hey i was wondering if anyone here is into lucid dreaming? i just recently got into and i have to say it's one of the coolest things i have ever experienced. i've always been fascinated with psychology and how the brain works, and this just takes it to a whole new level.
basically lucid dreaming is when you are in a dream and realize its a dream and are able to control every aspect of your dream world.
you can induce it by doing "reality checks" throughout the day, been using an app on my phone called awoken which sets off random reminders to do a reality check (i do it by pinching my nose and trying to breathe, if i am unable to breathe that means im still awake) and everynight go to sleep thinking of the dream you want with as much detail as you can possibly think of.
and basically once you get in this habit of doing reality checks, you wait until you subconsciously do your first reality check in your dream, pinch my nose but i can see that i am still able to breathe....god when i experienced that i was so stoked and mindblown, but you got to be careful because if you get too excited you wake yourself up.
also keep a journal next to your bed and as soon as you wake up, jot down what you remember dreaming in the journal. basically dreams are just the brain interpretating thought and accepting it as reality, but when you awake your brain sees it as just a dream and starts discarding that information, which is why its difficult to remember what you dreamt about.
but once you start writing those thoughts down your brain gets into a habit of storing that information you try to draw parallels between what you dreamt and what you wanted to dream, even if it seems insignificant. and they say eventually you can get to a point where you can control every aspect of your new dream world, and it feels just as real as being awake - so now we can have heaven while being alive I haven't gotten that far yet, I was just mindblown to be in a dream and know that it was all a dream and to walk around knowing im dreaming and being able to see what i want, it was such a magical feeling i can't even explain how awesome it was.
im 26 and only found out about this couple months ago, was wondering why its not that popular? asked all my friends and they never heard about it, are any of you guys into lucid dreaming?
basically lucid dreaming is when you are in a dream and realize its a dream and are able to control every aspect of your dream world.
you can induce it by doing "reality checks" throughout the day, been using an app on my phone called awoken which sets off random reminders to do a reality check (i do it by pinching my nose and trying to breathe, if i am unable to breathe that means im still awake) and everynight go to sleep thinking of the dream you want with as much detail as you can possibly think of.
and basically once you get in this habit of doing reality checks, you wait until you subconsciously do your first reality check in your dream, pinch my nose but i can see that i am still able to breathe....god when i experienced that i was so stoked and mindblown, but you got to be careful because if you get too excited you wake yourself up.
also keep a journal next to your bed and as soon as you wake up, jot down what you remember dreaming in the journal. basically dreams are just the brain interpretating thought and accepting it as reality, but when you awake your brain sees it as just a dream and starts discarding that information, which is why its difficult to remember what you dreamt about.
but once you start writing those thoughts down your brain gets into a habit of storing that information you try to draw parallels between what you dreamt and what you wanted to dream, even if it seems insignificant. and they say eventually you can get to a point where you can control every aspect of your new dream world, and it feels just as real as being awake - so now we can have heaven while being alive I haven't gotten that far yet, I was just mindblown to be in a dream and know that it was all a dream and to walk around knowing im dreaming and being able to see what i want, it was such a magical feeling i can't even explain how awesome it was.
im 26 and only found out about this couple months ago, was wondering why its not that popular? asked all my friends and they never heard about it, are any of you guys into lucid dreaming?