I'd say I was more my true self online than I am IRL because I lack confidence somewhat IRL, but I am getting more and more my true self IRL just like online (For the record I've been on the internet every day (basically) for 15 years and I'm 27).
I would say because I'm more confident online (although I'm pretty much the same IRL nowadays . I'm certainly getting there and I'll be identical in no time) I am more willing to be offensive or rude so I'd say I'm a little bit meaner here on AF... although hopefully barely any meaner... I hope I'm not very mean on AF or off AF.
I would say because I'm more confident online (although I'm pretty much the same IRL nowadays . I'm certainly getting there and I'll be identical in no time) I am more willing to be offensive or rude so I'd say I'm a little bit meaner here on AF... although hopefully barely any meaner... I hope I'm not very mean on AF or off AF.