RE: How America will collapse (by 2025)
December 9, 2010 at 8:23 pm
(This post was last modified: December 9, 2010 at 8:28 pm by lilyannerose.)
It's clear to me that a collapse is coming but I obviously hold the minority view. We have a government wherein the governing parties exist in a state of partisanship that has made it impossible to move this country on. Everyday significant amounts of monies are thrown into endless meaningless wars. We have corruption in our government on a level never before experienced, due to the impact of our election process and the never ending chase for treasure to fill the war chest. It doesn't appear that many people feel that the government represents them, it doesn't and why should it? At one time politicians needed the individual donors and small business donations, not with the way the laws are written at this time. America's number one product for sale is a politician and compared to the fortunes reaped by their large contributors our politicians are cheap to buy and pretty much stay bought. How long does anyone really think that this system can survive? Why should candidates waste hours hustling cash out of individuals and small businesses when a fraction of the time spent with corporate monkeys generates more money in less time.
There were points raised about our poor education system. At one time America used to be proud of our ability to innovate and move forward, now a large segment of Americans are proud of their ignorance and find no shame in their inability to use spell check. How many viable jobs are there for those who celebrate their ignorance because it means they are not elite? At one time it was important to parents that their children received educations and communities were proud of their schools and libraries. Now communities are struggling to keep the doors of both open. Our education for our young people has devolved into a rote system in order for students to pass tests with no emphasis on more abstract leaning aids such as abstract, critical or logical thinking.
America has become lost in this great Orwell Speak push over the last ten years. You have a significant percentage of citizens in this country who question absolutely nothing they are told, who actually believe that FAUX news is their friend and is giving it to them straight and that one political party or the other has their best interest at heart. Some revere Glenn Beck as Beck disguises the fact that he's nothing more than an infomercial host with a lot of products to sell.
Too many Americans really think that they mega millionaire talking heads have their interest at heart that all of these Lonesome Rhodes archetypes are just one of the good old boys.
America's people are weakening and embracing blind obedience and I don't see how it's possible for a country to move forward with these type of folks in the front seat.
We need those manufacturing jobs here in the US not in China.
There were points raised about our poor education system. At one time America used to be proud of our ability to innovate and move forward, now a large segment of Americans are proud of their ignorance and find no shame in their inability to use spell check. How many viable jobs are there for those who celebrate their ignorance because it means they are not elite? At one time it was important to parents that their children received educations and communities were proud of their schools and libraries. Now communities are struggling to keep the doors of both open. Our education for our young people has devolved into a rote system in order for students to pass tests with no emphasis on more abstract leaning aids such as abstract, critical or logical thinking.
America has become lost in this great Orwell Speak push over the last ten years. You have a significant percentage of citizens in this country who question absolutely nothing they are told, who actually believe that FAUX news is their friend and is giving it to them straight and that one political party or the other has their best interest at heart. Some revere Glenn Beck as Beck disguises the fact that he's nothing more than an infomercial host with a lot of products to sell.
Too many Americans really think that they mega millionaire talking heads have their interest at heart that all of these Lonesome Rhodes archetypes are just one of the good old boys.
America's people are weakening and embracing blind obedience and I don't see how it's possible for a country to move forward with these type of folks in the front seat.
(December 9, 2010 at 12:12 pm)Jaysyn Wrote:(December 9, 2010 at 11:24 am)lilyannerose Wrote: HOw long do you think the US is going to survive this bullshit?
Wind at their backs: Powerful Democrats help Chinese energy firm chase stimulus money
Source: MSNBC
WASHINGTON — Top Democratic fundraisers and lobbyists with links to the White House are behind a proposed wind farm in Texas that stands to get $450 million in stimulus money, even though a Chinese company would operate the farm and its turbines would be built in China.
The farm’s backers also have close ties with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., who, at the height of his hard-fought re-election bid this fall, helped blunt congressional criticism over stimulus dollars possibly going to create jobs in China by endorsing a proposal by the Chinese company to build a factory in his home state. Although his campaign received thousands of dollars in donations from the wind farm’s backers and Reid stood on stage with them at a campaign event they hosted, his office declined to answer any questions about the wind farm’s organizers or their plans for Nevada.
And we just sold India 10 C-17 transport aircraft from Boeing for $3.5bn. They are also eyeing $11bn more in fighter jets. What is your point?
American companies are more than welcome to use the same stimulus money to build windfarms over here. Why aren't they doing so? If a Chinese company finds it to profitable to supply us with clean energy, why is this a problem? Clean energy is a good thing!
We need those manufacturing jobs here in the US not in China.
The world is a dangerous place to live - not because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don't do anything about it.
- Albert Einstein
- Albert Einstein