I don't know if it's right or fair, but I do think she was likely legally at fault. Driving 85 through an intersection really is reckless though. But I can't even see a traffic light. Just maybe a flashing light meaning whoever was coming the other way probably had a stop sign. People can be so oblivious it's really frustrating. They stop for a spit second and do a half asses look and then go on. Even the most wonderful people. It really upsets me because people get killed over laziness. There's an intersection where I used to live that looks so much like that. One person has a stop sign the other has a flashing yellow light. People with the yellow light have a 65 mph speed limit and people at the stop signs were constantly getting themselves and others killed by doing a lazy half stop and glance and then driving on to get smashed by someone coming from the other way at 70mph.
My heart breaks for the family of this woman and I can't imagine they have $25k to spare right now, but I think the accident was likely her fault.
My heart also breaks for the driver of the ambulance because s/he will have to live with that question of whether driving slower would have made a difference. I hope they learn their lesson in slowing down to be sure at intersections.
My heart breaks for the family of this woman and I can't imagine they have $25k to spare right now, but I think the accident was likely her fault.
My heart also breaks for the driver of the ambulance because s/he will have to live with that question of whether driving slower would have made a difference. I hope they learn their lesson in slowing down to be sure at intersections.