(November 23, 2010 at 8:46 am)DeistPaladin Wrote: "Unemployed? Fuck em. No health care coverage? Die quickly, then."
DeistPaladin ' Wrote: In reality, deregulation ...
Quote:They do not want deregulation. They want less regulation, specifically from the federal government which, again, is constrained by specific powers enumerated by the Constitution. All other regulation is to be left to the several states. So much power being centralized to the federal government contradicts the national framework of a constitutional republic, where the states govern in themselves whatever is not delegated to the federal government (e.g., entitlement programs, insurance regulations, public education, etc.).
Our Constitution was never written in stone, why do you think it can be Amended? What worked a few hundred years ago does not address the needs of our times. You can't go back in time and stand on a document that does not address the changes within the overall of our society. Unfortunately as greedy corporations and individuals will not serve humanity with good intent. Perfect example is the oil volcano unleashed by BP and not only their cover ups but the disclosure of their terrible business practices and the impact on the health of those who live on the Gulf Coast and the Gulf itself.
Quote:... deregulation has been a disaster for the American economy and it caused the most recent meltdown.
It was not deregulation so much as the federal government manipulating the banking and housing industries with ideological legislation that has "been a disaster" and "caused the most recent meltdown." For example, creating new regulatory oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that stiffened enforcement of fair housing and fair lending laws
You want to blame those less economically fortunate for the financial meltdown when we all know about the bundling of mortgages, assignment of grades and sell off and then the bets against those bundled packages.
Quote:It is almost incomprehensible that you could actually believe that. After strict government regulation caused the savings and loan crisis from the 60s through the 80s,
You have to be kidding.
Quote:The hostile attitude towards social entitlements.
What "hostile attitude" toward entitlements? It is not a partisan issue: entitlement programs are broke. Whether Republican or Democrat or independent, everyone recognizes this fact and must contend with it.
Do you want to start with the newest Orwellian program of blaming the unemployed for being unemployed and presenting this whole new Welfare Queen narrative revised to fit the unemployed? Or how about this push to keep the tax cuts for the wealthy, that's going to be very helpful. So far that whole trickle down thing just doesn't seem to be working. You want to protect the status quo, when the status quo has failed. For how long do you think the myth that this time the trickle down will work can be upheld? Are you one of these people who want to do so because you believe that one day you CAN BE rich? I've said it for years, capitalism is the biggest shell/con game ever pulled on a mark, any system wherein so much winds up in the hands of so few is nothing but a con. Hopefully we'll see the death of capitalism within the next decade as more and more people become aware of the limitations to the system and the very concept of anyone being RICH will be met by social taboo.
The world is a dangerous place to live - not because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don't do anything about it.
- Albert Einstein
- Albert Einstein