Obj to Obj 1: Every classification above that of a species -family, order, phylum, etc- is at a higher level of order. Does that make them supernatural?
Obj to Obj 2: Who said anything about robots? (That does not compute.)
Obj to Obj 3: How come I wasn't informed? Do we actually have a specimen, dead or alive, of a metaphysical first cause? Only 'natural' to associate it with the divine/supernatural? I see what you did there. Just because a thing is funny does not make it true.
Obj to Obj 2: Who said anything about robots? (That does not compute.)
Obj to Obj 3: How come I wasn't informed? Do we actually have a specimen, dead or alive, of a metaphysical first cause? Only 'natural' to associate it with the divine/supernatural? I see what you did there. Just because a thing is funny does not make it true.