(March 17, 2011 at 12:02 am)ib.me.ub Wrote: Cosidering the healh implications involved with the individual and soceity as a whole, this isn't such a bad idea.
The cost assciated with heath care for smaokers far outweighs the taxable benefits.
It's a shit idea, you've got no business telling people what to do with their own bodies. If people want to smoke make the pay for their own injuries from it, problem solved.
Quote:The consideration of others, in regards to passive smoke, must be taken into cosideration.
Second hand smoke isn't a problem if you aren't being negligent (like smoking in a confined space with children), and negligence is already illegal so passing more laws isn't going to help
Plus banning tobacco is going to create a black market that ensures zero revenue goes to the state and into the hands of criminals instead, people who don't pay taxes on their incomes.
Quote:The pollution aspect is also considerable, in terms of smoke butts in the streets, hence waterways.
Last time I checked it was already illegal.
Nobody drinks water from the sewers so that's not relevant.
Quote:Smoking dosen't have any postive aspects associated with it, apart from self indulgence.
Neither do cheese burgers or dildos, not a good reason to ban something.