RE: Can humans commit Shirk and Zina in Jannah?
January 13, 2016 at 4:02 am
(This post was last modified: January 13, 2016 at 4:04 am by yukapuka.)
Also about your original question, simple answer is no
when Prophet Muhmmad(PBUH) visited Heaven and Hell and spoke to God, he was firstly told by the angels when speaking to them that between God and us there exists 90,000 veils (things that God has hidden from our souls) and these veils is what leads us in the dark and we come to the conclusion such as the ones you guys come to conclusion of i.e Atheism
some of these veils are there pre birth, and some we put on ourself throughout life by doing sin and ignoring our duties towards others and God , however they are not constant and can be removed through prayers an worship and doing good and even suffering
but when we die the veils are lifted and the perception becomes sharpened which is written in the Quran and all truth is made manifest and all knowledge is made obvious and accessible
so everyone will know everything about not just God but about ourselves also
i was watching a video on youtube about a woman who died and visited teh afterlife and came back to tell the tale and she confirmed this fact
she said i would look at another person and i knew everything about them as if i was with them in every step of their life , same goes for other things she could look at something and its knowledge became instantly obvious as if it was beamed into her
so things like arguments about God, thoughts etc will all be brought to an end when al knowledge will be made available to everyone about God and the universe and all
so there wont be any arguments not evil because everyone will see evil for what it is and goodness for what it is
actually there s a hadith which says that when God created Heaven and Hell and asked the angels what do they think about it
they answered after looking at Hell "nobody would want to go here it is horrible..." and after looking at Heaven they were over joyed and sia d"Everyone wil desire to go here"
but then God created a veil which he put over both and asked them again to look at both, and they said with concern
"Nobody will be able to avoid Hell" and "Nobody will desire to go to Heaven now" after looking at it and its traps and perception
but when the test here is over, and we die, thos eveils are lifted and truth is manifest for what it is, as well as Haven and as well as Hell
on the same note Prophet Muhammd(PBUH) said about the same thing
"The path to Heaven is covered by fears and pain and suffering trials and tribulations and the path to Hell is covered by ease and pleasures and enjoyment"
which is obviously the test of this life
when Prophet Muhmmad(PBUH) visited Heaven and Hell and spoke to God, he was firstly told by the angels when speaking to them that between God and us there exists 90,000 veils (things that God has hidden from our souls) and these veils is what leads us in the dark and we come to the conclusion such as the ones you guys come to conclusion of i.e Atheism
some of these veils are there pre birth, and some we put on ourself throughout life by doing sin and ignoring our duties towards others and God , however they are not constant and can be removed through prayers an worship and doing good and even suffering
but when we die the veils are lifted and the perception becomes sharpened which is written in the Quran and all truth is made manifest and all knowledge is made obvious and accessible
so everyone will know everything about not just God but about ourselves also
i was watching a video on youtube about a woman who died and visited teh afterlife and came back to tell the tale and she confirmed this fact
she said i would look at another person and i knew everything about them as if i was with them in every step of their life , same goes for other things she could look at something and its knowledge became instantly obvious as if it was beamed into her
so things like arguments about God, thoughts etc will all be brought to an end when al knowledge will be made available to everyone about God and the universe and all
so there wont be any arguments not evil because everyone will see evil for what it is and goodness for what it is
actually there s a hadith which says that when God created Heaven and Hell and asked the angels what do they think about it
they answered after looking at Hell "nobody would want to go here it is horrible..." and after looking at Heaven they were over joyed and sia d"Everyone wil desire to go here"
but then God created a veil which he put over both and asked them again to look at both, and they said with concern
"Nobody will be able to avoid Hell" and "Nobody will desire to go to Heaven now" after looking at it and its traps and perception
but when the test here is over, and we die, thos eveils are lifted and truth is manifest for what it is, as well as Haven and as well as Hell
on the same note Prophet Muhammd(PBUH) said about the same thing
"The path to Heaven is covered by fears and pain and suffering trials and tribulations and the path to Hell is covered by ease and pleasures and enjoyment"
which is obviously the test of this life