If you agree, type amen, then check your bank account for your blessings
No. Wait!
OK. I suspect most of the people in here have a Facebook account. I live in the real world and visit it to keep up with family and friends, but cannot believe some of the stupid $hit I see in there. I came looking for this as an outlet to rant among the sane.
I was raised catholic, luckily at a time when that sect was having a bout of complacency and not getting as hardcore in it's indoctrination as some, like the Mormons and Jehovites. I was always skeptical. Weekends spent with my hyper religious/superstitious grandmother often resulted in brief bouts of "faith". A few days of detox usually cured it.
Ironically it was while at her house one day, she decided to get me out of her hair by putting me in front of the TV. What was on? The Spencer Tracy classic Inherit the Wind (a dramatization of the Scopes Monkey Trial). I am guessing now that I must have been between the age of eight and twelve-it was a long time ago.
I entered high school and still identified as catholic, since it seemed to me that all the girls believed it, and I believe that I liked girls. Then something else happened. In my junior year an English teacher gave us a list of books that we were to select one from to read. She singled out one title and said that we shouldn't read it as it wasn't very good. Of course, it was the one I picked; Stranger in a Strange Land by R.A. Heinlein.
There is a scene in the book where a young man who was raised on Mars by Martians has a conversation with an elderly skeptic who had become his mentor. This scene in particular, along with the courtroom scenes from Inherit the Wind, strongly influenced me to question things.
I did have two brief relapses in my early twenties. The first caused by a cute little redhead named Shari, the second by a Julie. I did find Shari on FB recently, using incognito browsing. What a lucky SOB I am. She turned out to be a hardcore tea partier/fundie and birhter. I almost married her
Anyway that's me.

No. Wait!

OK. I suspect most of the people in here have a Facebook account. I live in the real world and visit it to keep up with family and friends, but cannot believe some of the stupid $hit I see in there. I came looking for this as an outlet to rant among the sane.
I was raised catholic, luckily at a time when that sect was having a bout of complacency and not getting as hardcore in it's indoctrination as some, like the Mormons and Jehovites. I was always skeptical. Weekends spent with my hyper religious/superstitious grandmother often resulted in brief bouts of "faith". A few days of detox usually cured it.
Ironically it was while at her house one day, she decided to get me out of her hair by putting me in front of the TV. What was on? The Spencer Tracy classic Inherit the Wind (a dramatization of the Scopes Monkey Trial). I am guessing now that I must have been between the age of eight and twelve-it was a long time ago.
I entered high school and still identified as catholic, since it seemed to me that all the girls believed it, and I believe that I liked girls. Then something else happened. In my junior year an English teacher gave us a list of books that we were to select one from to read. She singled out one title and said that we shouldn't read it as it wasn't very good. Of course, it was the one I picked; Stranger in a Strange Land by R.A. Heinlein.
There is a scene in the book where a young man who was raised on Mars by Martians has a conversation with an elderly skeptic who had become his mentor. This scene in particular, along with the courtroom scenes from Inherit the Wind, strongly influenced me to question things.
I did have two brief relapses in my early twenties. The first caused by a cute little redhead named Shari, the second by a Julie. I did find Shari on FB recently, using incognito browsing. What a lucky SOB I am. She turned out to be a hardcore tea partier/fundie and birhter. I almost married her

Anyway that's me.