RE: Another reason Buddhism doesn't get a pass.
December 30, 2015 at 11:48 pm
(This post was last modified: December 31, 2015 at 12:14 am by miaharun.)
Quote:No you are not fine with anyone calling it nonsense otherwise why make the attempt to "correct" me.
He was just a man who started a religion, thats it. Other humans have started other religions.
"righteous life" yea ok, if Buddhism is a cure, then why do even Buddhist countries also have prisons? If Buddha were unifying to all Buddhists there would only be one sect. If the 4 Nobel Truths were also unifying that to would dictate there would be only one sect. You'd have me believe that Zen Buddhists, Chinese Buddhists and Tibet Buddhists all agree with how to implement those "4 Noble Truths"?
Buddha is no more unifying to Buddhists than Jesus is to Christians or Allah or Mo is to Muslims. All have within them their own competing sects of what constitutes a "righteous life".
"They aren't true Buddhists" "They weren't practicing it right" same excuses I get from every other religion.
No, those myths are why Buddhism took off. Watering it down is what all religions do to stay relevant. Christians pull that shit too. When for example, you point out the bullshit of talking snakes and talking donkeys they cop out to metaphor too. Sorry, but back when Buddha started selling his story the motif of purity birth was LITERALLY believed.
Quote:The Buddha has thought us first to observe what he has thought and only if it agrees with us, then practise it
Yea and? Plenty of other liberals in other religions who say "Do good, believe what you want". Oh and with all religions I really hate the word "practice", it is not practicing it is following. Again, there is not one religion that does not have the motif of "do good and be kind. I'd only say that Asia and the Oriental religions are less dogmatic. But they are still not the gatekeepers of morality.
Good Sir, I didn't want to try to correct you, All i wanted to state was that i don't believe in fantasy like what i explained. If there were instances like that those would be there in currents times as well. It was a long time ago, I believe People have manipulated and changed things according to their benefit, as with other religions. However thankfully the core teachings has not changed (The precepts, 4 noble truths etc). I will give you an example, The basic 5 precepts are, Killing is wrong, Stealing is wrong, Adultery is wrong, Lying is wrong and consuming drugs and alcohol is wrong. When it says "Killing is wrong" for instance it applies to all living things in the world. Even a virus has the right to live. It doesn't segment living things in the water, land, underground etc etc. There is no manipulation like Halal for example. Fish is Halal and most of the land animals are not. The core teachings of Buddhism has not changed according to what i know and i hope people will not change it to their benefit.
Yes, Buddha was a man, human who started this. It is very difficult to call it a religion because it doesn't force anything on you. It is a way of living. most certainly not a cure. If it doesn't agree with you , you can always leave it and it is never considered a bad act or a misdeed. You tell me Sir, is that following or practicing?
I have been criticizing Christianity on a couple of threads because people have threatened me with religion. I have been told by people who converted to Christianity recently that if i don't take Jesus Christ into my heart and think he is my only savior i am going to hell. I find that a direct threat. Just because of my lack of belief that I'm going to suffer is absurd.
Finally I am not trying to teach you Buddhism nor telling you that it makes sense. I just gave some insights to you because you have not practiced it but taken what other people have written or experienced. I hope you have a good day

@ Rhythm, Sir, I have told why i believe in Karma and rebirth. I am fine with it being fantasy. It is so that ill always try to do the right thing. I like to have a feeling in the back of my mind that whatever bad/good act i do will come back to me. However when i do good i do it without expectation. regardless of my beliefs.
"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path" - Gautama Buddha