I do not know what the bill says in it's entirety, I do think this is a good idea to a point because children can't protect themselves. It should state that a childs situation must be life threating or disabling and at least two doctors agree. The parents should have to pay all the expenses, this would keep people from trying to freeload on the government in the name of religion. What does bother me is the right of individuals to believe as they see fit and the government not interferring, this could lead to laws passed that restricts belief that is protected by our constitution, that government will not make laws against religious belief that is resonable. As I stated I can agree with this law to a point because it does help those who need protection against over zealous religious parents who have been misguided by their leaders.
God loves those who believe and those who do not and the same goes for me, you have no choice in this matter. That puts the matter of total free will to rest.