(November 1, 2010 at 8:28 am)Ervin Wrote: Yes Skiper, I understand your logic. I also think like that at times and that is what is pointing me in the direction of Deism.
I don't want to preach but I will tell you a few things about my personal beliefs on whats God like. I'l be very brief.
Ok She loves everyone but not everyone will get an eternal life. Those that don't wil cease to exist. She doesn't get involved in our affairs or anyone elses in this dimension hence the evil or animal eating alive animal etc. She just observes.
She wants us to be strict vegans and to have great future thanks to scientific advancement. There might be some negative forces on earth and hopefuly science tels us in future how to overcame them.
She is love through and through. She has sparked the creation and left it to unfold on its own. She can't hate, the only reason that the unreformed criminals can't continue to live after this death is because its imposible, not because she wants them to cease.
She is a hipie.
Now thats a very brief explanation of my personal beliefs on whats God like.
HOWEVER, sometimes because of certain experiences I believe that there is Satan and the Quran makes sense not the hadith were Muhammad alegedly maries a 9 year old but the Quran only and I end up investigating.
And then at times I think this is all primitive people used to try to explain what science is explaining today and naiveley believing in what seems barbaric belief/s.
So I am here to investigate and I had to put undecided because thats what I am. Unbiased and undecided.
I apologise if the way I am curently anoys anyone! I am trying to make a decision!
Your not annoying me at all. The fact you seem to have an open mind is a welcome change of pace to the other type of religious folk we get here.
I still don't however understand why you need a religion when you seem to already have a good idea on what YOUR idea of a god. By accepting a religion you will be subscribing to THEIR idea of a god and THEIR rules on how THEY think god wants you to act.
Your idea of a god (while I doubt an existence of said god) seems fairly pure, and that wont last if you join a religion as you will subscribing to all the evil all the mass religions involve, especially Islam.
I also would like to ask where you got the idea of a god that wants us to be vegan and is hipie? This sounds a lot like what you want it to be, not logically what it would be.
And also the idea that "she is love through and through" and created teh universe yet it is then impossible for criminals to carry on existing despite her wanting them to. Can you explain? Because if I was an all loving being that had the power to create the universe and time I'm sure it would be possible and within what I would want to do as an all loving being to let them live in whatever after life it is you suggest exists.