I actually had an occurrence today with a Christian insulting me due to the fact that I am Atheist. The sad part is, she probably doesn't even think of it as insulting me. In her eyes I am a poor lost soul that needs saving. I was reaching out to her to give her some advice on her troubled teen. I myself was a troubled teen years ago and I thought my opinion would be of great help to her. She said "Thank you, but your story is always in the front of my mind. We don't want [insert her daughter's name here] to stray from the faith as you did." She worries everyday that her daughter will end up a non-believer like me. So pretty much my recovery and my positive outcome in life after a very difficult childhood did not matter to her.
Although I am successful financially, I am more than happy with my family and myself, she views my path in life as failure because I have converted from Christianity to Atheism. Christians are allowed to insult Atheists, but if an Atheist even just questions Christianity we are "attacking" them or insulting them. Often times I just want to engage in a healthy debate. I don't disrespect people's personal beliefs. But as I spend more time as an Atheist I realize that Christians are the most judgmental group of all.
Although I am successful financially, I am more than happy with my family and myself, she views my path in life as failure because I have converted from Christianity to Atheism. Christians are allowed to insult Atheists, but if an Atheist even just questions Christianity we are "attacking" them or insulting them. Often times I just want to engage in a healthy debate. I don't disrespect people's personal beliefs. But as I spend more time as an Atheist I realize that Christians are the most judgmental group of all.