(March 17, 2011 at 7:52 am)Dotard Wrote:(March 17, 2011 at 6:51 am)theVOID Wrote: ...if they simply refuse to pay it they are prosecuted like anyone else who refuses to pay their bills.
That amounts to receiving an endless lifetime supply of birdcage liners and hamster bedding. There is no such thing as debtors prison here, I don't know about your country. What 'procecution' is there for a deadbeat debtor? Get on the bad credit list? Oh boy!
The court can order that the bill comes out of your wages incrementally.
Quote:Quote:...but it'll go a damn long way to solving it so people who care about their health are not constantly forking out for people who don't.
Actually I don't see that. I'd be more of a case of the insurance companies not forking more. I'd bet a dime to a dollar your individual rates would not decrease but the insurance companies would be turning a more tiddy profit.
We were discussing a social medicine solution, you'd already agreed that judging health at physicals made sense in a private system, smoking is no different there.
Quote:For me, I'll just keep getting carted into hospitals when I fuk myself up mountain biking or whatever, they'll fix me up and I'll file their bills in File 13.
And, once again, I will thank my Uncle Sam and the American Taxpayer.
So you're prod of being a free loader?
No wonder we're all so heavily in debt.
Quote:Healthcare based on capitalism, as you suggest with private healthcare, would see me die.
Socialised healthcare, as I would advocate for, is based on..... health. Making people whole again.
No it wouldn't, it would only require that people who can afford to pay it do so themselves, if you're broke you would still get aid from state and charity. If you can afford it but chose to be a cheap skate then the state takes it directly out of your wages or seizes your assets. But you just seem to want everyone else to pick up the burden.
Quote:I just wouldn't be very comfortable with the Ferengi in charge of my healthcare.
YOU would be responsible for your healthcare. But you don't like being responsible for yourself right? Just make everyone else pick up the slack.