(March 16, 2015 at 12:47 pm)Surgenator Wrote: Reality is more than just physical. The physical can arrange itself to produce mental things. These mental things construct consciousness. You want to assert things backwards without any justification. My justification is very simple, we observe mind only inside brains, and we observe consciousness only in minds. Show me any counter example.
You try to be a little bit intellectual but unfortunately you fail.
Consciousness is like the sun.
The sun is always there as the consciousness is always there but the problem is that between the consciousness and our perception of this consciousness there are the clouds that prevent us from having a 100% perception.
The mind therefore can only perceive part of this sun or consciousness UNLESS we remove the clouds in between.
The job to remove these clouds can also be done in a physical-mental way but in this way the job is very very hard indeed.
It is like a plumber that instead of using a spanner to unscrew a rusted tap use his bare hands.
It is not impossible but by not using the correct tool you will have to go through the physical and mental hell.
That is way since the old old times smart people have always relay on the proper teacher to know how to solve this problem.
Quote:Indeed bullshit it is.
All the testicles can do is to be in charge for making sperm and nothing else.
Even a demented idiot knows that.
Quote:All the penial gland produces melatonin which affects the modulation of sleep patterns in both seasonal and circadian rhythms and nothing else.
Even a demented idiot should knows that. 
Demented idiots rely on the pleasure found in the sexual life only while totally ignore, neglect and disregard the advantages that would come by engaging in the spiritual life so it is obvious that they haven't got a clue about the result that would come from activate the pineal gland.
Even those who study physical science can not understand the real role of this gland therefore it is natural that they only understand the physical side of this gland.
Quote:Please explain why i shouldn't exist. 
Quote:Use your horse example a couple of post back. Thinking about a horse doesn't make it exist. So god thinking about you doesn't make you exist. Hence, a non-existing rock hitting a non-existing human does not harm the non-existing human.
If you take from my previous example you should have take it in full not only part of it.
I said that as we create something in our mind also God create the universe in his mind but the difference is that God being God he make his creation real not abstract as our.
The 5 fundamental factors that make the universe are real.
Quote:There are a lot more important things that glands producing sperm so it is obvious that the bottom can not produce what is at the top of it.
Quote:The top cannot exist without the bottom. Go ahead and build a computer without microprocessors to prove me wrong.
Sorry mate but as proven by thousand of NDEs the consciousness doesn't need a body to be alive and well.
Wrong again brother.
Quote:You don't know what science is. Science requires a falsifiable hypothesis and theories. You don't even dare think about how your ideas can be wrong.
You can try this experiment by yourself.
Pour a glass of cordial in a container of water and see if the cordial get diluted or not in his potency.
The same apply with the pure consciousness and his outer layer like the mind.
Surgen for Christ sake why don't you think twice before to write something.
You only hurt yourself in this way.

Quote:I do think you're deluded, and analogies are not proof that you're not deluded.
Let us put my analogies to the public and see what they think about.
Quote:Here you fail again surgen.
The universe being made of space, air, light, water and matter obviously can not care about what is more conscious like a human being.
It would be like if an external layer of an onion has got more consciousness than an internal layer which is less diluted.
Quote:Toss your antiquated alchemy bullshit away and take a chemistry class. Plus, your avoiding the question.
Try with the cordial mate.
Even a demented idiot can see the difference.
Quote:What makes you think the universe cares two shits about you?
I already answer your question surgen.
Just look back in the previous post and you will see my answer.
Quote:One more failing mate.
You never really study psychology nor you have been near people on death bed.
If you would you would know that no one has never been fully satisfied.
The materialist that got 1 always wish to have 2.
The intellectual that study this or that philosopher regret that he-she didn't yet study all the rest.
The religious person doesn't know whether he-she will go to paradise or hell.
The atheist will regret that at the end of his-her life nothing really is achieved so bugger all.
Now you tell me where full satisfaction is then materially or mentally speaking?
Quote:Psychology is a hobby of mine. And I also talked to my grandma and grandpa on their death beds. My grandpa had regrets. My grandma longed for death because grandpa wasn't around anymore. Plus, you're avoiding the question again, surprise surprise. Did you go around and asked everyone on their deathbed if they had regrets?
Wrong again surgen.
I have been working as a nurse for the last 25 years.
During this time i have been dealing with hundred
S of sick people before they die so i think i have enough knowledge about the issue.
The reality can not be in a place where everything is moving and changing.
Quote:This assertion is pure garbage. Let me guess, you pulled it either out of your ass or your guru's ass. Which is it?
Sorry sur but you are wrong again (again and again

The reality doesn't change therefore can not be found in this physical universe where everything move and change.
What is real one minute is not real the next minute.
You get rid of the time and place and then you can find the real reality.