(October 27, 2015 at 7:01 pm)Napoléon Wrote: DGAF.
Ain't gonna stop me eating bacon.
Everything causes cancer anyway.
You could live your whole life actively avoiding "cancer causing" foods and drink, even avoiding smoking and taking drugs etc. You could aim to live the healthiest lifestyle imaginable. Yet even if you did so, by the age of 30 you could still randomly develop cancer anyway. And the guy who's been smoking 50 cigs a day for 40 years is still alive and kicking.
Or better yet, you could get ran over by a bus or have a heart attack or be chopped up by a machete wielding nutjob.
Is anyone actually going to look at a bacon sandwich and go "oh shit, better not eat that, might get cancer".
Fucking no.
So I say: YOLO.
We had a family friend when I was younger that was the healthiest guy you could meet. He used to jog something like four miles every morning, and really tried to take care of himself. One day when he was on his daily run, he dropped dead from an aneurism.
The message of that really sunk in that no matter what you do, you could go at any time. Might as well enjoy yourself some bacon, because the next day could be your last.