(August 27, 2015 at 10:29 am)Divinity Wrote: The age of consent is lower, but what the fuck is wrong with that? That's not endorsing pedophilia.
No, that is not what was said. I said that the age of consent in France use to be lower and has now been risen. Not that France has lowered its age of consent. There is a difference in what you read and have assumed to be the meaning of my statement. It shows in your answer. (Where I said in my post was placed in affect in France do the it’s arranged marriages that has been occurring among the Muslim migrants that are in the nation)
(August 27, 2015 at 10:29 am)Divinity Wrote: Teens have sex. I was young when I had sex for the first time. It wasn't that long ago that the age of consent int his country was much younger. In fact it was younger than 12. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.
Yea, way to make this about you, but hey that seems to be very common way people think and argue in this country, which is very bad.
First, not everyone is like you. The issue is not that teens are fucking, ok. IT IS ABOUT KIDS GETTING MARRED AT A VERY YOUNG AGE TO PEOPLE WHO ARE MUCH OLDER THEN THEM!!!
Unlike here and what you did or personally think, parents there actual want to see the kids not be married off in the early teens and become mothers at the age of 14. Many parents what to seek that their kid gets an education, go to university, get a job, travel, before they settle down to start a family.
Because as I said in my post, France has been dealing with large numbers of young girls, and to some extent boys, being placed in arranged marriages or seeking marriage at the age for 14. Most are among the migrant population that is in the country, but not all are occurring among them. France has enacted this change of law about 2 to 3 months ago, In addition, gay marriage was and still is legal at the time this issue was occurring, and the new age of consent law put into effect.
(August 27, 2015 at 10:29 am)Divinity Wrote: Funny you bring up Germany, because Germany doesn't allow gay marriage!
Correct, Germany has not legalized same sex marriages. However, in 2001, Germany had put into law the registered life partnerships (Eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaft) for same-sex couples
(August 27, 2015 at 10:29 am)Divinity Wrote: Two psychologists in Canada? HOLY FUCK! Alert the presses.

That is what you interrupted was the issue when you read that? Are you joking here?

This issue is not that two damn psychologists were speaking! The ISSUE IS that CANADA'S PARLIAMENT (like the U.S. congress) WAS HAVING A HEARING ON THE ISSUE OF PEDOPHILIA!!!!!!
(August 27, 2015 at 10:29 am)Divinity Wrote: Call me when it's actually legalized in these places,
Again, I said there is a push to try to legalize pedophilia! And that is why to assume that pedophilia could be accepted is not such a faraway possibility. Umm , you did read what I posted right?
(August 27, 2015 at 10:29 am)Divinity Wrote: So basically you want to prevent people from getting married because it MIGHT do something. Too fucking bad.
Remember that “Too fucking bad” when shit does happen .
(August 27, 2015 at 10:29 am)Divinity Wrote: Someone clearly hasn't seen enough Samuel L Jackson movies.
Seen his movies, yes. Good Actor, very under rated. Is it enough, not sure because I do not know what it is that you would consider is enough? Either was not getting the reason for your statement about the act is for here
(August 27, 2015 at 10:29 am)Divinity Wrote: I'd definitely vote to take away tax exemption status of churches. It's about damn time for that. I wouldn't outlaw them just because something MIGHT happen because I'm not a fucking idiot who's worried about what might happen if people do things that I don't agree with.
Hahaha just what I been saying no I am not for gay marriage or marriage in general for that matter. For many reason, but one of them being that it is a tax exemption for those who are marred only!!
Never even said that I was for outlawing gays.
(August 27, 2015 at 10:29 am)Divinity Wrote: Not to mention that you can fight Pedophilia without fighting gay marriage. To say otherwise is fucking stupid.Totally agree and am doing so. However, that is not what is being argued as the issue. The push for RECOGNITION AND LEGALIZATION that is occurring with the aiding of the Supreme Court’s ruling for same sex marriage is the argument and disagreed with.
(August 27, 2015 at 10:29 am)Divinity Wrote: "Oh, no. If we allow gay marriage, we might start allowing pedophilia. Nevermind that one does not require the other, because that'd be stupid. I can't just fight pedophilia because I'm a fucking moron."