All of the events took place in Galilee until your boy decided to trot down to Jerusalem. That is crystal clear.
Also, at no point does this ( or ANY ) of your gospels even claim to be written by "eye-witnesses." These are anonymous accounts written much later with 2 ( matthew and luke ) derived from the first ( mark ). The names were not assigned until late in the 2d century when the concept of "apostolic authority" got to be commonplace among xtians. "John" has significant differences to the other 3.
Don't worry. We'll get into all that. If you can't handle this simple one I shudder to think how you will twist yourself into knots when we get to the tougher ones.
Basically, you need to stop believing fundie bullshit and face the reality of what these texts say.
Also, at no point does this ( or ANY ) of your gospels even claim to be written by "eye-witnesses." These are anonymous accounts written much later with 2 ( matthew and luke ) derived from the first ( mark ). The names were not assigned until late in the 2d century when the concept of "apostolic authority" got to be commonplace among xtians. "John" has significant differences to the other 3.
Don't worry. We'll get into all that. If you can't handle this simple one I shudder to think how you will twist yourself into knots when we get to the tougher ones.
Basically, you need to stop believing fundie bullshit and face the reality of what these texts say.