(October 17, 2015 at 5:08 am)downbeatplumb Wrote:(October 17, 2015 at 4:49 am)Blondie Wrote: I will. Not sure if you will like my answer or not considering your views which I respect, but I will ask you to please do the same. This is my first post as I am new here. You may think I am full of it though. I will do my best to explain. Defining God in a meaningful way to you may not be so easy. I can answer you only if you are willing to listen and be open-minded. God has always existed. We do not understand this concept because we as humans have a beginning and an end. There is also the Trinity which means there is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Our minds don't comprehend this concept either as we just exist in one state and not three. God is the beginning and the end. He is the only One who will never leave or forsake you. We also have an enemy out here, Satan, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Satan is the reason why bad things happen here on earth and he is the master of deception. God has created us in His Own Image. He sent Jesus to take the punishment of sin. Faith is believing in something though you can't see it nor can science explain it. God is a Being that you have to experience for yourself to know that He exists such as I did. When my mother was dying, He did not save her, but He did let me know that everything was going to be ok. I was afraid to go to sleep one night because of facing my own mortality after my mom died. I did cry for peace and ease of my broken heart. I still could not see God, but I knew that I was not alone. I felt Him wrap His arms around me and there was so much peace. I never felt it like that before. I can't even do it justice by attempting to describe it. Another time I was picked up of the street when I was a child about 12 years old. I kept crying out to God, "Please God no." This was before I had any education on what sex or rape was. This happened on my way to a Gospel Sing at a public place. I was let go by the complete stranger unharmed physically. I called my Sunday School teacher and she took me to the police station. The report was made, but nothing happened to the perverted man who picked me up. After that, I was abandoned by people and the police department. God was the only One who was there for me and delivered me from whatever that perverted man was going to do to me. It had to be God, just had to for me not to have been dead in the dumpster somewhere. My own mom didn't believe me and probably thought I was crazy. If you really want to know who God is, you have to experience Him, yourself. No one can really tell you who God is. I told you who God is to me. As far as why you should care, that is what you have to decide for yourself. The Bible says that He loved you that Jesus died for you and that He knew you even before the world was created. It is up to you whether or not you accept this and have the want to in order to know Him. Just because you believe something doesn't exist, does not mean that it doesn't.
Rob asked for a "meaningful" definition of god, what you have given us is a harrowing tale and a lot of vagueness, or the opposite of what was asked for .
Oh hello by the way but you need to try again.
Just because you believe something exists dosen't mean it does.
It is not a harrowing tale or alot of vagueness. It is just as plain and simple either you accept God the Trinity and that the Bible is true or you don't. It is that simple. Other than the documentaries of people finding Noah's Ark or the Burning Bush, etc, there is no proof, but you can't prove that He doesn't exist either. That is where atheists or people of similar beliefs do not understand the concept of faith. You all think since you can't see, touch, taste, feel, or hear, therefore it doesn't exist. You can't see the nucleus, electron, proton, or neutron. Scientists just told you they were there and you believe that. But atheists choose not to believe in God, but that doesn't mean He doesn't exist. What proof besides only human logic and you can't physically see Him do you have that He doesn't exist?