The evidence against the Christian God is how errant the bible is. The Bible claims the earth was made in a 6 day period, 6000 years ago. The Earth is well over 6000 years old. It's 4.5 billion years old. So the people writing the bible were obviously not influenced by God. Otherwise they would have known the age of the Earth.
The creationist myth states that God created the heavens and the earth first. Then he created light. He created plants before he created the sun, and we know now that plants need the sun to survive. How would plants survive without sunlight?
Adam and Eve were then put in a garden with a talking Snake. Now I don't know about you, but I haven't seen any talking snakes. Some believe the snake was the devil -- in which case why did God punish the snake? If the devil possessed the snake (and it doesn't state this in the bible) why did God punish the snake? Why did God let the snake tell Eve to eat the fruit? Why did he not interrupt the snake? Because it would destroy the narrative.
Then you have Noah. There's so many problems with that story, but they can all be answered with "God did it." How did enough species of animals fit on the ark? God did it. It's not a satisfying answer at all, nor is it logical because God had to have Noah build the ark. One thing cannot be answered by "God did it" however. And that is why the story of Noah isn't found in every culture over the course of time. Even if God somehow preserved the pyramids, managed to feed all of those animals, stopped them from killing each other, got them back to their home countries without leaving any evidence behind of them ever being anywhere else... the story of Noah would still be in every culture. Because everyone would descend from Noah's three sons, and an important story like that would not be erased from time. Yet it doesn't exist in other cultures.
And how about the Plagues of Egypt? If they actually occurred, why is there no Egyptian Record of it? How did Egypt survive the plagues? The plagues would have surely crippled them to the point where the Jews wouldn't even had to have left. That's not something you leave out of your history. All the deaths of the livestock, the locusts, not to mention the death of the first born child of every Egyptian and all the dead Egyptians that followed Moses to the Red Sea. Somehow the Egyptians forgot about all of that.
Then we get to Jesus, who endorsed the errant old testament. Were he truly God, with the Old Testament as filled with errors as it was he would have warned against it. He'd have also done far more impressive things than minor miracles such as walking on water and healing a leper. All done by 'magic', rather than using medicine and knowledge that wasn't available to man.
The burden of proof is on the believer. And the bible makes for a poor source. Any answers it brings just raises more questions. It was clearly written for a time when men understood little, and couldn't find the answer so they believed that the answer had to be God. When one makes up their own answer, they'll find it to be wrong.
The creationist myth states that God created the heavens and the earth first. Then he created light. He created plants before he created the sun, and we know now that plants need the sun to survive. How would plants survive without sunlight?
Adam and Eve were then put in a garden with a talking Snake. Now I don't know about you, but I haven't seen any talking snakes. Some believe the snake was the devil -- in which case why did God punish the snake? If the devil possessed the snake (and it doesn't state this in the bible) why did God punish the snake? Why did God let the snake tell Eve to eat the fruit? Why did he not interrupt the snake? Because it would destroy the narrative.
Then you have Noah. There's so many problems with that story, but they can all be answered with "God did it." How did enough species of animals fit on the ark? God did it. It's not a satisfying answer at all, nor is it logical because God had to have Noah build the ark. One thing cannot be answered by "God did it" however. And that is why the story of Noah isn't found in every culture over the course of time. Even if God somehow preserved the pyramids, managed to feed all of those animals, stopped them from killing each other, got them back to their home countries without leaving any evidence behind of them ever being anywhere else... the story of Noah would still be in every culture. Because everyone would descend from Noah's three sons, and an important story like that would not be erased from time. Yet it doesn't exist in other cultures.
And how about the Plagues of Egypt? If they actually occurred, why is there no Egyptian Record of it? How did Egypt survive the plagues? The plagues would have surely crippled them to the point where the Jews wouldn't even had to have left. That's not something you leave out of your history. All the deaths of the livestock, the locusts, not to mention the death of the first born child of every Egyptian and all the dead Egyptians that followed Moses to the Red Sea. Somehow the Egyptians forgot about all of that.
Then we get to Jesus, who endorsed the errant old testament. Were he truly God, with the Old Testament as filled with errors as it was he would have warned against it. He'd have also done far more impressive things than minor miracles such as walking on water and healing a leper. All done by 'magic', rather than using medicine and knowledge that wasn't available to man.
The burden of proof is on the believer. And the bible makes for a poor source. Any answers it brings just raises more questions. It was clearly written for a time when men understood little, and couldn't find the answer so they believed that the answer had to be God. When one makes up their own answer, they'll find it to be wrong.