my thoughts on life
November 22, 2013 at 8:00 pm
(This post was last modified: November 22, 2013 at 8:01 pm by Mothonis.)
This is just my observations on these subjects i was woundering what everyone else will have to say.
I recently throughout the last 2 yrs that i have been an a atheist started thinking about the human condiction, as well as the problems with religion
First the problem with most religions is the way they appeal almost entirely to emotion as well as a sense of awe and wounder,the problem with that is people get the idea that there feelings determine what exists in reality when it has nothing to do with it.You can believe all you want that something isn't true or is true,but it doesn't actually effect reality.You can argue all you want that the truth will deprive life of all meaning but that wont stop something from being true.Second point: The xtrian faiths stop someone from really exploring who they really are and instead tell them their place in the world and tell them why they are the way they are,without any real facts to back it up.
Some theists stupidly argue that not believing in a higher power causes a person to be evil or imcomplete.Here are some qoutes from such morons
"i take whatever I want" sexual activity? Life is short. Then you die. The End. There is no hell. Why worry. Hahahahahaha!"
Needless to say atheism is simply a disbelief in a gods and doesnt mean nilhilism or life is meaningless or something depressing like that.The question is why they insist that without their god that life is meaningless.
This is because theism forces them to accept only one view and tells them to reject any other possiabilities,it forces that individual to devote their lives to it.This ultimately destroys their ability to truly expand their minds as far as possible and instead keeps them in a closed off state.Unfortunatly when evidence that disproves their beliefs is presented they will view it as some form of deception,effectively traping them and making it impossible to escape or change their mind.
Closed mindedness and all forms of faith have been the bane of humanity since its begining.close mindedness causes a person to judge others unfairly and makes it impossible to consider that they might be wrong.and faith causes a person to pledge undieing loyalty to a country,moral idea,and or ethenicity. Making them believe that their country/religion/race is superior to everyone elses and is treasonous to question it.
Closes mindedness is what causes some people who become atheists to become nihilists.But its because their religion didn't alow them to consider other ideas or worldviews.
Atheism doesnt mean we all have come to the same comclusion,the meaning of life is different from person to person even among theists.
There was a game i own called The World Ends With You(a game esquilax knows well).The protaganist at first closes his mind to the world and dislikes everyone but at the end decides to connect with others and even if he couldnt agree with them attempting to understand them still meant something.
Well thats all for now i wounder what everyone else thinks. Thanks for listening
I recently throughout the last 2 yrs that i have been an a atheist started thinking about the human condiction, as well as the problems with religion
First the problem with most religions is the way they appeal almost entirely to emotion as well as a sense of awe and wounder,the problem with that is people get the idea that there feelings determine what exists in reality when it has nothing to do with it.You can believe all you want that something isn't true or is true,but it doesn't actually effect reality.You can argue all you want that the truth will deprive life of all meaning but that wont stop something from being true.Second point: The xtrian faiths stop someone from really exploring who they really are and instead tell them their place in the world and tell them why they are the way they are,without any real facts to back it up.
Some theists stupidly argue that not believing in a higher power causes a person to be evil or imcomplete.Here are some qoutes from such morons
"i take whatever I want" sexual activity? Life is short. Then you die. The End. There is no hell. Why worry. Hahahahahaha!"
Needless to say atheism is simply a disbelief in a gods and doesnt mean nilhilism or life is meaningless or something depressing like that.The question is why they insist that without their god that life is meaningless.
This is because theism forces them to accept only one view and tells them to reject any other possiabilities,it forces that individual to devote their lives to it.This ultimately destroys their ability to truly expand their minds as far as possible and instead keeps them in a closed off state.Unfortunatly when evidence that disproves their beliefs is presented they will view it as some form of deception,effectively traping them and making it impossible to escape or change their mind.
Closed mindedness and all forms of faith have been the bane of humanity since its begining.close mindedness causes a person to judge others unfairly and makes it impossible to consider that they might be wrong.and faith causes a person to pledge undieing loyalty to a country,moral idea,and or ethenicity. Making them believe that their country/religion/race is superior to everyone elses and is treasonous to question it.
Closes mindedness is what causes some people who become atheists to become nihilists.But its because their religion didn't alow them to consider other ideas or worldviews.
Atheism doesnt mean we all have come to the same comclusion,the meaning of life is different from person to person even among theists.
There was a game i own called The World Ends With You(a game esquilax knows well).The protaganist at first closes his mind to the world and dislikes everyone but at the end decides to connect with others and even if he couldnt agree with them attempting to understand them still meant something.
Well thats all for now i wounder what everyone else thinks. Thanks for listening