vokto Vokto has paid one). Him or not he's right or it. The general advice was often repeated by top scientists to avoid the need link between the Koran and theories that have not yet proven.
Fourth: that the writer introduce - by design or ignorance - to mention the examples of Muslim scholars who responded to the knowledge that was prevalent in their time, but contrary to what is true in the Qur'aan and Sunnah, such as Ibn Hajar Mazkrna Alasaglani on to say: (and many people claimed that the autopsy of me the man has no role in the formation of the embryo only in the place and that it is composed of menstrual blood .. and talk invalidate this section).
Satisfied so easily, and perhaps the benefit of Muslims, which calls for the importance of the outstanding advantage of this opportunity which is looking at some of the East and West to learn the realities of Islam. Which is why they saw each other for this demand to try to interfere with these facts of each face. We say, as we decided earlier in this article:
1 - The first thing for people to accept Islam is the doctrine of Tawhid, which Bashastha contact the hearts of the sound-Fitr, which invites them Aftrtha all the time to search for the right one god who was not born guide and did not have a stop.
2 - The ethics of Islam to show the High Commissioner in the treatment of parents and close kin of a neighbor and the neighbor side and Paljnb Saheb and the son of the way .. And its relationship to animal, plants and inanimate objects and the universe, which is Bedazzles of the hearts and minds Ulloa.
3 - The blessings of God, which is publicly states Miracles in the Holy Quran. Than they were a cause of some who Junboa Islam and ruled the minds of their own liking. Which is a Balbgdhae to raise suspicions about the verses as Inimitability raised suspicions about the Holy Quran and the pure and the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him .. To distinguish (and still fight against you until they will turn you from your religion if they could) and the more aroused the suspicion of those people Vozalha the world more subject to a miracle and the brightest.
Our role is to provide the realities of Islam in all its aspects net clean (to die for the whole of the evidence from the shy and Yahya informed and your Lord is Hearing, Knowing)
The last prayer to God, Praise the Lord of the Worlds
Sorry no pictures, but I Look good article and you are behind us in God Almighty