Few people who are homophobic will admit that they are in fact homophobic. Just as few racists will admit that they are racist.
I think that these people are unable to put themselves in the shoes of other people. And I mean truly put themselves in the shoes of someone else. They lack the understanding to do it. Oh they can say they can do it. It's easy to say it. They'll bring up how they walked the walk and talked the talk and followed God's orders for them. But they can't put themselves in the shoes of someone else who has different orders simply because they're different. Not truly. They don't think what it would feel like to be told that they cannot seek love from someone who would make them happy. that they aren't allowed to find someone they love to spend the rest of their days with.
Of course this should come as no surprise. Marriage was about property with them. A man had to check the status of his wife, to make sure that his property was as sold. And if she weren't, they stoned her. If a woman was raped, she was damaged goods. To be sold to her rapist, and forced to live with him.
This is why sex before marriage was not permitted. A woman who was not a virgin was used property. No good in a business transaction. And that's all women were seen as. Commodities to be bought and sold. Virginity made a daughter worth more somehow. There was no sanctity in waiting to perform a ritual to have sex. It was all about money.
The Church produces harmful doctrine, that makes people believe that they should not be able to seek happiness. Those who attend the church are okay with this. They always have been. You can't challenge the status quo. That would be to challenge god himself. That's a large part of why we have so many denominations today. The church would only change when it had no other options. And it'll change again. In a few hundred years, the Catholic Church of the future will look nothing like the church of today. As more people grow to accept gay people, and nurture them. Including other religions who'll jump at the chance to accept people for who they are. And the people of that time will find some new group to have utter disregard for, and refuse to let go of their traditions in the name of God Almighty.
One thing that helped me in my path to becoming an atheist was seeing the church with a clear mind. Seeing that the church was a church that could not possibly have come form a loving god. And God, they describe as loving. Sometimes I wonder if they truly know the meaning.
That the Catholic Church has the sheer audacity to turn with one hand when their priests molest children and go and protect them, and then with the other hand state that gay people must be celibate for life and never find a life partner... is sheer hypocrisy. It's vile and disgusting. I see no other way to describe it. Oh the pope will go through with symbolic gestures, suggest that it's all behind them. So long as the masses believe them, that's all that matters. Belief is what matters most, after all.
They think they're helping people. Most of the time their help hurts more than it helps. How funny they say that women shouldn't have abortions and instead give the baby up for adoption, yet want to deny gay couples the ability to adopt. In fact they don't want gay couples at all. They're also against contraception, which leads to more babies (and more STD's.. but that's another topic) which leads to more kids being given up, which leads to more kids who aren't adopted and fall into the system. Gay couples, who biologically cannot conceive with one another, would be the ones who most likely want to actually adopt.
Of course nobody is going to convince Christians that they are wrong. Not even their fellow Christians. So long as they believe God said it, it is just. They are incapable of judging god's actions on their own. They judge his actions by him, and not him by his actions. And when you do that, anything can be justified.
I think that these people are unable to put themselves in the shoes of other people. And I mean truly put themselves in the shoes of someone else. They lack the understanding to do it. Oh they can say they can do it. It's easy to say it. They'll bring up how they walked the walk and talked the talk and followed God's orders for them. But they can't put themselves in the shoes of someone else who has different orders simply because they're different. Not truly. They don't think what it would feel like to be told that they cannot seek love from someone who would make them happy. that they aren't allowed to find someone they love to spend the rest of their days with.
Of course this should come as no surprise. Marriage was about property with them. A man had to check the status of his wife, to make sure that his property was as sold. And if she weren't, they stoned her. If a woman was raped, she was damaged goods. To be sold to her rapist, and forced to live with him.
This is why sex before marriage was not permitted. A woman who was not a virgin was used property. No good in a business transaction. And that's all women were seen as. Commodities to be bought and sold. Virginity made a daughter worth more somehow. There was no sanctity in waiting to perform a ritual to have sex. It was all about money.
The Church produces harmful doctrine, that makes people believe that they should not be able to seek happiness. Those who attend the church are okay with this. They always have been. You can't challenge the status quo. That would be to challenge god himself. That's a large part of why we have so many denominations today. The church would only change when it had no other options. And it'll change again. In a few hundred years, the Catholic Church of the future will look nothing like the church of today. As more people grow to accept gay people, and nurture them. Including other religions who'll jump at the chance to accept people for who they are. And the people of that time will find some new group to have utter disregard for, and refuse to let go of their traditions in the name of God Almighty.
One thing that helped me in my path to becoming an atheist was seeing the church with a clear mind. Seeing that the church was a church that could not possibly have come form a loving god. And God, they describe as loving. Sometimes I wonder if they truly know the meaning.
That the Catholic Church has the sheer audacity to turn with one hand when their priests molest children and go and protect them, and then with the other hand state that gay people must be celibate for life and never find a life partner... is sheer hypocrisy. It's vile and disgusting. I see no other way to describe it. Oh the pope will go through with symbolic gestures, suggest that it's all behind them. So long as the masses believe them, that's all that matters. Belief is what matters most, after all.
They think they're helping people. Most of the time their help hurts more than it helps. How funny they say that women shouldn't have abortions and instead give the baby up for adoption, yet want to deny gay couples the ability to adopt. In fact they don't want gay couples at all. They're also against contraception, which leads to more babies (and more STD's.. but that's another topic) which leads to more kids being given up, which leads to more kids who aren't adopted and fall into the system. Gay couples, who biologically cannot conceive with one another, would be the ones who most likely want to actually adopt.
Of course nobody is going to convince Christians that they are wrong. Not even their fellow Christians. So long as they believe God said it, it is just. They are incapable of judging god's actions on their own. They judge his actions by him, and not him by his actions. And when you do that, anything can be justified.
The whole tone of Church teaching in regard to woman is, to the last degree, contemptuous and degrading. - Elizabeth Cady Stanton