Most anime is poorly animated, poorly written and poorly acted shite that people claim to like because they think it makes them look deep and gives them some type of geek street cred.
I understand that might not be popular opinion. That theres a detailed argument some might raise based on the deep cultural background of the said media. Some might even claim it to be an art form and that the better known works are masterpieces that explore concepts few other forms of media could. There are certainly many eloquent points that could be made to support that theory but they are all swept away by this flawless line of reasoning;
I understand that might not be popular opinion. That theres a detailed argument some might raise based on the deep cultural background of the said media. Some might even claim it to be an art form and that the better known works are masterpieces that explore concepts few other forms of media could. There are certainly many eloquent points that could be made to support that theory but they are all swept away by this flawless line of reasoning;
"That is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons even death may die."
- Abdul Alhazred.
- Abdul Alhazred.