(October 8, 2015 at 10:58 am)sinnerdaniel94 Wrote:(October 8, 2015 at 10:48 am)Jenny A Wrote: I know many Christians wouldn't agree with you. And they are reading the same Bible though perhaps in a more accurate translation than the King James. Mostly the problem is the Bible is far from clear. Jesus talks in parables which are by there very nature unclear. Frankly, the Gospels in the Bible don't agree. The synoptics aren't too far from each other doctrinally, but the Jesus in John is so far from the Jesus in the synoptics he might as well be on another planet. And Paul's letters are somewhere else again.
But you still aren't getting to my question. If belief in Jesus is all that's necessary for salvation and that's what Jesus says (when he isn't preaching works which he also does) before he is crucified, why is the crucifixion necessary? And why did baptism work before Jesus died?
Most Christians are fake
I can find many contradictions in bible other than the KJV
NIV for example takes out whole verses and changes words like saying hell is separation from God or that hell isn't flaming fire. God is the one who burns people in hell.
the gospel is so clear
any work done by us are like filthy rags to God
it is faith that accounts for righteousness and it is consistent in the old and new testament
Numb nuts, you do realize you're using Bible passages to try to proselytize to a group of people for whom the Bible is not a normative or authoritative source, right? In fact, many of us think it's downright silly and embarrassing that there are still adults who buy into this garbage. Persuade me that Yahweh exists and you might have the basis for a real conversation. Barring that, fuck off.