The purpose and meaning of life I think is a subjective thing that is 'up to you' as it were....
I do not know of any evidence of any 'ultimate meaning' with OR without a God...I do not believe in God of course because I'm an atheist....and I no of no purpose or 'ultimate meaning' that the universe has for us either....
The universe exists...the brains that think up the concept of 'purpose' like the ones in our heads...evolve AFTER the universe formed...purpose is what we think purpose is whether its a good or bad one, harmful or good for others or whatever....there is no one to say what objectively is the 'ultimate purpose' or has 'ultimate meaning'...there is no evidence of such a purpose or meaning that I know of at least...
Anyway...I personally find the most purposeful things in life to be...
1: Truth both in the case of evidence and being 'true to oneself'...or comfortable to oneself rather...being 'true' on the emotional side as well as the scientific side if that makes sense....more than one type of truth...just truth overall and in general.
2. Empathy....compassion, love, care, etc.
3. Satisfaction, achievement, ambition, perseverance.
That is the personal interests that 'give me purpose' are listening to music (Mostly Orbital), foruming (especially this forum), chat in general on the internet, going out, reading, watching movies and TV shows that I like (particularly British Sitcoms and Sketch shows for comedy TV shows...I also love South-Park and think Ross Noble is an awesome stand-up comedian...he's my favourite stand-up comedian)...
Thinking about own amateur philosophical musings or whatever they are...making music (as well as listening) and I'm very interested in Science in general...theoretical sciences...not applied sciences - for me personally anyway. I'm taking it slow though because I find a lot of science to be more heavy...I tend to understand it but I need to take it with breaks and gaps...I sometimes find it quite draining much to learn and take in...
Oh and I love QI (Quite interesting, the quiz show with Stephen Fry as host) btw.
And I re-read parts of the God delusion every now and then....I enjoy and am interested in Richard Dawkins website in general and the videos on watching Debates with one of the four Horsemen, especially Dawkins.
Well, that's that...I think.
I do not know of any evidence of any 'ultimate meaning' with OR without a God...I do not believe in God of course because I'm an atheist....and I no of no purpose or 'ultimate meaning' that the universe has for us either....
The universe exists...the brains that think up the concept of 'purpose' like the ones in our heads...evolve AFTER the universe formed...purpose is what we think purpose is whether its a good or bad one, harmful or good for others or whatever....there is no one to say what objectively is the 'ultimate purpose' or has 'ultimate meaning'...there is no evidence of such a purpose or meaning that I know of at least...
Anyway...I personally find the most purposeful things in life to be...
1: Truth both in the case of evidence and being 'true to oneself'...or comfortable to oneself rather...being 'true' on the emotional side as well as the scientific side if that makes sense....more than one type of truth...just truth overall and in general.
2. Empathy....compassion, love, care, etc.
3. Satisfaction, achievement, ambition, perseverance.
That is the personal interests that 'give me purpose' are listening to music (Mostly Orbital), foruming (especially this forum), chat in general on the internet, going out, reading, watching movies and TV shows that I like (particularly British Sitcoms and Sketch shows for comedy TV shows...I also love South-Park and think Ross Noble is an awesome stand-up comedian...he's my favourite stand-up comedian)...
Thinking about own amateur philosophical musings or whatever they are...making music (as well as listening) and I'm very interested in Science in general...theoretical sciences...not applied sciences - for me personally anyway. I'm taking it slow though because I find a lot of science to be more heavy...I tend to understand it but I need to take it with breaks and gaps...I sometimes find it quite draining much to learn and take in...
Oh and I love QI (Quite interesting, the quiz show with Stephen Fry as host) btw.
And I re-read parts of the God delusion every now and then....I enjoy and am interested in Richard Dawkins website in general and the videos on watching Debates with one of the four Horsemen, especially Dawkins.
Well, that's that...I think.