A great big congrats! 23 yrs is fantastic. Kudos to your MD's also.
6 yrs old, man, how freaking scary was that for you? Plus experimental! Tell us some more about what it was like. Surgery, surgical recovery, chemo (horror) side effects, supportive treatment, length of active treatment? How long before you were anywhere close to getting back to normal childhood experience? What childhood experience(s) did you miss?
Professional curiosity, don't answer if you don't want.
1. Actual location of tumor.
2. Size of tumor removed.
3. Remember any specific pathology details?
4. Chemo regimen (specific drugs, low/high dose, # of cycles)?
5. What is the follow up procedure and frequency?
6. Do your MD's feel that, for the most part, you're in the clear?
Glad your the one. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation.
6 yrs old, man, how freaking scary was that for you? Plus experimental! Tell us some more about what it was like. Surgery, surgical recovery, chemo (horror) side effects, supportive treatment, length of active treatment? How long before you were anywhere close to getting back to normal childhood experience? What childhood experience(s) did you miss?
Professional curiosity, don't answer if you don't want.
1. Actual location of tumor.
2. Size of tumor removed.
3. Remember any specific pathology details?
4. Chemo regimen (specific drugs, low/high dose, # of cycles)?
5. What is the follow up procedure and frequency?
6. Do your MD's feel that, for the most part, you're in the clear?
Glad your the one. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental.