(November 11, 2015 at 6:58 pm)KevinM1 Wrote: I'm surprised so many seem to not like DS9. It's different, to be sure, but I thought it was wonderful. Sisko is a pretty complex character, and the actor chews scenery with the best of them. I mean, Picard wouldn't do this:Agree, DS9 does not get the credit it deserves.
Plus, it had the Defiant, my favorite ship, and Garak, one of the most brilliant characters Trek has ever had.
Voyager sucked. Badly. The entire series should've been the Year of Hell two-parter. Dwindling resources, a ship slowly losing the battle of attrition, people dying and not being replaced. Instead, it was TNG-lite. They ruined Q, ruined the Borg, the Species 8-blahblahblah guys were boring, the Kazon were boring. The writing was so uneven and self-contradictory between episodes that Kate Mulgrew has said that she played Janeway as though she was bipolar. Garret Wang was a useless waste of space that they were going to kill off because he sucked, but then he was named one of People's most beautiful people, so they killed off Kes instead. And, somehow, Neelix lived the entire time.
Enterprise was terrible until the 4th season when Berman and Braga turned the reigns over to Manny Coto. Suddenly, he's trying to fix the Vulcans being assholes for no good reason, introducing the Romulans, and basically fulfilling the promise that, hey, this actually is the show that highlights how the Federation came together. His fixes didn't all work (Archer being a proxy for Vulcan Jesus was odd to say the least, for example), but at least he recognized the problems. And then B&B had to fuck it all up with that abortion of a finale that made the entirety of Enterprise less important to the franchise than an unremarkable late season episode of TNG. Good job, guys.
Regarding the upcoming series, I'm not very interested. The reboot movies, while fun with their bombastic exuberance, are pretty dumb. Add in the fact that, outside of the pilot, all episodes will be on CBS's paid streaming service, and I can't really get myself to care. I foresee Apple Store interiors, lots of beautiful people, and steamy sexual encounters.
The main problem I had was I just hated Kira. Sorry B'joran fans.
But Garak, Quark, Dax, sisko, these were great characters with fantastically complex story lines!
Voyager wasn't total shit either. I loved the doctor, and Janeway....and that's about it, lol. I thought the episode where the one Q wanted to commit suicide was great. It had it's moments, but...meh. It was still better than Enterprise.
“Eternity is a terrible thought. I mean, where's it going to end?”
― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead