(November 20, 2015 at 4:01 pm)DespondentFishdeathMasochismo Wrote: Benzos are fucking disgusting. I had a little friend girl online once, she was addicted to benzos aka opiates. They're nothing more than addictive drugs. She turned to heroin because she was out of benzos, I'm not sure how much she's into that now. She did a lot of other drugs as well, but she went from being a sweetheart who I loved, to a psychopathic vile bitch. All because of her opiate addiction. All she would do besides opiates would try to overdose a bunch of times and kill herself.
So, because you know one person who became addicted and a bitch as a result, benzos are disgusting across the board and nothing more than addictive drugs for anyone. They don't help anyone at all.
Yeah. You really need to grow up.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.